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Literaturliste von Dr. Daniel Leising

letzte Aktualisierung: 06.06.2024

Gärtner, A., Leising, D. & Schönbrodt, F. D. (2024). Towards responsible research assessment: How to reward research quality. PLoS Biology, 22(2), No. e3002553.

Gärtner, A., Leising, D. & Schönbrodt, F. D. (2023). Empfehlungen zur Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Leistungen bei Berufungsverfahren in der Psychologie. Psychologische Rundschau, 74(3), 166-174.

Leising, D., Grenke, O. & Cramer, M. (2023). Visual Argument Structure Tool (VAST) Version 1.0. Meta-Psychology, 7, MP.2021.2911.

Kurzius, E., Borkenau, P. & Leising, D. (2022). Spontaneous interpersonal complementarity in the lab: A multilevel approach to modeling the antecedents and consequences of people's interpersonal behaviors and their dynamic interplay. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(2), 244-264.

Leising, D., Thielmann, I., Glöckner, A., Gärtner, A. & Schönbrodt, F. (2022). Ten steps toward a better personality science - A rejoinder to the comments. Personality Science, 3(1), No. e7961.

Leising, D., Thielmann, I., Glöckner, A., Gärtner, A. & Schönbrodt, F. (2022). Ten steps toward a better personality science - How quality may be rewarded more in research evaluation. Personality Science, 3(1), No. e6029.

Heynicke, M., Rau, R., Leising, D., Wessels, N. & Wiedenroth, A. (2021). Perceiver effects in person perception reflect acquiescence, positivity, and trait-specific content: Evidence from a large-scale replication study. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 40(8), 1183-1190.

Rau, R., Carlson, E. N., Back, M. D., Barranti, M., Gebauer, J. E., Human, L. J., Leising, D. & Nestler, S. (2021). What is the structure of perceiver effects? On the importance of global positivity and trait-specificity across personality domains and judgment contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(3), 745-764.

Wessels, N. M., Zimmermann, J. & Leising, D. (2021). Who knows best what the next year will hold for you? The validity of direct and personality-based predictions of future life experiences across different perceivers. European Journal of Personality, 35(3), 315-339.

Wiedenroth, A. & Leising, D. (2020). The more the better - But more of which? Information quantity and shared meaning as predictors of consistency and accuracy in person judgment. Journal of Research in Personality, 87, No. 103968.

Wiedenroth, A. & Leising, D. (2020). What's in an adjective? An exploratory study of meaning systems. Journal of Individual Differences, 41(3), 152-159.

Wiedenroth, A., Wessels, N. M. & Leising, D. (2020). There is no primacy effect in interpersonal perception: A series of preregistered analyses using judgments of actual behavior. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1-9.

Gallrein, A.- M.- B., Bollich-Ziegler, K. L. & Leising, D. (2019). Interpersonal feedback in everyday life: Empirical studies in Germany and the United States. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(1), 1-18.

Okulicz-Kozaryn, M., Schmidt, A. F., Banse, R., Posten, A.-C., Bliesener, T., Dahle, K.-P., Orth, C., Eder, A. B., Giesen, C., Michalkiewicz, M., Wentura, D., Ziegler, M., Leising, D., Renner, K.-H., Spengler, M., Warschburger, P., Sproesser, G., Lin, J., Zahn, D., Christiansen, H., Schneider, S., Stürmer, S., Corcoran, K., Häfner, M. & Kauff, M. (2019). Worin besteht die Expertise von forensischen Sachverständigen, und ist die Approbation gemäß Psychotherapeutengesetz dafür erforderlich? Psychologische Rundschau, 70(4), 250-278.

Spengler, M. K., Renner, K.- H.- K., Leising, D. K. & Ziegler, M. K. (2019). Pädagogische Psychologie oder Bildungspsychologie? Kommentar zu Richter, T. et al. (2019). Positionspapier zur Lage der Pädagogischen Psychologie in Forschung und Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 70(2), 130-131.

Leising, D., Scherbaum, S., Packmohr, P. & Zimmermann, J. (2018). Substance and evaluation in personality disorder diagnoses. Journal of Personality Disorders, 31, 1-18.

Renner, K.- H.- K., Leising, D. K., Ziegler, M. K. & Spengler, M. K. (2018). Methoden als Wege zur Wissenschaft. Kommentar zu Meiser, T. et al. (2018). Positionspapier zur Rolle der Psychologischen Methodenlehre in Forschung und Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 69(4), 335-338.

