letzte Aktualisierung: 18.11.2024
Blech, C., Liepelt, R. & Gaschler, R. (2024). Wie wirken Projektgruppen bei der Betreuung empirischer Abschlussarbeiten in der Psychologie? In M. Krämer & M. Imhof (Hrsg.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV (S. 189-196). Düren: Shaker.
Gaschler, R. & Landmann, H. (2024). Motivationspsychologie für Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit in der Sekundarstufe. In M. Krämer & M. Imhof (Hrsg.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV (S. 123-127). Düren: Shaker.
Heil, M. M., Gaschler, R., Schimm, P. & Yaban, E. H. (2024). Anreicherung der Lehre durch Expertise Studierender - Wie Studierende ihren beruflichen Hintergrund ins Psychologie-Studium einbringen. In M. Krämer & M. Imhof (Hrsg.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XV (S. 173-180). Düren: Shaker.
Landmann, H., Ziegler, W. & Gaschler, R. (2024). Simulating climate policies influences how laypersons evaluate the effectiveness of climate protection measures. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-15.
Naefgen, C. & Gaschler, R. (2024). Variable, sometimes absent, but never negative: Applying multilevel models of variability to the backward crosstalk effect to find theoretical constraints. Acta Psychologica, 245, No. 104221.
Panzer, S., Pfeifer, C., Daniel, L., Gaschler, R., Haider, H. & Shea, C. H. (2024). Across-task binding: The development of a representation in learning a continuous movement sequence. Human Movement Science, 94, No. 103195.
Pelzer, L., Naefgen, C., Herzig, J., Gaschler, R. & Haider, H. (2024). Can frequent long stimulus onset ansynchronies (SOAs) foster the representation of two separated task-sets in dual-tasking? Psychological Research, 88(4), 1231-1252.
Waydhas, C., Ull, C., Cruciger, O., Hamsen, U., Schildhauer, T. A., Gaschler, R. & Weckwerth, C. (2024). Behavioral pain scale may not be reliable in awake non-verbal intensive care patients: a case control study. BMC Anesthesiology, 24, No. 84.
Wehrhahn, F., Gaschler, R. & Zhao, F. (2024). Students Follow Structured Guidance in an Asynchronous Online-Only Course, Despite Diverging Preferences. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 1-24.
Yaban, E. H. & Gaschler, R. (2024). Developmental regulation processes and age-related motivation of distance education students. Higher Education, 1-21.
Blech, C., Reimann, D., Ram, N. & Gaschler, R. (2023). Is detecting discontinuity difficult? Evidence from the visual trend classification of scatterplots. American Journal of Psychology, 136(1), 1-19.
Gaschler, R., Katsarava, M. & Kubik, V. (2023). Sensation and perception. In J. Zumbach, D. A. Bernstein, S. Narciss & G. Marsico (Eds.), International handbook of psychology learning and teaching (pp. 75-99). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Heritier, C., Riemer, S. & Gaschler, R. (2023). The power is in the word - Do laypeople interpret descriptors of dog emotional states correctly? Animals, 13(19), No. 3009.
Katsarava, M., Landmann, H. & Gaschler, R. (2023). No matter how you mark the points on the fever curve - Threatening shapes do not add to threat of climate change. Current Psychology, 42(14), 12190-12201.
Landmann, H., Rohmann, A., Gaschler, R., Weissinger, S. & Mazziotta, A. (2023). Context matters - Social context moderates the association between indirect intergroup contact and attitudes toward refugees. Social Psychology, 53(6), 341-356.
Pelzer, L., Naefgen, C., Gaschler, R. & Haider, H. (2023). Element-level features in conjoint episodes in dual-tasking. Psychological Research, 87(4), 1193-1207.
Reimann, D., Ram, N. & Gaschler, R. (2023). Lollipops help align visual and statistical fit estimates in scatterplots with nonlinear models. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(7), 3436-3440.
Reimann, D., Schulz, A., Ram, N. & Gaschler, R. (2023). Color-encoded links improve homophily perception in node-link diagrams. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(12), 5593-5598.
Aufschnaiter, S., Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Kiesel, A. & Thomaschke, R. (2022). Investigating time-based expectancy beyond binary timing scenarios: Evidence from a paradigm employing three predictive pre-target intervals. Psychological Research, 86(6), 2007-2020.
