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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Katharina Scheiter

letzte Aktualisierung: 18.09.2024

de Jong, T., Lazonder, A. W., Chinn, C. A., Fischer, F., Gobert, J., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Koedinger, K. R., Krajcik, J. S., Kyza, E. A., Linn, M. C., Pedaste, M., Scheiter, K. & Zacharia, Z. C. (2024). Beyond inquiry or direct instruction: Pressing issues for designing impactful science learning opportunities. Educational Research Review, 44, No. 100623.

Kunde, W., Dal Molin, J., Engel, J., Koch, S., Kollei, T., Ditzen, B., Ehring, T., Heinrichs, N., Kiesel, A., Kirsch, P., Krahé, B., Meiser, T., Mojzisch, A., Neyer, F. J., Pauen, S., Scheiter, K., Thiel, C. M. & Wolf, O. T. (2024). Bericht des Fachkollegiums Psychologie in der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Psychologische Rundschau, 75(2), 171-176.

Lazarides, R., Richter, D. & Scheiter, K. (2024). Editorial: Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften - digitalisierungsbezogen und digital? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 27(3), 607-612.

Richter, D., Lazarides, R. & Scheiter, K. (2024). Stichwort: Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften für die digitale Transformation. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 27(3), 613-636.

Runge, I., Scheiter, K., Rubach, C., Richter, D. & Lazarides, R. (2024). Lehrkräftefortbildungen im Kontext digitaler Medien: Welche Bedeutung haben digitalbezogene Fortbildungsthemen für selbsteingeschätzte digitale Kompetenzen und selbstberichtetes digital gestütztes Unterrichtshandeln? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 27(3), 637-660.

Flegr, S., Kuhn, J. & Scheiter, K. (2023). How to foster STEM learning during Covid-19 remote schooling: Combining virtual and video experiments. Learning and Instruction, 86, No. 101778.

Froehlich, L., Sassenberg, K., Jonkmann, K., Scheiter, K. & Stürmer, S. (2023). Student diversity and e-exam acceptance in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1-15.

Fütterer, T., Scherer, R., Scheiter, K., Stürmer, K. & Lachner, A. (2023). Will, skills, or conscientiousness: What predicts teachers' intentions to participate in technology-related professional development? Computers & Education, 198, No. 104756.

Hoch, E., Fleig, K. & Scheiter, K. (2023). Can monitoring prompts help to reduce a confidence bias when learning with multimedia? Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 1-14.

Scheiter, K. & Gogolin, I. (Hrsg.). (2023). Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Scheiter, K., Omarchevska, Y. & Flegr, S. (2023). Forschendes Lernen mit digitalen Medien im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. In R. Lorenz, T. Brüggemann, N. McElvany, M. Becker, H. Gaspard & F. Lauerann (Hrsg.), Lernen in und für die Schule im Zeitalter der Digitalität. Chancen und Herausforderungen für Lehrkräfte, Unterricht und Lernende (S. 29-40). Münster: Waxmann.

Ebersbach, M., Lachner, A., Scheiter, K. & Richter, T. (2022). Using spacing to promote lasting learning in educational contexts . Promises and challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 151-163.

Fütterer, T., Scheiter, K., Cheng, X. & Stürmer, K. (2022). Quality beats frequency? Investigating students' effort in learning when introducing technology in classrooms. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 69, No. 102042.

Hoch, E., Scheiter, K. & Stalbovs, K. (2022). How to support learning with multimedia instruction: Implementation intentions help even when load is high. British Journal of Psychology, 1-20.

Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., Richter, J. & Scheiter, K. (2022). Do video modeling and metacognitive prompts improve self-regulated scientific inquiry? Educational Psychology Review, 34(2), 1025-1061.

Richter, T., Berger, R., Ebersbach, M., Eitel, A., Endres, T., Borromeo Ferri, R., Hänze, M., Lachner, A., Leutner, D., Lipowsky, F., Nemeth, L., Renkl, A., Roelle, J., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K., Schweppe, J., von Aufschnaiter, C. & Vorholzer, A. (2022). How to promote lasting learning in schools . Theoretical approaches and an agenda for research. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 135-141.

Ring, M., Brahm, T., Richter, J., Scheiter, K. & Randler, C. (2022). Does active or passive signaling support integration of text and graphs? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(1), 43-58.

Roelle, J., Schweppe, J., Endres, T., Lachner, A., von Aufschnaiter, C., Renkl, A., Eitel, A., Leutner, D., Rummer, R., Scheiter, K. & Vorholzer, A. (2022). Combining retrieval practice and generative learning in educational contexts. Promises and challenges. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 54(4), 142-150.

Styn, A., Scheiter, K., Fischer, M. R., Shiozawa, T., Behrmann, F., Steffan, A., Kugelmann, D. & Berndt, M. (2022). Effects of tablet-based drawing and paper-based methods on medical students' learning of gross anatomy. Anatomical Sciences Education, 1-14.

Ainsworth, S. E. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Learning by drawing visual representations: Potential, purposes, and practical implications. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(1), 61-67.

Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Stürmer, K. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Variability of teachers' technology integration in the classroom: A matter of utility! Computers & Education, 166, No. 104159.

Coppens, L. C., Postema, C. E. S., Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & van Gog, T. (2021). Development of attention and accuracy in learning a categorization task. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 544135.

Eder, T. F., Richter, J., Scheiter, K., Huettig, F. & Keutel, C. (2021). Comparing radiographs with signaling improves anomaly detection of dental students: An eye-tracking study. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1-14.

Fütterer, T., Hoch, E., Stürmer, K., Lachner, A., Fischer, C. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Was bewegt Lehrpersonen während der Schulschließungen? - Eine Analyse der Kommunikation im Twitter-Lehrerzimmer über Chancen und Herausforderungen digitalen Unterrichts. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(2), 443-477.

Hammer, M., Göllner, R., Scheiter, K., Fauth, B. & Stürmer, K. (2021). For whom do tablets make a difference? Examining student profiles and perceptions of instruction with tablets. Computers & Education, 166, No. 104147.

Hammer, M., Scheiter, K. & Stürmer, K. (2021). Identifying antecedents to learning effectively with digital media: A student-centered approach. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, No. 106642.

Hoch, E., Scheiter, K., Stalbovs, K. & Gerjets, P. (2021). The intention was good: How promoting strategy use does not improve multimedia learning for secondary students. British Journal of Educational Psychology, No. e12417.

Jacob, L., Lachner, A. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Does increasing social presence enhance the effectiveness of writing explanations? PLoS ONE, 16(4), No. e0250406.

Jacob, L., Lachner, A. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Does increasing social presence enhance the effectiveness of writing explanations? PLoS ONE, 16(4), No. e0250406.

Jaekel, A.-K., Scheiter, K. & Göllner, R. (2021). Distance teaching during the COVID-19 crisis: Social connectedness matters most for teaching quality and students' learning. AERA Open, 7, 1-14.

Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A. & Scheiter, K. (2021). Do prior knowledge, model-observer similarity and social comparison influence the effectiveness of eye movement modeling examples for supporting multimedia learning? Instructional Science, 49, 607-635.

Omarchevska, Y., Lachner, A., Richter, J. & Scheiter, K. (2021). It takes two to tango: How scientific reasoning and self-regulation processes impact argumentation quality. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1-41.

Richter, J., Wehrle, A. & Scheiter, K. (2021). How the poor get richer: Signaling guides attention and fosters learning from text-graph combinations for students with low, but not high prior knowledge. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35(3), 631-645.

Scheiter, K. (2021). Lernen und Lehren mit digitalen Medien: Eine Standortbestimmung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(5), 1039-1060.

Scheiter, K. & Gogolin, I. (2021). Editorial: Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 24(5), 1033-1037.

Scheiter, K., Hoch, E. & Drewes, S. (2021). Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medie. In K. Seifried, S. Drewes & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Handbuch Schulpsychologie. Psychologie für die Schule (S. 317-325). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Hische, C., Loose, F. & Scheiter, K. (2020). Professional knowledge or motivation? Investigating the role of teachers' expertise on the quality of technology-enhanced lesson plans. Learning and Instruction, 66, No. 101300.

Emhardt, S. N., van Wermeskerken, M., Scheiter, K. & van Gog, T. (2020). Inferring task performance and confidence from displays of eye movements. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 34(6), 1430-1443.

Hoch, E., Scheiter, K. & Schueler, A. (2020). Implementation intentions related to self-regulatory processes do not enhance learning in a multimedia environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, No. 46.

Jacob, L., Lachner, A. & Scheiter, K. (2020). Learning by explaining orally or in written form? Text complexity matters. Learning and Instruction, 68, No. 101344.

Kollmer, J., Schleinschok, K., Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2020). Is drawing after learning effective for metacognitive monitoring only when supported by spatial scaffolds? Instructional Science, 48, 569-589.

Ludewig, U., Lambert, K., Dackermann, T., Scheiter, K. & Möller, K. (2020). Influences of basic numerical abilities on graph reading performance. Psychological Research, 84(5), 1198-1210.

Scheiter, K., Ackerman, R. & Hoogerheide, V. (2020). Looking at mental effort appraisals through a metacognitive lens: Are they biased? Educational Psychology Review, 32, 1003-1027.

Scheiter, K., Richter, J. & Renkl, A. (2020). Multimediales Lernen: Lehren und Lernen mit Texten und Bildern. In H. Niegemann & A. Weinberger (Hrsg.), Handbuch Bildungstechnologie. Konzeption und Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen (S. 31-56). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Schmidgall, S. P., Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2020). Can we further improve tablet-based drawing to enhance learning? An empirical test of two types of support. Instructional Science, 48(4), 453-474.

Arndt, J. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Investigating the influence of simultaneous- versus sequential-text-picture presentation on text-picture integration. The Journal of Experimental Education, 87(1), 116-127.

Hoch, E., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2019). Hilft eine Unterstützung der Anstrengungsregulation, das Lernen mit statischen und dynamischen Visualisierungen zu verbessern? Unterrichtswissenschaft, 47(4), 427-450.

