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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Tanja Lischetzke

letzte Aktualisierung: 09.07.2024

Hasselhorn, K., Ottenstein, C., Meiser, T. & Lischetzke, T. (2024). The Effects of Questionnaire Length on the Relative Impact of Response Styles in Ambulatory Assessment. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1-15.

Schmitt, M. C., Vogelsmeier, L. V. D. E., Erbas, Y., Stuber, S. & Lischetzke, T. (2024). Exploring Within-Person Variability in Qualitative Negative and Positive Emotional Granularity by Means of Latent Markov Factor Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1-20.

Hasselhorn, K., Ottenstein, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2023). Modeling careless responding in ambulatory assessment studies using multilevel latent class analysis: Factors influencing careless responding. Psychological Methods, 1-19.

Kuper, N., Breil, S. M., Horstmann, K. T., Roemer, L., Lischetzke, T., Sherman, R. A., Back, M. D., Denissen, J. J. A. & Rauthmann, J. F. (2022). Individual differences in contingencies between situation characteristics and personality states. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(5), 1166-1198.

Leichner, N., Ottenstein, C., Eckhard, J., Matheis, S., Weis, S., Schmitt, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2022). Examining the congruence hypothesis in vocational interest research: The case of teacher students. Current Psychology, 1-15.

Leichner, N., Prestele, E., Matheis, S., Weis, S., Schmitt, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2022). Lehramt-Studienwahlmotivation sagt Zielorientierungen vorher, pädagogisches Wissen und selbst eingeschätzte Kompetenz aber nur teilweise. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 36, 1-16.

Schemer, L., Milde, C., Lischetzke, T., in-Albon, T., Karbach, J., Könen, T. & Glombiewski, J. A. (2022). Feeling lonely during the pandemic: Towards personality-tailored risk profiles. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 1-14.

Eid, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2021). Statistische Methoden der Auswertung kulturvergleichender Studien. In T. Ringeisen, P. Genkova & F. T. L. Leong (Hrsg.), Handbuch Stress und Kultur. Interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven (S. 177-196). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Hasselhorn, K., Ottenstein, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2021). The effects of assessment intensity on participant burden, compliance, within-person variance, and within-person relationships in ambulatory assessment. Behavior Research Methods, 54(4), 1541-1558.

Lischetzke, T., Schemer, L., Glombiewski, J. A., In-Albon, T., Karbach, J. & Könen, T. (2021). Negative emotion differentiation attenuates the within-person indirect effect of daily stress on nightly sleep quality through calmness. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 684117.

Lischetzke, T., Schemer, L., In-Albon, T., Karbach, J., Könen, T. & Glombiewski, J. A. (2021). Coping under a COVID-19 lockdown: Patterns of daily coping and individual differences in coping repertoires. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping: An International Journal, 1-19.

Scholten, S., Lischetzke, T. & Glombiewski, J. A. (2021). Integrating theory-based and data-driven methods to case conceptualization: A functional analysis approach with ecological momentary assessment. Psychotherapy Research, 1-13.

Appel, M., Izydorczyk, D., Weber, S., Mara, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2020). The uncanny of mind in a machine: Humanoid robots as tools, agents, and experiencers. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 274-286.

Bohndick, C., Ehrhardt-Madapathi, N., Weis, S., Lischetzke, T. & Schmitt, M. (2020). Pre-service teachers' attitudes towards inclusion and their relationships to personality traits and learning opportunities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-10.

Grommisch, G., Koval, P., Hinton, J. D. X., Gleeson, J., Hollenstein, T., Kuppens, P. & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Modeling individual differences in emotion regulation repertoire in daily life with multilevel latent profile analysis. Emotion, 20(8), 1462-1474.

Lischetzke, T., Cugialy, M., Apt, T., Eid, M. & Niedeggen, M. (2020). Are those who tend to mimic facial expressions especially vulnerable to emotional contagion? Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 44(1), 133-152.

Ottenstein, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Development of a novel method of emotion differentiation that uses open-ended descriptions of momentary affective states. Assessment, 27(8), 1928-1945.

Ottenstein, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Recall bias in emotional intensity ratings: Investigating person-level and event-level predictors. Motivation and Emotion, 44(3), 464-473.

Prestele, E., Altstötter-Gleich, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2020). Is it better not to think about it? Effects of positive and negative perfectionistic cognitions when there is increased pressure to perform. Stress and Health, 1-14.

Blum, G. S., Rauthmann, J. F., Göllner, R., Lischetzke, T. & Schmitt, M. (2018). The nonlinear interaction of person and situation (NIPS) model: Theory and empirical evidence. European Journal of Personality, 1-20.

Hass, J., Hartmann, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2018). Does the distribution frequency matter? A subgroup specific analysis of the effectiveness of the EU School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme in Germany comparing twice and thrice weekly deliveries. Public Health Nutrition, 21(7), 1375-1387.