Wessels, N. M., Zimmermann, J., Biesanz, J. C. & Leising, D. (2018). Differential associations of knowing and liking with accuracy and positivity bias in person perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Zimmermann, J., Schindler, S., Klaus, G. & Leising, D. (2018). The effect of dislike on accuracy and bias in person perception. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(1), 80-88.

Thielmann, I., Zimmermann, J., Leising, D. & Hilbig, B. E. (2017). Seeing is knowing: On the predictive accuracy of self- and informant reports for prosocial and moral behaviours. European Journal of Personality, 31(4), 404-418.

Borkenau, P. & Leising, D. (2016). A more complete picture of personality: What analyses of trait profiles have told us about personality judgment - So far. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25(4), 228-232.

Dufner, M., Leising, D. & Gebauer, J. E. (2016). Which basic rules underlie social judgments? Agency follows a zero-sum principle and communion follows a non-zero-sum principle. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(5), 677-687.

Gallrein, A.- M.- B., Weßels, N. M., Carlson, E. N. & Leising, D. (2016). I still cannot see it - A replication of blind spots in self-perception. Journal of Research in Personality, 60, 1-7.

Leising, D., Locke, K., Kurzius, E. & Zimmermann, J. (2016). Quantifying the association of self-enhancement bias with self-ratings of personality and life satisfaction. Assessment, 23, 588-602.

Wessels, N. M., Zimmermann, J. & Leising, D. (2016). Toward a shared understanding of important consequences of personality. Review of General Psychology, 20(4), 426-436.

Leising, D., Scherbaum, S., Locke, K. D. & Zimmermann, J. (2015). A model of "substance" and "evaluation" in person judgments. Journal of Research in Personality, 57, 61-71.

Zimmermann, J. & Leising, D. (2015). SASPD - Standardized Assessment of Severity of Personality Disorder - deutsche Fassung. (PSYNDEX Tests Info).

Zimmermann, J., Mayer, A., Leising, D., Krieger, T., grosse Holtforth, M., & & Pretsch, J. (2015). Exploring occasion specificity in the assessment of DSM-5 maladaptive personality traits: A latent state-trait analysis. European Journal of Psychological Assessment.

Zimmermann, J., Eschstruth, R., Mathews, A., Wenzel, K., Boehnke, J. R. & Leising, D. (2015). The Latent Structure of Personality Functioning: Investigating Criterion A From the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders in DSM-5. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(3), 532-548.

Borkenau, P., Leising, D. & Fritz, U. (2014). Effects of communication between judges on consensus and accuracy in judgments of people's intelligence. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30(4), 274-282.

Leising, D., Gallrein, A.- M.- B. & Dufner, M. (2014). Judging the Behavior of People We Know: Objective Assessment, Confirmation of Preexisting Views, or Both? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(2), 153-163.

Leising, D., Scharloth, J., Lohse, O. & Wood, D. (2014). What types of terms do people use when describing an individual's personality? Psychological Science, 25(9), 1787-1794.

Leising, D. & Zimmermann, J. (2014). Diagnostik von Persönlichkeitsstörungen - alles auf Anfang? Report Psychologie, 39(9), 346-357.

Zimmermann, J., Benecke, C., Altenstein, D., Krieger, T., grosse Holtforth, M., Pretsch, J., Alexopoulos, J., Spitzer, C., Krueger, R. F., Markon, K. E. & Leising, D. (2014). The structure and correlates of self-reported DSM-5 maladaptive personality traits: Findings from german-speaking samples. Journal of Personality Disorders, 28(4), 518-540.

Zimmermann, J., Benecke, C., Bender, D. S., Skodol, A. E., Schauenburg, H., Cierpka, M. & Leising, D. (2014). Assessing DSM?5 level of personality functioning from videotaped clinical interviews: A pilot study with untrained and clinically inexperienced students. Journal of Personality Assessment, 96(4), 397-409.

Zimmermann, J., Masuhr, O., Jaeger, U., Leising, D., Benecke, C. & Spitzer, C. (2014). Maladaptive Persönlichkeitseigenschaften gemäß DSM-5. Zusammenhänge mit psychischer Belastung und ICD-10-Diagnosen in einer klinischen Stichprobe. Persönlichkeitsstörungen - Theorie und Therapie, 18(1), 46-58.