Hoch, E., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2019). Implementation intentions for improving self-regulation in multimedia learning: Why don't they work? The Journal of Experimental Education, 1-23.

Krebs, M.-C., Schüler, A. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Just follow my eyes: The influence of model-observer similarity on Eye Movement Modeling Examples. Learning and Instruction, 61, 126-137.

Richter, J. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Studying the expertise reversal of the multimedia signaling effect at a process level: Evidence from eye tracking. Instructional Science, 47(6), 627-658.

Scheiter, K. & Lachner, A. (2019). DigitalPakt - was nun? Eine Positionierung aus Sicht der Lehr-Lernforschung. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 47(4), 547-564.

Scheiter, K., Richter, J. & Renkl, A. (2019). Multimediales Lernen: Lehren und Lernen mit Texten und Bildern. In H. Niegemann & A. Weinberger (Hrsg.), Lernen mit Bildungstechnologien. Praxisorientiertes Handbuch zum intelligenten Umgang mit digitalen Medien (S. 26). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Schmidgall, S. P., Eitel, A. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Why do learners who draw perform well? Investigating the role of visualization, generation and externalization in learner-generated drawing. Learning and Instruction, 60, 138-153.

Schüler, A., Arndt, J. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Does text-picture integration also occur with longer text segments? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 33(6), 1137-1146.

Schüler, A., Pazzaglia, F. & Scheiter, K. (2019). Specifying the boundary conditions of the multimedia effect: The influence of content and its distribution between text and pictures. British Journal of Psychology, 110(1), 126-150.

Richter, J., Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2018). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(4), 544-560.

Rop, G., Schüler, A., Verkoeijen, P. P., Scheiter, K. & Gog, T. V. (2018). The effect of layout and pacing on learning from diagrams with unnecessary text. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 32, 610-621.

Wille, E., Gaspard, H., Trautwein, U., Oschatz, K., Scheiter, K. & Nagengast, B. (2018). Gender stereotypes in a children's television program: Effects on girls' and boys' stereotype endorsement, math performance, motivational dispositions, and attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2435.

Eitel, A., Benito, S. M. & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do it twice! Test-taking fosters repeated but not initial study of multimedia instruction. Learning and Instruction, 52, 36-45.

Gollwitzer, M., Antoni, C. H., Bölte, J., Hellmann, D., Horz, H., Spinath, B., Schröder, A., Abele-Brehm, A., Frey, D., Stürmer, S., Oeberst, A., Trötschel, R., Decker, O., Renner, K.-H., Ziegler, M., Bühner, M., Spengler, M., Giesen, C., Rummel, J., Janczyk, M., Bermeitinger, C., Bipp, T., Rigotti, T., König, C. J., Jucks, R., Fischer, F., Scheiter, K., Kirsch, P., Kübler, A., Quednow, B. B., Ulrich, N., von Dawans, B., Fydrich, T., Christiansen, H., Richter, J., Lüdmann, M., Morgenroth, O., Rief, W., Schäfer, T., Sperling, J., Behrmann, L. & Sieverding, M. (2017). Kommentare "Stellungnahme zur Lage des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Psychologie" zum Beitrag von K. Rentzsch et. al. Psychologische Rundschau, 68(4), 263-292.

Greiff, S., Scheiter, K., Scherer, R., Borgonovi, F., Britt, A., Graesser, A., Kitajima, M. & Rouet, J.-F. (2017). Adaptive problem solving: Moving towards a new assessment domain in the second cycle of PIAAC. OECD Education Working Papers, 5, No. 156.

Kant, J. M., Scheiter, K. & Oschatz, K. (2017). How to sequence video modeling examples and inquiry tasks to foster scientific reasoning. Learning and Instruction, 52, 46-58.

Mason, L., Scheiter, K. & Tornatora, M. C. (2017). Using eye movements to model the sequence of text-picture processing for multimedia comprehension. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 33, 443-460.

Renkl, A. & Scheiter, K. (2017). Studying visual displays: How to instructionally support learning. Educational Psychology Review, 29(3), 599-621.

Scheiter, K. (2017). Design of effective dynamic visualizations: A struggle between the beauty and the beast? Commentary on parts I and II. In R. Lowe & R. Ploetzner (Eds.), Learning from dynamic visualization. Innovations in research and application (pp. 233-251). Cham: Springer.

Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2017). The use of eye tracking as a research and instructional tool in multimedia learning. In C. Was, F. Sansosti & B. Morris (Eds.), Eye-tracking technology applications in educational research (pp. 143-164). Hershey: IGI Global.

Scheiter, K., Fillisch, B., Krebs, M.-C., Leber, J., Ploetzner, R., Renkl, A., Schmidt, H., Schüler, A. & Zimmermann, G. (2017). How to design adaptive information environments to support self-regulated learning with multimedia. In J. Buder & F. W. Hesse (Eds.), Informational environments. Effects of use, effective designs (pp. 203-223). Cham: Springer.