Sonnentag, S. & Lischetzke, T. (2018). Illegitimate tasks reach into afterwork hours: A multilevel study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23(2), 248-261.

Zinkernagel, A., Alexandrowicz, R. W., Lischetzke, T. & Schmitt, M. (2018). The blenderFace method: video-based measurement of raw movement data during facial expressions of emotion using open-source software. Behavior Research Methods, 1-22.

Arndt, C., Lischetzke, T., Crayen, C. & Eid, M. (2017). The assessment of emotional clarity via response times to emotion items: Shedding light on the response process and its relation to emotion regulation strategies. Cognition and Emotion, 32(3), 530-548.

Crayen, C., Eid, M., Lischetzke, T. & Vermunt, J. K. (2017). A continuous-time mixture latent-state-trait Markov model for experience sampling data. Application and evaluation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 33(4), 296-311.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2017). The functionality of emotional clarity: A process-oriented approach to understanding the relation between emotional clarity and well-being. In M. D. Robinson & M. Eid (Eds.), The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being (pp. 371-388). Berlin: Springer.

Lischetzke, T., Izydorczyk, D., Hüller, C. & Appel, M. (2017). The topography of the uncanny valley and individuals' need for structure: A nonlinear mixed effects analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 96-113.

Reis, D., Hoppe, A., Arndt, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2017). Time pressure with state vigour and state absorption: Are they non-linearly related? European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26(1), 94-106.

Reis, D., Arndt, C., Lischetzke, T. & Hoppe, A. (2016). State work engagement and state affect: Similar yet distinct concepts. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 93, 1-10.

Fondel, E., Lischetzke, T., Weis, S. & Gollwitzer, M. (2015). Zur Validität von studentischen Lehrveranstaltungsevaluationen. Messinvarianz über Veranstaltungsarten, Konsistenz von Urteilen und Erklärung ihrer Heterogenität. Diagnostica, 61(3), 124-135.

Lischetzke, T., Reis, D. & Arndt, C. (2015). Data-analytic strategies for examining the effectiveness of daily interventions. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(3), 587-622.

Lischetzke, T. (2014). Daily diary methodology. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 1413-1419). Dordrecht: Springer.

Lischetzke, T. (2014). Mood. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 4115-5120). Dordrecht: Springer.

Weis, S., Karthaus, C. & Lischetzke, T. (2014). Elemente der Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation an der Universität Koblenz-Landau: Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Befunde. Qualität in der Wissenschaft, 8, 61-69.

Eid, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2013). Statistische Methoden der Auswertung kulturvergleichender Studien. In P. Genkova, T. Ringeisen & F. T. L. Leong (Hrsg.), Handbuch Stress und Kultur. Interkulturelle und kulturvergleichende Perspektiven (S. 189-206). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Courvoisier, D. S., Eid, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2012). Compliance to a cell phone-based ecological momentary assessment study: The effect of time and personality characteristics. Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 713-720.

Crayen, C., Eid, M., Lischetzke, T., Courvoisier, D. S. & Vermunt, J. K. (2012). Exploring dynamics in mood regulation-mixture latent Markov modeling of ambulatory assessment data. Psychosomatic Medicine, 74(4), 366-376.

Eid, M., Courvoisier, D. S. & Lischetzke, T. (2012). Structural equation modeling of ambulatory assessment data. In M. R. Mehl & T. S. Conner (Eds.), Handbook of research methods for studying daily life (pp. 384-406). New York: Guilford Press.

Geiser, C., Eid, M., West, S. G., Lischetzke, T. & Nussbeck, F. W. (2012). A comparison of method effects in two confirmatory factor models for structurally different methods. Structural Equation Modeling, 19(3), 409-436.

Lischetzke, T., Pfeifer, H., Crayen, C. & Eid, M. (2012). Motivation to regulate mood as a mediator between state extraversion and pleasant-unpleasant mood. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(4), 414?422.

Lischetzke, T., Eid, M. & Diener, E. (2012). Perceiving One's Own and Others' Feelings Around the World: The Relations of Attention to and Clarity of Feelings With Subjective Well-Being Across Nations. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(8), 1249-1267.

Lischetzke, T., Angelova, R. & Eid, M. (2011). Validating an indirect measure of clarity of feelings: Evidence from laboratory and naturalistic settings. Psychological Assessment, 23(2), 447-455.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2011). Diagnostik affektiver Zustände. In L. F. Hornke, M. Amelang & M. Kersting (Hrsg.), Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik (S. 411-465). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Courvoisier, D. S., Eid, M., Lischetzke, T. & Schreiber, W. H. (2010). Psychometric Properties of a Computerized Mobile Phone Method for Assessing Mood in Daily Life. Emotion, 10(1), 115-124.