Gallrein, A.- M.- B., Leising, D., Carlson, E. N. & Holstein, M. (2013). You spy with your little eye: People are "blind" to some of the ways in which they are consensually seen by others. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(5), 464-471.

Leising, D., Borkenau, P., Roski, C., Leonhardt, A. & Schütz, A. (2013). Greater than others, but unhappy with yourself? Two fundamental forms of self-evaluation. European Journal of Personality, 27, 565-579.

Leising, D., Borkenau, P., Zimmermann, J., Roski, C., Leonhardt, A. & Schütz, A. (2013). Positive self-regard and claim to leadership: Two fundamental forms of self-evaluation. European Journal of Personality, 27(6), 565-579.

Leising, D., Ostrovski, O. & Zimmermann, J. (2013). "Are We Talking About the Same Person Here?'': Interrater Agreement in Judgments of Personality Varies Dramatically With How Much the Perceivers Like the Targets. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4(4), 468-474.

Zimmermann, J., Benecke, C., Bender, D. S., Skodol, A. E., Krueger, R. F. & Leising, D. (2013). Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik im DSM-5. Psychotherapeut, 58(5), 455-465.

Leising, D., Ostrovski, O. & Borkenau, P. (2012). Vocabulary for describing disliked persons is more differentiated than vocabulary for describing liked persons. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(4), 393-396.

Leising, D. (2011). The consistency bias in judgments of one's own interpersonal behavior. Two possible sources. Journal of Individual Differences, 32(3), 137-143.

Leising, D. & Bleidorn, W. (2011). Which are the basic meaning dimensions of observable interpersonal behavior? Personality and Individual Differences, 58(8), 986-990.

Leising, D., Krause, S., Koehler, D., Hinsen, K. & Clifton, A. (2011). Assessing interpersonal functioning: Views from within and without. Journal of Research in Personality, 45(6), 631-641.

Leising, D. & Zimmermann, J. (2011). An integrative conceptual framework for assessing personality and personality pathology. Review of General Psychology, 15(4), 317-330.

Leising, D., Erbs, J. & Fritz, U. (2010). The letter of recommendation effect in informant ratings of personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(4), 668-682.

Leising, D., Grande, T. & Faber, R. (2010). A Longitudinal Study of Emotional Experience, Expressivity, and Psychopathology in Psychotherapy Inpatients and Psychologically Healthy Persons. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66(10), 1027-1043.

Borkenau, P., Zaltauskas, K. & Leising, D. (2009). More may be better but there may be too much: Optimal trait level and self-enhancement bias. Journal of Personality, 77(3), 825-858.

Leising, D., Grande, T. & Faber, R. (2009). The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20): A measure of general psychological distress. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(4), 707-710.

Leising, D. & Müller-Plath, G. (2009). Person-situation integration in research on personality problems. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(2), 218-227.

Leising, D., Rehbein, D. & Eckardt, J. (2009). The Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-64) as a screening measure for avoidant personality disorder. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25(1), 16-22.

Leising, D., Rogers, K. & Ostner, J. (2009). The undisordered personality: Normative assumptions underlying personality disorder diagnoses. Review of General Psychology, 13(3), 230-241.

Leising, D. (2007). July). Persönlichkeit: "Der ist doch total gest?rt" [Personality: "This guy is totally disordered"]. Psychologie Heute.

Leising, D., Müller, J. & Hahn, C. (2007). An adjective list for assessing emotional expressivity in psychotherapy research. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14(5), 377-385.

Leising, D., Rehbein, D. & Sporberg, D. (2007). Validity of the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP-64) for predicting assertiveness in role-play situations. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89(2), 116-125.

Leising, M. D. & Igl. W (2007). Person and situation effects should be measured in the same terms. A comment on Funder (2006). Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 953-959.

Mönks, D., Swoboda, F., Breunig, F., Krane, V., Drechsler, C., Blum, H., Leising, D. & Wanner, C. (2007). Phänotypisierung durch "genetic field work". Ist die Datenerhebung durch Fragebögen ausreichend? Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 132, 1875-1879.

Reiter, C., Leising, D. & Madsen, E. M. (2007). Survey of German clinical prescribing philosophies for hyperopia. Optometry and Vision Science, 84(2), 131-136.