Scheiter, K., Schleinschok, K. & Ainsworth, S. (2017). Why sketching may aid learning from science texts: Contrasting sketching with written explanations. Topics in Cognitive Science, 9(4), 866-882.

Scheiter, K., Schubert, C. & Schüler, A. (2017). Self-regulated learning from illustrated text: Eye movement modelling to support use and regulation of cognitive processes during learning from multimedia. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(1), 80-94.

Scheiter, K., Schüler, A. & Eitel, A. (2017). Learning from multimedia: Cognitive processes and instructional support. In S. Schwan & U. Cress (Eds.), The psychology of digital learning . Constructing, exchanging, and acquiring knowledge with digital media (pp. 1-19). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Schleinschok, K., Eitel, A. & Scheiter, K. (2017). Do drawing tasks improve monitoring and control during learning from text? Learning and Instruction, 51, 10-25.

Schüter, A. & Scheiter, K. (2017). Lernpotenziale richtig nutzen. Verarbeitungsstrategien beim Lernen mit Multimedia und ihre Unterstützung. Weiterbildung, 12-15.

Richter, J., Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2016). Signaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 17, 19-36.

Richter, J., Ulrich, N., Scheiter, K. & Schanze, S. (2016). Gestaltung eines digitalen Chemieschulbuchs. Lehren & Lernen, 23-30.

Scheiter, K. (2016). Digitales Lernen in Deutschland - Randbedingungen für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz digitaler Medien im Unterricht. In Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung Tübingen (EZFF) (Hrsg.),M. Keppner (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2016. Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa (S. 86-99). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Scheiter, K., Eitel, A. & Schüler, A. (2016). Lernen mit Texten und Bildern. Die frühzeitige wechselseitige Beeinflussung kognitiver Prozesse bei der Konstruktion eines integrierten mentalen Modells. Psychologische Rundschau, 67(2), 87-93.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Gemballa, S. (2016). Wie lernwirksam sind Filme und Animationen im Biologieunterricht? Ergebnisse der empirischen Lehr- und Lernforschung. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Biologie in der Schule: PdN, 65(3), 5-10.

Strukelj, A., Scheiter, K., Nyström, M. & Holmqvist, K. (2016). Exploring the lack of a disfluency effect: Evidence from eye movements. Metacognition and Learning, 11(1), 71-88.

Arndt, J., Schüler, A. & Scheiter, K. (2015). Text-picture integration: How delayed testing moderates recognition of pictorial information in multimedia learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29(5), 702-712.

Eitel, A. & Scheiter, K. (2015). Picture or text first? Explaining sequence effects when learning with pictures and text. Educational Psychology Review, 27(1), 153-180.

Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2015). Signals foster multimedia learning by supporting integration of highlighted text and diagram elements. Learning and Instruction, 11-26.

Scheiter, K. & Richter, J. (2015). Multimediale Unterrichtsmaterialien gestalten. Ergebnisse der empirischen Lehr-Lernforschung. Naturwissenschaften im Unterricht. Chemie, 8-11.

Scheiter, K. & Sassenberg, K. (2015). Kein Psychologiestudium ohne Geschichte der Psychologie - innerhalb der Teildisziplinen aber nicht als eigenständiges Fach. Psychologische Rundschau, 66(3), 179.

Scheiter, K., Schubert, C., Stalbovs, K. & Gerjets, P. (2015). Does a Strategy Training Foster Students' Ability to Learn From Multimedia? Journal of Experimental Education, 83(2), 266-289.

Schüler, A., Arndt, J. & Scheiter, K. (2015). Processing multimedia material: Does integration of text and pictures result in a single or two interconnected mental representations? Learning and Instruction, 35, 62-72.

Stalbovs, K., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2015). Implementation intentions during multimedia learning: Using if-then plans to facilitate cognitive processing. Learning and Instruction, 35, 1-15.

Brucker, B., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2014). Learning with dynamic and static visualizations: Realistic details only benefit learners with high visuospatial abilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 330-339.

Eitel, A., Kühl, T, ., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2014). Disfluency meets cognitive load in multimedia learning: Does harder-to-read mean better-to-understand? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(4), 488-501.

Kühl, T., Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2014). A call for an unbiased search for moderators in disfluency research: Reply to Oppenheimer and Alter (2014). Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(5), 805-806.

Nugteren, M. L., Tabbers, H. K., Scheiter, K. & Paas, F. (2014). Simultaneous and sequential presentation of realistic and schematic instructional dynamic visualizations. In W. Huang (Ed.), Handbook of human centric visualization (pp. 605-622). New York: Springer.

Sassenrath, C., Sassenberg, K., Ray, D. G., Scheiter, K. & Jarodzka, H. (2014). A motivational determinant of facial emotion recognition: Regulatory focus affects recognition of emotions in faces. PLoS ONE, 9(11), No. e112383.

Scheiter, K. (2014). The learner control principle in multimedia learning. In R. E. Mayer (Ed.), The Oxfort handbook of multimedia learning (pp. 487-512). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Heise, E. (2014). Distraction during learning with hypermedia: Difficult tasks help to keep task goals on track. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 268.

Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Huk, T. & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Extending multimedia research: How do prerequisite knowledge and reading comprehension affect learning from text and pictures. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 73-84.

Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Stalbovs, K., Schubert, C., Huk, T. & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Welche Rolle spielt neben Merkmalen des Instruktionsdesigns die fachspezifische und aufgabenspezifische Motivation beim Lernen mit Multimedia im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17(2), 279-269.

Ulrich, N., Richter, J., Scheiter, K. & Schanze, S. (2014). Das digitale Schulbuch als Lernbegleiter. In J. Maxton-Küchenmeister & J. Meßinger-Koppelt (Hrsg.), Digitale Medien im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht (S. 75-82). Hamburg: Joachim Herz Stiftung.

Ulrich, N., Richter, J., Scheiter, K. & Schanze, S. (2014). eChemBook: ein interaktives, digitales Schulbuch für den Chemieunterricht. In M. Schuhen & M. Froitzheim (Hrsg.), Das elektronische Schulbuch: Fachdidaktische Anforderungen und Lösungsvorschläge der Informatik (S. 31-42). Berlin: LIT.

van Genuchten, E., Schueler, A., Scheiter, K. & van Hooijdonk, C. (2014). The Role of Working Memory when 'Learning How' with Multimedia Learning Material. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(3), 327-335.

Besold, T. R., Scheiter, K., Grabner, R. H., Dimroth, C., Becker, N. & Völk, K. (2013). Lernen. In A. Stephan & S. Walter (Hrsg.), Handbuch Kognitionswissenschaft (S. 344-360). Stuttgart: Metzler.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2013). How inspecting a picture affects processing of text in multimedia learning. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 451-461.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Nyström, M. & Holmqvist, K. (2013). How a picture facilitates the process of learning from text: Evidence for scaffolding. Learning and Instruction, 28, 48-63.

Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J. & Gerjets, P. (2013). Learning about locomotion patterns: Effective use of multiple pictures and motion-indicating arrows. Computers &; Education, 65, 45-55.

Jarodzka, H., van Gog, T., Dorr, M., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2013). Learning to see: Guiding students' attention via a Model's eye movements fosters learning. Learning and Instruction, 62-70.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2013). Is spoken text always better? Investigating the modality and redundancy effect with longer text presentation. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1590-1601.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2012). The time course of information extraction from instructional diagrams. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115(3), 677-701.

Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J. & Gerjets, P. (2012). How temporal and spatial aspects of presenting visualizations affect learning about locomotion patterns. Learning and Instruction, 22(3), 193-205.

Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Eika, B. (2012). Conveying clinical reasoning based on visual observation via eye-movement modelling examples. Instructional Science, 40(5), 813-827.

Kühl, T., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2012). Enhancing Learning from Dynamic and Static Visualizations by Means of Cueing. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 21(1), 71-88.

Opfermann, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Schmeck, A. (2012). Hypermedia and self-regulation: An interplay in both directions. In R. Azevedo & V. Aleven (Eds.), International handbook of metacognition and learning technologies (pp. 129-141). New York: Springer.

Pfeiffer, V. D., Scheiter, K. & Gemballa, S. (2012). Comparing and combining traditional teaching approaches and the use of video clips for learning how to identify species in an aquarium. Journal of Biological Education, 46(3), 140-148.

Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2012). Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte? Weiterbildung, 25-27.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2012). Verbal descriptions of spatial information can interfere with picture processing. Memory, 20(7), 682-699.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K., Rummer, R. & Gerjets, P. (2012). Explaining the modality effect in multimedia learning: Is it due to a lack of temporal contiguity with written text and pictures? Learning and Instruction, 22(2), 92-102.

van Genuchten, E., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2012). Examining learning from text and pictures for different task types: Does the multimedia effect differ for conceptual, causal, and procedural tasks? Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 2209-2218.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2011). How brief initial inspection of a picture may foster comprehension of text. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2011), Boston, 20-23 July 2011. Volume 1 (pp. 1358-1363). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.

Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Edelmann, J., von Ulardt, J. & Gerjets, P. (2011). Is enriching static-simultaneous visualizations with motion-indicating arrows helpful for learning about locomotion patterns? In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher & T. F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2011), Boston, 20-23 July 2011. Volume 1 (pp. 1176-1181). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.

Imhof, B., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2011). Learning about locomotion patterns from visualizations: The effects of presentation format and realism. Computers & Education, 57(3), 1961-1970.

Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Edelmann, J. (2011). The influence of text modality on learning with static and dynamic visualizations. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 29-35.

Kühl, T., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Gemballa, S. (2011). Can differences in learning strategies explain the benefits of learning from static and dynamic visualizations? Computers & Education, 56(1), 176-187.

Pfeiffer, V. D. I., Scheiter, K., Kühl, T. & Gemballa, S. (2011). Learning how to identify species in a situated learning scenario: Using dynamic-static visualizations to prepare students for their visit to the aquarium. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 7(2), 135-147.

Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Fürstenberg, A., Scheiter, K. & Zindler, A. (2011). The perceptual basis of the modality effect in multimedia learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 17(2), 159-173.

Schmidt-Weigand, F. & Scheiter, K. (2011). The role of spatial descriptions in learning from multimedia. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 22-28.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2011). Does the modality effect in multimedia learning appear only with text containing spatial information? Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25(4), 257-267.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Schmidt-Weigand, F. (2011). Boundary conditions and constraints of the modality effect. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 25(4), 211-220.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & van Genuchten, E. (2011). The role of working memory in multimedia instruction: Is working memory working during learning from text and pictures? Educational Psychology Review, 23(3), 389-411.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2010). Getting a clue: Gist extraction from scenes and causal systems. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010, Portland, OR, USA, August 9-11, 2010 (pp. 243-249). Berlin: Springer.

Eitel, A., Scheiter, K. & Schüler, A. (2010). What can information extraction from scenes and causal systems tell us about learning from text and pictures? In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2010. (CogSci 2010). Portland, Oregon, USA, 11-14 August 2010 (pp. 2822-2827).

Gerjets, P., Imhof, B., Kühl, T., Pfeiffer, V., Scheiter, K. & Gemballa, S. (2010). Using static and dynamic visualisations to support the comprehension of complex dynamic phenomena in the natural sciences. In L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, T. de Jong & J. Elen (Eds.), Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving. Analysis and improvement (pp. 153-168). Abingdon: Routledge.

Imhof, B., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Edelmann, J. (2010). The role of dynamic visualizations and spatial layout of static visualizations for learning how to classify locomotion patterns. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2010. (CogSci 2010). Portland, Oregon, USA, 11-14 August 2010 Volume 1 of 4 (pp. 2039-2044). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.

Jarodzka, H., Balslev, T., Holmqvist, K., Nyström, M., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Eika, B. (2010). Learning perceptual aspects of diagnosis in medicine via eye movement modeling examples on patient video cases. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2010. (CogSci 2010). Portland, Oregon, USA, 11-14 August 2010 Volume 1 of 4 (pp. 1703-1708). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.

Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Van Gog, T. (2010). In the eyes of the beholder: How experts and novices interpret dynamic stimuli. Learning and Instruction, 20, 146-154.

Linek, S. B., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2010). The speaker/gender effect: Does the speaker's gender matter when presenting auditory text in multimedia messages? Instructional Science, 38(5), 503-521.

Scheiter, K. & Eitel, A. (2010). The effects of signals on learning from text and diagrams: How looking at diagrams earlier and more frequently improves understanding. In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010, Portland, OR, USA, August 9-11, 2010 (pp. 264-270). Berlin: Springer.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2010). Cognitive and socio-motivational aspects in learning with animations: There is more to it than "do they aid learning or not". Instructional Science, 38(5), 435-440.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Schuh, J. (2010). The acquisition of problem-solving skills in mathematics: How animations can aid understanding of structural problem features and solution procedures. Instructional Science, 38(5), 487-502.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2010). Can text content influence the effectiveness of diagrams? In A. K. Goel, M. Jamnik & N. H. Narayanan (Eds.), Diagrammatic representation and inference. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference, Diagrams 2010, Portland, OR, USA, August 9-11, 2010 (pp. 322-324). Berlin: Springer.

Schüler, A., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2010). Does spatial verbal information interfere with picture processing in working memory? The role of the visuo-spatial sketchpad in multimedia learning. In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (Eds.), 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 2010. (CogSci 2010). Portland, Oregon, USA, 11-14 August 2010 Volume 1 of 4 (pp. 2828-2833). Austin: Cognitive Science Society.

Van Gog, T. & Scheiter, K. (2010). Eye tracking as a tool to study and enhance multimedia learning. Learning and Instruction, 20, 95-99.

van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Paas, F. (2009). Attention guidance during example study via the model's eye movements. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(3), 785-791.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Schuh, J. (2008). Information comparisons in example-based hypermedia environments: Supporting learners with processing prompts and an interactive comparison tool. Educational Technology Research and Development, 56(1), 73-92.

Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2008). How does it swim? Comparing strategies of experts and novices in fish locomotion classification. In J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, T. Seufert & L. Kester (Eds.), Beyond knowledge: The legacy of competence. Meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 135-142). New York: Springer.

Kammerer, Y., Scheiter, K. & Beinhauer, W. (2008). Looking my way through the menu: The impact of menu design and multimodal input on gaze-based menu selection. In K.-J. Räihä & A. T. Duchowski (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on eye tracking research & applications (ETRA) (pp. 213-220). New York, NY: ACM.

Rummer, R., Schweppe, J., Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2008). Lernen mit Multimedia. Die kognitiven Grundlagen des Modalitätseffekts. Psychologische Rundschau, 59(2), 98-107.