Gaschler, R., Ditsche-Klein, B. E., Kriechbaumer, M., Blech, C. & Wenke, D. (2022). Using position rather than color at the traffic light - Covariation learning-based deviation from instructions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 967467.
Leh, A., Langhanns, C., Zhao, F., Gaschler, R. & Müller, H. (2022). Muscle activity in explicit and implicit sequence learning: Exploring additional measures of learning and certainty via tensor decomposition. Acta Psychologica, 226, No. 103587.
Naefgen, C. & Gaschler, R. (2022). Trade-off vs. common factor-differentiating resource-based explanations from their alternative. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 774938.
Naefgen, C., Gaschler, R., Ionescu, B., Pelzer, L. & Haider, H. (2022). Given the option, people avoid incongruent responses in a dual-tasking situation. Acta Psychologica, 228, No. 103626.
Pelzer, L., Haffmann, J., Naefgen, C., Gaschler, R. & Haider, H. (2022). Task-separation in dual-tasking: How action effects support the separation of the task streams. Acta Psychologica, 222, No. 103464.
Pelzer, L., Naefgen, C., Gaschler, R. & Haider, H. (2022). Learning of across- and within-task contingencies modulates partial-repetition costs in dual-tasking. Psychological Research, 86(3), 952-967.
Reimann, D., Struwe, M., Ram, N. & Gaschler, R. (2022). Typicality effect in data graphs. Visual Communication, 1-15.
Schuck, N. W., Li, A. X., Wenke, D., Ay-Bryson, D. S., Loewe, A. T., Gaschler, R. & Shing, Y. L. (2022). Spontaneous discovery of novel task solutions in children. PLoS ONE, 17(5), No. e0266253.
Ull, C., Hamsen, U., Weckwerth, C., Schildhauer, T. A., Gaschler, R., Jansen, O. & Waydhas, C. (2022). The use of predefined scales and scores with eye-tracking devices for symptom identification in critically ill nonverbal patients. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 92(4), 640-647.
Ull, C., Weckwerth, C., Hamsen, U., Jansen, O., Spieckermann, A., Schildhauer, T. A., Gaschler, R. & Waydhas, C. (2022). Development of the Tracheostomy Well-Being Score in critically ill patients. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 1-10.
Waydhas, C., Deffner, T., Gaschler, R., Häske, D., Hamsen, U., Herbstreit, F., Hierundar, A., Kumpf, O., Rohe, G., Spiekermann, A., Vonderhagen, S., Waeschle, R. M. & Riessen, R. (2022). Sedation, sleep-promotion, and non-verbal and verbal communication techniques in critically ill intubated or tracheostomized patients: Results of a survey. BMC Anesthesiology, 22, No. 384.
Zhao, F. & Gaschler, R. (2022). Graph schema and best graph type to compare discrete groups: Bar, line, and pie. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 991420.
Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Wagner, I. & Schnotz, W. (2022). Lower grade students tend to give up early in multimedia learning. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-21.
Mattes, A., Tavera, F., Ophey, A., Roheger, M., Gaschler, R. & Haider, H. (2021). Parallel and serial task processing in the PRP paradigm: A drift-diffusion model approach. Psychological Research, 85, 1529-1552.
Nett, N., Nett, T., Englert, J. & Gaschler, R. (2021). Think scientists - Think male: Science and leadership are still more strongly associated with men than with women in Germany. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1-16.
Reimann, D., Blech, C., Ram, N. & Gaschler, R. (2021). Visual model fit estimation in scatterplots: Influence of amount and decentering of noise. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1-1.
Tymofiyeva, O. & Gaschler, R. (2021). Training-induced neural plasticity in youth: A systematic review of structural and functional MRI studies. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, No. 497245.
Ull, C., Hamsen, U., Weckwerth, C., Schildhauer, T. A., Gaschler, R., Waydhas, C. & Jansen, O. (2021). Approach to the basic needs in patients on invasive ventilation using eye-tracking devices for non-verbal communication. Artificial Organs, 1-12.
Zhao, F. & Gaschler, R. (2021). Best graph type to compare discrete groups: Bar, dot, and tally. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 775721.