Wermke, K., Leising, D. & Stellzig-Eisenhauer, A. (2007). Relation of melody complexity in infants' cries to language outcome in the second year of life: A longitudinal study. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 21(11-12), 961-973.

Leising, D. (2006). Individuelle Profile des emotionalen Erlebens. Erfassung und Veränderung im Verlauf psychoanalytischer Therapien. In V. Luif, G. Thoma & B. Boothe (Hrsg.), Beschreiben - Erschließen - Erläutern. Psychotherapieforschung als qualitative Wissenschaft (S. 231-247). Lengerich: Pabst.

Leising, D., Rehbein, D. & Sporberg, D. (2006). Does a fish see the water in which it swims? A study of the ability to correctly judge ones own interpersonal behavior. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 25(9), 963-974.

Leising, D., Rudolf, G., Oberbracht, C. & Grande, T. (2006). Veränderungen des Emotionserlebens im Verlauf psychoanalytischer Langzeitbehandlungen. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, 52(1), 39-51.

Leising, D., Sporberg, D. & Rehbein, D. (2006). Characteristic interpersonal behavior in dependent and avoidant personality disorder can be observed within very short interaction sequences. Journal of Personality Disorders, 20(4), 319-330.

Sauer, N., Leising, D., Wild, B., Treiber, M., Henningsen, P. & Jakobsen, T. (2006). Der Einfluss palliativer Strahlentherapie auf Schmerz und Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit Knochenmetastasen. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 182(9), 550-556.

Hahn, C. & Leising, D. (2005). Botulinum toxin facial treatment: are there specific in fluences on womens communication processes? In I. Lange & Z. Norridge (Eds.), Making Sense of Health, Illness and Disease. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Ries S., Wolz, J., Leising D. & Richter E.-J (2005). BEGO-Semados Einzelzahnimplantate: Eine prospektive, randomisierte Studie zur Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedener Parameter auf das peri-implantäre Knochenniveau [BEGO-Semados single-tooth implants: a prospective, randomised study to investigate the influence of several parameters on the peri-implant bone level]. Zeitschrift für Zahnärztliche Implantologie, 21, 90-97.

Leising, D. (2004). Die Allergrößten. Was Narzissten antreibt, wie sie ihr Leben einrichten, und warum es so schwer ist, mit ihnen zurechtzukommen. Psychologie heute, 31(7), 30-35.

Leising, D., Rudolf, G. & Grande, T. (2004). Die Klinische Emotionsliste - ein Verfahren zur Erfassung des affektiven Erlebensrepertoires von Patienten. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 54(3-4), 173-178.

Leising, D. (2003). KE - Klinische Emotionsliste (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Berlin:

Leising, D. (2003). Veränderungen interpersonal-affektiver Schemata im Verlauf psychoanalytischer Langzeitbehandlungen. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Verhaltens- und Empirische Kulturwissenschaften, Heidelberg.

Leising, D., Rudolf, G., Stadler, K., Jakobsen, T., Oberbracht, C. & Grade, T. (2003). Do interpersonal behavior and emotional experience change in the course of successful long-term psychoanalytic therapies? Psychotherapy Research, 13(4), 461-474.

Möltner, A., Hölzl, R., Baus, D., Schaller, S., Hornberger, U., Bernhardt, A., Marquard, E., Leising, D., Weber, V., Meyer-Baron, M. & Seeber, A. (2003). Themenschwerpunkt: Psychische Fehlbeanspruchung, somatopsychische Komorbidität und arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren. (Mit 5 Einzelbeiträgen). In H.-G. Giesa, K.-P. Timpe & U. Winterfeld (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. 12. Workshop 2003 (S. 141-163). Kröning: Asanger.

Leising, D. (2002). Das Rennen ist offen. Ein Interview mit dem Wahlforscher Dieter Roth [The race is not over yet. An interview with election researcher Dieter Roth]. Psychologie Heute, 10, 34-38.

Leising, D. (2002). Die Macht der Räume. Psychologie heute, 29(1), 34-37.

Marquard, E., Leising, D., Weber, V. & Möltner, A. (2002). COPSOQ - Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire - deutsche Fassung (PSYNDEX Tests Info). Mannheim: Universität.

Roth, D. & Leising, D. (2002). "Das Rennen ist offen". Ein Gespräch mit dem Wahlforscher Dieter Roth über das seltsame Wahlverhalten der Deutschen. Psychologie heute, 10, 34-38.

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