Schmidt-Weigand, F. & Scheiter, K. (2008). The influence of spatial text information on the multimedia effect. In J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, T. Seufert & L. Kester (Eds.), Beyond knowledge: The legacy of competence. Meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 217-236). New York: Springer.

van Gog, T., Jarodzka, H., Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Paas, F. (2008). Guiding students' attention during example study by showing the model's eye movements. In J. Zumbach, N. Schwartz, T. Seufert & L. Kester (Eds.), Beyond knowledge: The legacy of competence. Meaningful computer-based learning environments (pp. 189-196). New York: Springer.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2007). Learner control in hypermedia environments. Educational Psychology Review, 19(3), 285-307.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2007). Making your own order: Order effects in system- and user-controlled settings for learning and problem solving. In F. E. Ritter, J. Nerb, E. Lehtinen & T. M. O'Shea (Eds.), In order to learn. How the sequence of topics influences learning (pp. 195-212). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2006). Can learning from molar and modular worked examples be enhanced by providing instructional explanations and prompting self-explanations? Learning and Instruction, 16(2), 104-121.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Schuh, J. (2006). Supporting information comparisons in example-based hypertext environments. In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2006 (pp. 1364-1369). Mahwah: Erlbaum.

Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Garsoffky, B. (2006). Information visualizations for knowledge acquisition: The impact of dimensionality and color coding. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(1), 43-65.

Linek, S. B., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2006). Speaker/gender effect: Impact of the speakers gender on learning with narrated animations. In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2006 (pp. 483-488). Mahwah: Erlbaum.

Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2006). Do multimedia principles apply to hypermedia? The moderating role of different levels of learner control for the validity of multimedia design principles. In G. Clarebout & J. Elen (Eds.), Avoiding simplicity, confronting complexity. Advances in studying and designing (computer-based) powerful learning environments (pp. 243-252). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Opfermann, M., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2006). How does hypermedia support learning? The role of different representational formats and varying levels of learner control for the applicability of multimedia design principles. In L. Markauskaite, P. Goodyear & P. Reimann (Eds.), The 23rd annual conference of the Australasian society for computers in learning in tertiary education: Who's learning? Whose technology? (pp. 615-622). Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2006). The acquisition of problem schemata. Limitations of multiple examples. In G. Clarebout & J. Elen (Eds.), Avoiding simplicity, confronting complexity. Advances in studying and designing (computer-based) powerful learning environments (pp. 297-306). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Catrambone, R. (2006). Making the abstract concrete: Visualizing mathematical solution procedures. Computers in Human Behavior, 22(1), 9-25.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P., Vollmann, B. & Catrambone, R. (2006). A methodological alternative to media comparison studies: Linking information utilization strategies and instructional approach in hypermedia learning. In R. Sun & N. Miyake (Eds.), Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2006 (pp. 2117-2122). Mahwah: Erlbaum.

Schuh, J., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2006). Using an interactive comparison tool and dynamic visualizations of solution procedures to foster the acquisition of transferable problem-solving knowledge. In G. Clarebout & J. Elen (Eds.), Avoiding simplicity, confronting complexity. Advances in studying and designing (computer-based) powerful learning environments (pp. 307-318). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Gerjets, P. H., Scheiter, K. & Schuh, J. (2005). Instruktionale Unterstützung beim Fertigkeitserwerb aus Beispielen in hypertextbasierten Lernumgebungen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 19(1-2), 23-38.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2005). Improving procedural transfer in mathematics with interactive animations. In L. Verschaffel, E. De Corte, G. Kanselaar & M. Valcke (Eds.), Powerful environments for promoting deep conceptual and strategic learning (pp. 133-145). Leuven: Leuven University Press.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2005). When less is sometimes more: Optimal learning conditions are required for schema acquisition from multiple examples. In B. G. Bara, L. W. Barsalou & M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2005, July 21-23, Stresa, Italy (pp. 1943-1948). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Schuh, J., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2005). Fostering the acquisition of transferable problem-solving knowledge with an interactive comparison tool and dynamic visualizations of solution procedures. In B. G. Bara, L. W. Barsalou & M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2005, July 21-23, Stresa, Italy (pp. 1973-1978). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2004). Designing instructional examples to reduce intrinsic cognitive load: Molar versus modular presentation of solution procedures. Instructional Science, 32, 33-58.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2004). Reducing cognitive load and fostering cognitive skill acquisition: Benefits of category-avoiding examples. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2003 (pp. 450-455). Boston, MA: Cognitive Science Society.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Kleinbeck, S. (2004). Instructional examples in hypertext-based learning and problem-solving: Comparing transformational and derivational approaches to example design. In H. M. Niegemann, D. Leutner & R. Brünken (Eds.), Instructional design for multimedia learning. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop of SIG 6 Instructional Design of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), June 27-29, 2002 in Erfurt (pp. 165-179). Münster: Waxmann.

Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Garsoffky, B. (2004). Information visualizations as learning tools. In P. Gerjets, P. A. Kirschner, J. Elen & R. Joiner (Eds.), Instructional design for effective and enjoyable computer-supported learning. Proceedings of the first joint meeting of the EARLI SIGs Instructional Design and Learning and Instruction with Computers (CD-ROM) (pp. 269-280). Tübingen: Knowledge Media Research Center.