Blech, C., Gaschler, R. & Bilalic, M. (2020). Why do people fail to see simple solutions? Using think-aloud protocols to uncover the mechanism behind the Einstellung (mental set) effect. Thinking and Reasoning, 26(4), 552-580.
Conci, A., Bilalic, M. & Gaschler, R. (2020). Can you see what I hear? Detecting changes in multimodal setting. Experimental Psychology, 67(3), 186-193.
Reimann, D., Blech, C. & Gaschler, R. (2020). Visual model fit estimation in scatterplots and distribution of attention. Influence of slope and noise level. Experimental Psychology, 67(5), 292-302.
Schürmann, L., Gaschler, R. & Quaiser-Pohl, C. (2020). Motivation theory in the school context: Differences in preservice and practicing teachers' experience, opinion, and knowledge. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-18.
Stürmer, S. & Gaschler, R. (2020). Virtuelles Empirisches Praktikum im B.Sc.-Psychologie: Praxis und Empfehlungen der FernUniversität in Hagen. Psychologische Rundschau, 71(3), 312-313.
Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Kneschke, A., Radler, S., Gausmann, M., Duttine, C. & Haider, H. (2020). Origami folding: Taxing resources necessary for the acquisition of sequential skills. PLoS ONE, 15(10), No. e0240226.
Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Nöhring, D. O., Röttger, E. & Haider, H. (2020). Sequential modulation of across-task congruency in the Serial Reaction Time Task. Acta Psychologica, 205, No. 103043.
Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Schnotz, W. & Wagner, I. (2020). Regulating distance to the screen while engaging in difficult tasks. Frontline Learning Research, 8(6), 59-76.
Zhao, F., Schnotz, W., Wagner, I. & Gaschler, R. (2020). Texts and pictures serve different functions in conjoint mental model construction and adaptation. Memory & Cognition, 48(1), 69-82.
Gaschler, R., Schuck, N. W., Reverberi, C., Frensch, P. A. & Wenke, D. (2019). Incidental covariation learning leading to strategy change. PLoS ONE, 14(1), No. e0210597.
Gaschler, R., Zhao, F., Röttger, E., Panzer, S. & Haider, H. (2019). More than hitting the correct key quickly. Spatial variability in touch screen response location under multitasking in the serial reaction time task. Experimental Psychology, 66(3), 207-220.
Kühnel, A., Gaschler, R., Frensch, P. A., Cohen, A. & Wenke, D. (2019). Lack of automatic vocal response learning while reading aloud. An implicit sequence learning study. Experimental Psychology, 66(4), 266-280.
Landmann, H., Gaschler, R. & Rohmann, A. (2019). What is threatening about refugees? Identifying different types of threat and their association with emotional responses and attitudes towards refugee migration. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(7), 1401-1420.
Röttger, E., Haider, H., Zhao, F. & Gaschler, R. (2019). Implicit sequence learning despite multitasking: The role of across-task predictability. Psychological Research, 83(3), 526-543.
Gaschler, R., Kemper, M., Zhao, F., Pumpe, I., Ruderisch, C.-B., Röttger, E. & Haider, H. (2018). Differential effects of cue-based and sequence knowledge-based predictability on multitasking performance. Acta Psychologica, 191, 76-86.
Gaschler, R. & Stürmer, S. (2018). Erfahren und Üben im Browserfenster - Interaktives Lernen im B.Sc. Psychologie an der FernUniversität. In M. Krämer, S. Preiser & K. Brusdeylins (Hrsg.), Psychologiedidaktik und Evaluation XII (S. 99-106). Düren: Shaker.
Stürmer, S., Christ, O., Jonkmann, K., Josephs, I., Gaschler, R., Glöckner, A., Mokros, A., Rohmann, A. & Salewski, C. (2018). 10 Jahre universitäres Fernstudium in Psychologie an der FernUniversität in Hagen. Psychologische Rundschau, 69(2), 104-108.
Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., Travi, T., Imgrund, B., Kossack, V., Röttger, E. & Haider, H. (2018). Effects of overlap between consecutive words on speeded typing inform about representation of serial order within words. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 14(3), 126-138.
