letzte Aktualisierung: 09.12.2024
Dominguez Laske, M.-A., Ibrahim, F., Tahal, V., Höllmer, H., Schulz, H., Knaust, T., Knaust, I., Skiberowski, P., Schliwin, T. & Gorzka, R.-J. (2019). Beiträge zur Cyberpsychologie. Klinische Relevanz von Selektions-, Gravitations- und Sozialisationsprozessen bei hochspezialisiertem IT-Personal. Polizei & Wissenschaft, 1, 2-9.
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Müller, J., Wenigmann, M., Schulz, H., Höllmer, H. & Gorzka, R.-J. (2018). Prozesse der kognitiven Konstruktion und verdeckten Konditionierung in der Psychotraumatologie. Polizei & Wissenschaft, 2, 48-55.
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Schulz, H. (1996). Effects of drugs on sleep-(EEG) in humans. In F. Krijzer & W. M. Herrmann (Eds.), Advances in Pharmaco-EEG. Proceedings of the Training Course on the 9th biennal IPEG-Meeting, September 1996, Prag (pp. 121-135). Free University of Berlin: Zentrale Universitätsdruckerei.
Schulz, H., Legler, U., Jobert, M. & Greger, G. (1996). Effects of single and multiple doses of dexnafenodone, imipramine and placebo on sleep of young healthy volunteers. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 11, 211-215.
Schulz, H., Jobert, M., Coppola, R., Herrmann, W. M. & Pantev, M. (1996). The use of diurnal vigilance changes in the EEG to verify vigilance-enhancing effects of Memantine in a clinical pharmacological study. Neuropsychobiology, 33, 32-40.
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Jobert, M., Schulz, H. & Jähnig, P. (1995). On the choice of recording duration in pharmaco-EEG studies. Neuropsychobiology, 106-114.
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Jobert, M., Poiseau, E., Jähnig, P., Schulz, H. & Kubicki, S. (1992). Pattern recognition by matched filtering: An analysis of sleep spindle and Kcomplex density under the influence of lormetazepam and zopiclone. Neuropsychobiology, 26, 100-107.
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Schulz, H., Wilde-Frenz, J., Volk, S. & Geisler, P. (1992). Narcolepsy and the pathological aspects of multiple napping. In C. Stampi (Ed.), Why We Nap. Evolution, Chronobiology, and Functions of Polyphasic and Ultrashort Sleep (pp. 258-270). Boston; Basel; Stuttgart: Birkhäuser.
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