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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Philipp Jugert

letzte Aktualisierung: 15.01.2025

Civitillo, S., Jugert, P., Yip, T., Lui, P. P. & Titzmann, P. F. (2024). A daily diary study on associations between school-based ethnic discrimination and school engagement. Social Psychology of Education, 27, 3047-3072.

Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S. & Jugert, P. (2024). Culturally responsive teaching, teacher-student relationship and school belongingness: A multi-informant study in ethnically diverse classrooms. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 47, No. 100839.

Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., McElvany, N., Leyendecker, B. & Jugert, P. (2024). Resilience in multicultural classrooms: School relationships can protect the school adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non-immigrant children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-23.

Ialuna, F., Civitillo, S., Schachner, M. K. & Jugert, P. (2024). Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy and Cultural Diversity Climate Are Positively Associated With the Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Students. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 1-16.

Jugert, P. & Civitillo, S. (2024). Rassismus in der Schule. Wenn Lehrkräfte Teil des Problems sind. Praxis Schulpsychologie, 38, 6-7.

Mayer, A.-M., Körner, A. & Jugert, P. (2024). What does it mean to be European? How identity content shapes adolescent's views towards immigrants and support for the EU. Political Psychology, 1-19.

Civitillo, S. & Jugert, P. (2023). Zooming in on everyday ethnic-racial discrimination: A review of experiencing sampling methodology studies in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-20.

Jugert, P. & Asbrock, F. (2023). Persönlichkeit und Sozialisation. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab & G. Sommer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Friedenspsychologie (S. o.A.). Marburg: Philipps-Universität.

Kaiser, M. J., Moffitt, U., Hagelskamp, C. & Jugert, P. (2023). "Tolerance is inherent to our family:" White German parents' racial-ethnic socialization in an eastern German city. Applied Developmental Science.

Mayer, A.-M., Helmert, C., Körner, A., Dieckmann, J., Eckstein, K., Jugert, P. & Noack, P. (2023). Europa und Schule: Auswirkungen des Lernorts Schule auf die Einstellungen von Jugendlichen gegenüber EU und Europa. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 43(3), 277-294.

Mayer, A.-M., Neubauer, A. B. & Jugert, P. (2023). What is in the news today? How media-related affect shapes adolescents' stance towards the EU. Journal of Adolescence, 1-11.

Spiegler, O., Zingora, T. & Jugert, P. (2023). Classroom ethnic diversity, teacher support, and peer victimization: Evidence from four European countries. Infant and Child Development, No. e2413.

Civitillo, S. & Jugert, P. (2022). "Sie kümmern sich nicht und haben es eh verdient" - Mythen über den Zusammenhang von Armut und Bildung. In G. Steins, B. Spinath, S. Dutke, M. Roth & M. Limbourg (Hrsg.), Mythen, Fehlvorstellungen, Fehlkonzepte und Irrtümer in Schule und Unterricht (S. 181-196). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Munniksma, A., Ziemes, J. & Jugert, P. (2022). Ethnic diversity and students' social adjustment in Dutch classrooms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 141-155.

Potoczek, A., Bukowski, M., Jasko, K., Czepluch, F., Fritsche, I., Jugert, P. & Kossowska, M. (2022). Acting collectively against air pollution: When does control threat mobilize environmental activism? Registered report. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 102, No. 104352.

Titzmann, P. F. & Jugert, P. (2022). Peerbeziehungen: Sozialökologische und entwicklungspsychologische Aspekte. In M. Kreutzmann, L. Zander & B. Hannover (Hrsg.), Aufwachsen mit Anderen. Peerbeziehungen als Bildungsfaktor (S. 13-23). Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.

Jugert, P., Kaiser, M. J., Ialuna, F. & Civitillo, S. (2021). Researching race-ethnicity in race-mute Europe. Infant and Child Development, No. e2260.

Jugert, P., Leszczensky, L. & Pink, S. (2020). Differential influence of same- and cross-ethnic friends on ethnic-racial identity development in early adolescence. Child Development, 91(3), 949-963.

Jugert, P., Pink, S., Fleischmann, F. & Leszczensky, L. (2020). Changes in Turkish- and resettler-origin adolescents' acculturation profiles of identification: A three-year longitudinal study from Germany. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 2476-2494.

Jugert, P., Serek, J. & Stollberg, J. (2019). Contextual moderators of the link between national and European identity among European youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(4), 436-456.

Leszczensky, L., Jugert, P. & Pink, S. (2019). The interplay of group identifications and friendships: Evidence from longitudinal social network studies. Journal of Social Issues, 75(2), 460-485.

Brenick, A., Schachner, M. K. & Jugert, P. (2018). Help or hindrance? Minority versus majority cross-ethnic friendships altering discrimination experiences. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 59, 26-35.

Fritsche, I., Barth, M., Jugert, P., Masson, T. & Reese, G. (2018). A Social Identity Model of Pro-Environmental Action (SIMPEA). Psychological Review, 125(2), 245-269.

Fritsche, I., Barth, M., Jugert, P., Masson, T. & Reese, G. (2018). Die Psychologie der Großen Transformation muss (auch) eine Psychologie kollektiven Handelns sein. Umweltpsychologie, 22(1), 139-149.