Broeker, L., Kiesel, A., Aufschnaiter, S., Ewolds, H. E., Gaschler, R., Haider, H., Künzell, S., Raab, M., Röttger, E., Thomaschke, R. & Zhao, F. (2017). Why prediction matters in multitasking and how predictability can improve it. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, No. 2021.
Kemper, M. & Gaschler, R. (2017). Self-generated or cue-induced-different kinds of expectations to be considered. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 8, No. 53.
Kemper, M., Gaschler, R. & Schubert, T. (2017). Stronger effects of self-generated than cue-induced expectations when verifying predictions in data graphs. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29(5), 626-641.
Schwager, S., Gaschler, R. & Frensch, P. A. (2017). Tied to expectations: Predicting features speeds processing even under adverse circumstances. Memory & Cognition, 45(4), 611-624.
Steimke, R., Nomi, J. S., Calhoun, V. D., Stelzel, C., Paschke, L. M., Gaschler, R., Goschke, T., Walter, H. & Uddin, L. Q. (2017). Salience network dynamics underlying successful resistance of temptation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(12), 1928-1939.
Wirth, M. & Gaschler, R. (2017). Challenging cognitive control by mirrored stimuli in working memory matching. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), No. 653.
Godau, C., Vogelgesang, T. & Gaschler, R. (2016). Perception of bar graphs - A biased impression? Computers in Human Behavior, 59, 67-73.
Kemper, M., Gaschler, R., Schwager, S. & Schubert, T. (2016). The benefit of expecting no conflict - Stronger influence of self-generated than cue-induced conflict expectations on Stroop performance. Acta Psychologica, 163, 135-141.
Steimke, R., Stelzel, C., Gaschler, R., Rothkirch, M., Ludwig, V. U., Paschke, L. M., Trempler, I., Kathmann, N., Goschke, T. & Walter, H. (2016). Decomposing self-control: Individual differences in goal pursuit despite interfering aversion, temptation, and distraction. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 382.
Buckmann, M., Gaschler, R., Höfer, S., Loeben, D., Frensch, P. A. & Brock, O. (2015). Learning to explore the structure of kinematic objects in a virtual environment. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 374.
Gaschler, R., Marewski, J. N. & Frensch, P. A. (2015). Once and for all-How people change strategy to ignore irrelevant information in visual tasks. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(3), 543-567.
Godau, C. & Gaschler, R. (2015). Wahrnehmung von Datengrafiken. Ein verzerrter Eindruck? In H. Bredekamp & W. Schäffner (Hrsg.), Haare hören - Strukturen wissen - Räume agieren. Berichte aus dem Interdisziplinären Labor Bild Wissen Gestaltung (S. 79-85). Bielefeld: transcript.
Hansen, S. M., Haider, H., Eichler, A., Godau, C., Frensch, P. A. & Gaschler, R. (2015). Fostering Formal Commutativity Knowledge with Approximate Arithmetic. PLoS ONE, 10(11).
Paschke, L. M., Walter, H., Steimke, R., Ludwig, V. U., Gaschler, R., Schubert, T. & Stelzel, C. (2015). Motivation by potential gains and losses affects control processes via different mechanisms in the attentional network. NeuroImage, 111, 549-561.
Schuck, N. W., Gaschler, R., Wenke, D., Heinzle, J., Frensch, P. A., Haynes, J.-D. & Reverberi, C. (2015). Medial prefrontal cortex predicts internally driven strategy shifts. Neuron, 86(1), 331-340.
Christophel, E., Gaschler, R. & Schnotz, W. (2014). Teachers' expertise in feedback application adapted to the phases of the learning process. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal).
Gaschler, R., Schwager, S., Umbach, V. J., Frensch, P. A. & Schubert, T. (2014). Expectation mismatch: Differences between self-generated and cue-induced expectations. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 46, 139-157.
Gaschler, R., Frensch, P. A., Marewski, J. N. & Wenke, D. (2014). Transferring control demands across incidental learning tasks - stronger sequence usage in serial reaction task after shortcut option in letter string checking. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 1388.
Gaschler, R., Progscha, J., Smallbone, K., Ram, N. & Bilalic, M. (2014). Playing off the curve - testing quantitative predictions of skill acquisition theories in development of chess performance. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 923.