Keller, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Garsoffky, B. (2004). Information visualizations for supporting knowledge acquisition: The impact of dimensionality and color coding. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004, August 4-7, Chicago, Illinois (pp. 666-671). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2004). Sequence effects in solving knowledge-rich problems: The ambiguous role of surface similarities. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2003 (pp. 1035-1040). Boston, MA: Cognitive Science Society.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Schuh, J. (2004). The impact of example comparisons on schema acquisition: Do learners really need multiple examples? In Y. B. Kafai, W. A. Sandoval, n. Enyedy, A. S. Nixon & F. Herrera (Eds.), ICLS '04. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on learning sciences, Santa Monica, California, June 22-26, 2004 (pp. 457-464). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Schorr, T., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2004). Analyzing effects of goal competition and task difficulty in multiple-task performance: Volitional action control within ACT-R. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2003 (pp. 1053-1058). Boston, MA: Cognitive Science Society.

Schuh, J., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2004). Enhancing example-based learning in hypertext environments. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004, August 4-7, Chicago, Illinois (pp. 1231-1236). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2003). Reducing cognitive load and fostering cognitive skill acquisition: Benefits of category-avoiding examples. In F. Schmalhofer, R. Young & G. Katz (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Conference 2003 (pp. 133-139). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2003). Goal configurations and processing strategies as moderators between instructional design and cognitive load: Evidence from hypertext-based instruction. Educational Psychologist, 38(1), 33-41.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Catrambone, R. (2003). Reducing cognitive load and fostering cognitive skill acquisition: Benefits of category-avoiding instructional examples. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 450-455). Boston: Cognitive Science Society.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Schorr, T. (2003). Modeling processes of volitional action control in multiple-task performance: How to explain effects of goal competition and task difficulty on processing strategies and performance within ACT-R. Cognitive Science Quarterly, 3, 355-400.

Scheiter, K. (2003). Sequenz- und Sequenzierungseffekte bei der Bearbeitung voraussetzungsreicher Aufgaben. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Informations- und Kognitionswissenschaften, Tübingen.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Schuh, J. (2003). Are multiple examples necessary for schema induction? In F. Schmalhofer, R. M. Young & G. Katz (Eds.), Proceedings of Eurocogsci 03. The European Cognitive Science Conference 2003 (pp. 283-288). Hove: Psychology Press.

Schorr, T., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2003). Volitional action control in multiple-task performance: Modeling effects of goal competition and task difficulty in Act-R. In F. Detje, D. Dörner & H. Schaub (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling: The logic of cognitive systems (pp. 183-188). Bamberg: Universitäts-Verlag.

Schuh, J., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2003). Supporting learning from worked-out examples in computer-based learning environments. In F. Schmalhofer & R. Young (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Cognitive Science Conference 2003 (pp. 301-305). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Schuh, J., Gerjets, P. & Scheiter, K. (2003). Supporting learning from worked-out examples in computer-based learning environments. In R. Alterman & D. Kirsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1398-1398). Boston: Cognitive Science Society.

Scheiter, K. & Gerjets, P. (2002). The impact of problem order: Sequencing problems as a strategy for improving one's performance. In W. D. Gray & C. Schunn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 7-10, 2002, Fairfax, Virginia (pp. 798-803). Mahwah: Erlbaum.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Albers, S. (2002). Ablenkung und volitionale Abschirmung beim Lernen und Problemlösen. In D. Janetzko, M. Hildebrandt & H. A. Meyer (Hrsg.), Das Experimentalpsychologische Praktikum im Labor und WWW (S. 295-308). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Heise, E. (2002). Lernen und Problemlösen in Hypertext-Umgebungen: Ablenkungseffekte durch irrelevante Informationen und Zielkonflikte. In B. Spinath & E. Heise (Hrsg.), Pädagogische Psychologie unter gewandelten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen. Dokumentation des 5. Dortmunder Symposions für Pädagogische Psychologie (S. 85-99). Hamburg: Kovac.

Schorr, T., Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Laouris, Y. (2002). Designing sets of instructional examples to accomplish different goals of instruction. In W. D. Gray, W. D. GraySchunn & W. D. GraySchunnChristian (Eds.), Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 7-10, 20002, Fairfax, Virginia (pp. 810-815). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Tack, W. H. (2000). Resource-adaptive selection of strategies in learning from worked-out examples. In L. Gleitman & A. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 161-171). Mahwah: Erlbaum.

Scheiter, K., Gerjets, P. & Heise, E. (2000). Hypertext navigation and conflicting goal intentions: Using log files to study distraction and volitional protection in learning and problem solving. In L. R. Gleitman & A. K. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 13-15, 2000, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania, PA (pp. 441-446). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.

Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K. & Heise, E. (1999). Hypertext navigation and conflicting goal intentions: Distraction and volitional protection in learning and problem solving. In I. Wachsmuth & B. Jung (Eds.), KogWis99. Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft. Bielefeld, 28. September - 1. Oktober 1999. St. Augustin: infix.

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