Geiser, C., Eid, M., Nussbeck, F. W., Lischetzke, T. & Cole, D. A. (2010). Multitrait-Multimethod-Analyse. In H. Holling & B. Schmitz (Hrsg.), Handbuch Statistik, Methoden und Evaluation. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Nussbeck, F. W., Eid, M., Geiser, C., Courvoisier, D. S. & Lischetzke, T. (2009). A CTC(M-1) model for different types of raters. Methodology, 5(3), 88-98.

Eid, M., Lischetzke, T., Nussbeck, F., Geiser, C., Luhmann, M. & Mallach, N. (2008). Subjective well-being, sun protection behavior, and multimethod measurement. Major research themes of the Methodology Group at the Freie Universität Berlin. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie, 16(3), 119-122.

Eid, M., Nussbeck, F. W., Geiser, C., Cole, D. A., Gollwitzer, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2008). Structural equation modeling of multitrait-multimethod data: Different models for different types of methods. Psychological Methods, 13(3), 230-253.

Eid, M., Lischetzke, T. & Nussbeck, F. W. (2006). Structural equation models for multitrait-multimethod data. In M. Eid & E. Diener (Eds.), Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology (pp. 283-299). Washington: Amercian Psychological Association.

Eid, M., Nussbeck, F. W. & Lischetzke, T. (2006). Multitrait-Multimethod-Analyse. In F. Petermann & M. Eid (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik (S. 332-345). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2006). Why extraverts are happier than introverts: The role of mood regulation. Journal of Personality, 74(4), 1127-1161.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2006). Wohlbefindensdiagnostik. In F. Petermann & M. Eid (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik (S. 550-557). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Nussbeck, F. W., Eid, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2006). Analysing multitrait-multimethod data with structural equation models for ordinal variables applying the WLSMV estimator: What sample size is needed for valid results? British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 59(1), 195-213.

von Steinbüchel, N., Lischetzke, T., Gurny, M. & Eid, M. (2006). Assessing quality of life in older people: psychometric properties of the WHOQOL-BREF. European Journal of Ageing, 3(2), 116-122.

Lischetzke, T., Cuccodoro, G., Gauger, A., Todeschini, L. & Eid, M. (2005). Measuring affective clarity indirectly: Individual differences in response latencies of state affect ratings. Emotion, 5(4), 431-445.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2005). Wohlbefinden. In H. Weber & T. Rammsayer (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Differentiellen Psychologie (S. 413-422). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

von Steinbüchel, N., Lischetzke, T., Gurny, M. & Winkler, I. (2005). Erfassung gesundheitsbezogener Lebensqualität älterer Menschen mit dem WHOQOL-BREF-Fragebogen. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie, 14(1), 13-23.

Eid, M., Lischetzke, T., Nussbeck, F. W. & Trierweiler, L. I. (2003). Separating trait effects from trait-specific method effects in multitrait-multimethod models: A multiple-indicator CT-C(M-1) model. Psychological Methods, 8(1), 38-60.

Lischetzke, T. (2003). Emotionale Selbstaufmerksamkeit, Klarheit und Stimmungsregulation. Analysen zur Validität und Funktionalität für das affektive Wohlbefinden. Dissertation, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Fachbereich Psychologie, Landau.

Lischetzke, T. & Eid, M. (2003). Is attention to feelings beneficial or detrimental to affective well-being? Mood regulation as a moderator variable. Emotion, 3(4), 361-377.

Trierweiler, L. I., Eid, M. & Lischetzke, T. (2002). The structure of emotional expressivity: Each emotion counts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82(6), 1023-1040.

Lischetzke, T., Eid, M., Wittig, F. & Trierweiler, L. (2001). WEFG - Skalen zur Wahrnehmung eigener und fremder Gefühle [Skalen zur Erfassung der emotionalen Selbst- und Fremdaufmerksamkeit sowie Klarheit über Gefühle]. Kurznachweis. Diagnostica, 47(4), 167-177.

Lischetzke, T., Eid, M., Wittig, F. & Trierweiler, L. (2001). Die Wahrnehmung eigener und fremder Gefühle. Konstruktion und Validierung von Skalen zur Erfassung der emotionalen Selbst- und Fremdaufmerksamkeit sowie der Klarheit über Gefühle. Diagnostica, 47(4), 167-177.

Maes, J., Schmitt, M., Lischetzke, T. & Schmiedemann, V. (1998). Effects of experienced injustice in unified Germany on well-being and mental health. Trier: Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie.

Schmitt, M. J., Barbacsy, R., Binz, S., Buttgereit, C., Heinz, J., Hesse, J., Kraft, S., Kuhlmann, N., Lischetzke, T., Nisslmüller, K. & Wunsch, U. (1994). Distributive justice research from an interactionist perspective. Trier: Universität, Fachbereich I - Psychologie.

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