Godau, C., Wirth, M., Hansen, S., Haider, H. & Gaschler, R. (2014). From marbles to numbers - Estimation influences looking patterns on arithmetic problems. Psychology, 5, 127-133.
Godau, C., Schubert, T., Frensch, P. A., Gaschler, R., Haider, H. & Hansen, S. (2014). Spontaneously spotting and applying shortcuts in arithmetic - a primary school perspective on expertise. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 556.
Haider, H., Eichler, A., Hansen, S., Vaterrodt, B., Gaschler, R. & Frensch, P. A. (2014). How we use what we learn in Math: An integrative account of the development of commutativity. Frontline Learning Research, 2(1), 1-21.
Zhao, F., Schnotz, W., Wagner, I. & Gaschler, R. (2014). Eye tracking indicators of reading approaches in text-picture comprehension. Frontline Learning Research, 2(4), 46-66.
Boldt, A., Stürmer, B., Gaschler, R., Schacht, A. & Sommer, W. (2013). Get out of here, quick! Problems with transparent labels on glass doors. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 19(3), 241-253.
Gaschler, R., Vaterrodt, B., Frensch, P. A., Eichler A. & Haider, H. (2013). Spontaneous usage of different shortcuts based on the commutativity principle. PLoS ONE, 8(9), e74972.
Gaschler, R., Katz, D., Grund, M., Frensch, P. A. & Brock, O. (2012). Intelligent object exploration. In Human machine interaction. Intech. doi: 10.5772/ 25836 (pp. 235-260).
Gaschler, R. & Nattkemper, D. (2012). Instructed task demands and utilization of action effect anticipation. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 558.
Gaschler, R. & Wassermann, M. (2012). Was wir wissen, wie wir werten - zusätzliche Information über das neue EU Biolabel verändert Bewertung kaum. Umweltpsychologie, 16(2), 141-161.
Gaschler, R., Frensch, P. A., Wenke, D. & Cohen, A. (2012). Implicit Sequence Learning Based on Instructed Task Set. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(5), 1389-1407.
Kemper, M., Umbach, V. J., Schwager, S., Gaschler, R., Frensch, P. A. & Stürmer, B. (2012). Stronger effects of self-generated vs. cue-induced expectations in event-related potentials. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 562.
Schuck, N. W., Gaschler, R. & Frensch P. A. (2012). Implicit learning of what comes when and where within a sequence: The time-course of acquiring serial -item and item-item associations to represent serial order. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8, 83-97.
Schuck, N. W., Gaschler, R., Keisler, A. & Frensch, P. A. (2012). Position-item associations play a role in the acquisition of order knowledge in an implicit serial reaction time task. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(2), 440-456.
Schwager, S., Rünger, R., Gaschler, R. & Frensch, P. A. (2012). Data-driven sequence learning or search - what are the prerequisites for the generation of explicit sequence knowledge? Advances in CognitivePsychology, 8(2), 132?143.
Umbach, V. J., Schwager, S., Frensch, P. A. & Gaschler, R. (2012). Does explicit expectation really affect preparation? Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 378.
Krüger, M., Gaschler, R. & Schubert, T. (2011). Entspannt und erfolgreich durch die Staatsprüfung. Zur Psychologie der Examensvorbereitung. Ad Legendum, 8(4), 337-342.
Gaschler, R., Mata, J., Störmer, V. S., Kühnel, A. & Bilalic, M. (2010). Change detection for new food labels. Food Quality and Preference, 21(1), 140-147.
Gaschler, R. (2009). Information reduction as item-general strategy change. Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Berlin.
Kathmann, N., Sommer, W., Scholl, W., Gaschler, R. & Rabovsky, M. (2009). Department of Psychology. Report 2006-2008. Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, Institut für Psychologie.
Wenke, D., Gaschler, R., Nattkemper, D. & Frensch, P. A. (2009). Strategic influences on implementing instructions for future actions. Psychological Research, 73(4), 587-601.
Gaschler, R. & Frensch, P. A. (2007). Is information reduction an item-specific or an item-general process? International Journal of Psychology, 42(4), 218-228.
Wenke, D., Gaschler, R. & Nattkemper, D. (2007). Instruction-induced feature binding. Psychological Research, 71(1), 92-106.
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