Jugert, P., Eckstein, K. & Noack, P. (2018). Differential effects of school experiences on active citizenship among German and Turkish-origin students. International Journal of Psychology, 53(6), 433-438.

Jugert, P., Leszczensky, L. & Pink, S. (2018). The effects of ethnic minority adolescents' ethnic self-identification on friendship selection. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28(2), 379-395.

Serek, J. & Jugert, P. (2018). Young European citizens: An individual by context perspective on adolescent European citizenship. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15(3), 302-323.

Fritsche, I. & Jugert, P. (2017). The consequences of economic threat for motivated social cognition and action. Current Opinion in Psychology, 18, 31-36.

Fritsche, I., Moya, M., de Lemus, S., Bukowski, M., Jugert, P., Decker, O., Valor-Segura, I. & Navarro-Carrillo, G. (2017). The Great Recession and Group-Based Control: Converting Personal Helplessness into Social Class In-Group Trust and Collective Action. Journal of Social Issues, 73(1), 117-137.

Jugert, P., Rutland, A., Brown, R., Cameron, L., Nigbur, D., Watters, C., Hossain, R., Landau, A. & Le Touze, D. (2017). Increasing ethnic diversity moderates longitudinal effects of individual differences on friendship homophily. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 27, 411-423.

Titzmann, P. F. & Jugert, P. (2017). Transition to a new country: Acculturative and developmental predictors for changes in self-efficacy among adolescent immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(10), 2143-2156.

Barth, M., Jugert, P. & Fritsche, I. (2016). Still underdetected - Social norms and collective efficacy predict the acceptance of electric vehicles in Germany. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 37, 64-77.

Jugert, P., Eckstein, K., Beelmann, A. & Noack, P. (2016). Parents' influence on the development of their children's ethnic intergroup attitudes: A longitudinal analysis from middle childhood to early adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 13(2), 213-230.

Jugert, P., Greenaway, K. H., Barth, M., Büchner, R., Eisentraut, S. & Fritsche, I. (2016). Collective efficacy increases pro-environmental intentions through increasing self-efficacy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 12-23.

Barth, M., Jugert, P., Wutzler, M. & Fritsche, I. (2015). Absolute moral standards and global identity as independent predictors of collective action against global injustice. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(7), 918-930.

Eckstein, K., Jugert, P., Noack, P., Born, M. & Sener, T. (2015). Comparing correlates of civic engagement between immigrant and majority youth in Belgium, Germany, and Turkey. Research in Human Development, 12(1-2), 44-62.

Titzmann, P. F. & Jugert, P. (2015). Acculturation in context: The moderating effects of immigrant and native peer orientations on the acculturation experiences of immigrants. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44(11), 2079-2094.

Jugert, P., Eckstein, K., Noack, P., Kuhn, A. & Benbow, A. (2013). Offline and online civic engagement among adolescents and young adults from three ethnic groups. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(1), 123-135.

Jugert, P. & Noack, P. (2013). Schlüssel zur Integration oder Weg in die Parallelgesellschaft? In Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (Hrsg.), Inklusion, Integration, Partizipation. Psychologische Beiträge für eine humane Gesellschaft (S. 32-39). Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen.

Jugert, P., Noack, P. & Rutland, A. (2013). Children's cross-ethnic friendships: Why are they less stable than same-ethnic friendships? European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10(6), 649-662.

Rutland, A., Cameron, L., Jugert, P., Nigbur, D., Brown, R., Watters, C., Hossain, R., Landau, A. & Le Touze, D. (2012). Group identity and peer relations: A longitudinal study of group identity, perceived peer acceptance, and friendships amongst ethnic minority English children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 30(2), 283-302.

Jugert, P., Benbow, A., Noack, P. & Eckstein, K. (2011). Politische Partizipation und soziales Engagement unter jungen Deutschen, Türken und Spätaussiedlern: Befunde aus einer qualitativen Untersuchung mit Fokusgruppen. Politische Psychologie, 1(1), 36-53.

Jugert, P. & Jugert, G. (2011). Fit for Life. 10 Jahre Erfahrung mit einem Training sozialer Kompetenzförderung. Forum Kriminalprävention, 10-11.

Jugert, P., Noack, P. & Rutland, A. (2011). Friendship preferences among German and Turkish preadolescents. Child Development, 82(3), 812-829.

Jugert, P. (2010). Collective security motivation: Testing a new model of authoritarianism. Saarbrücken: VDM.

Jugert, P. (2010). Collective security motivation: Testing a new model of authoritarianism. Saarbrücken: VDM-Verlag Dr. Müller.

Jugert, P. (2009). Can they be friends? Variability and stability of friendship choices among German and Turkish preadolescents entering ethnically heterogeneous schools. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften, Jena.

Jugert, P., Cohrs, J. C. & Duckitt, J. (2009). Inter- and intrapersonal processes underlying authoritarianism: The role of social conformity and personal need for structure. European Journal of Personality, 23(7), 607-621.

Jugert, P. & Duckitt, J. (2009). A motivational model of authoritarianism: Integrating personal and situational determinants. Political Psychology, 30(5), 693-719.

Jugert, P. & Hiemisch, A. (2005). Terrorismusbedrohung und sozial-kognitive Motive als Prädiktoren von konservativen Einstellungen. Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie, 13(1-2), 137-158.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
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