letzte Aktualisierung: 22.11.2024
Knezevic, G., Kusic, M., Lukic, P., Lazarevic, L. B. & Keller, J. (2024). Can the "Shotgun Wedding" of Openness and Psychoticism Be Justified Based on Apophenia as the Disposition to Commit False-Positive Errors? Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 232(4), 255-268.
Barthelmäs, M., Stöckle, D. & Keller, J. (2023). On the social signal function of emotional crying: Broadening the perspective to social interactions in daily life. Emotion, 1-15.
Sassenrath, C., Diefenbacher, S., Kolbe, V., Niesalla, H. & Keller, J. (2023). The impact of activating an empathic focus during COVID19 on healthcare workers motivation for hand hygiene compliance in moments serving the protection of others: A randomized controlled trial study. Journal of Public Health: From Theory to Practice, 31(9), 1381-1385.
Sassenrath, C., Keller, J., Stöckle, D., Kesberg, R., Nielsen, Y. A. & Pfattheicher, S. (2023). I like it because it hurts you: On the association of everyday sadism, sadistic pleasure, and victim blaming. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1-23.
Barthelmäs, M., Kesberg, R., Hermann, A. & Keller, J. (2022). Five reasons to cry - FRC: A taxonomy for common antecedents of emotional crying. Motivation and Emotion, 46(3), 404-427.
Diefenbacher, S., Plotzki, C., Schneider-Brachert, W., Ambrosch, A., Keller, J., Niesalla, H., Gaube, S., Gastmeier, P., Sassenrath, C. & Kramer, T. S. (2022). Differences in observed and self-reported compliance with "Five Moments for Hand Hygiene" as a function of the empathy of healthcare workers. Journal of Hospital Infection, 128, 39-46.
Knezevic, G., Lazarevic, L. B., Bosnjak, M. & Keller, J. (2022). Proneness to psychotic-like experiences as a basic personality trait complementing the HEXACO model - A preregistered cross-national study. Personality and Mental Health, 1-19.
Nockur, L., Kesberg, R., Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2022). Why do we punish? . On retribution, deterrence, and the moderating role of punishment system. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 230, 1-10.
Nockur, L., Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2022). From asymmetric to symmetric consumption opportunities: Extractions from common resources by privileged and underprivileged group members. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 1-22.
Söllner, M., Dürnberger, M., Keller, J. & Florack, A. (2022). The impact of age stereotypes on well-being: Strategies of selection, optimization, and compensation as mediator and regulatory focus as moderator: Findings from a cross-sectional and a longitudinal study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 23, 635-665.
Barthelmäs, M. & Keller, J. (2021). Adult emotional crying: Relations to personality traits and subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, No. 110790.
Barthelmäs, M. & Keller, J. (2021). Antecedents, boundary conditions and consequences of flow. In C. Peifer & S. Engeser (Eds.), Advances in flow research (pp. 71-107). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Barthelmäs, M., Killinger, M. & Keller, J. (2021). Using a telegram chatbot as cost-effective software infrastructure for ambulatory assessment studies with iOS and Android devices. Behavior Research Methods, 53, 1107-1114.
Kesberg, R. & Keller, J. (2021). Donating to the "right" cause: Compatibility of personal values and mission statements of philanthropic organizations fosters prosocial. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, No. 110313.
Kesberg, R. & Keller, J. (2021). Personal values as motivational basis of psychological essentialism: An exploration of the value profile underlying essentialist beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 171, No. 110458.
Nockur, L., Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2021). Different punishment systems in a public goods game with asymmetric endowments. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 93, No. 104096.
Sassenrath, C., Barthelmäs, M., Saur, J. & Keller, J. (2021). Inducing empathy affects cardiovascular reactivity reflected in changes in high-frequency heart rate variability. Cognition and Emotion, 35(2), 393-399.
Diefenbacher, S., Keller, J. & Pfattheicher, S. (2020). On the role of habit in self-reported and observed hand hygiene behavior. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 12(1), 125-143.
Diefenbacher, S., Sassenrath, C., Tatzel, J. & Keller, J. (2020). Evaluating healthcare workers' hand hygiene performance using first-person view video observation in a standardized patient-care scenario. American Journal of Infection Control, 48(5), 496-502.
Keller, J. (2020). Stereotype als Bedrohung. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 90-98). Weinheim: Beltz.
Nockur, L., Arndt, L., Keller, J. & Pfattheicher, S. (2020). Collective choice fosters sustainable resource management in the presence of asymmetric opportunities. Scientific Reports, 10(1), No. 10724.
Diefenbacher, S., Fliss, P. M., Tatzel, J., Wenk, J. & Keller, J. (2019). A quasi-randomized controlled before-after study using performance feedback and goal setting as elements of hand hygiene promotion. Journal of Hospital Infection, 101(4), 399-407.
Pfattheicher, S., Keller, J. & Knezevic, G. (2019). Destroying things for pleasure: On the relation of sadism and vandalism. Personality and Individual Differences, 140, 52-56.
Pfattheicher, S., Sassenrath, C. & Keller, J. (2019). Compassion magnifies third-party punishment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117(1), 124-141.
Rüsch, N., Oexle, N., Thornicroft, G., Keller, J., Waller, C., Germann, I., Regelmann, C. A., Noll-Hussong, M. & Zahn, R. (2019). Self-contempt as a predictor of suicidality. A longitudinal study. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 207(12), 1056-1057.
Sassenrath, C., Wagner, M., Keller, J. & Sassenberg, K. (2019). It's a challenge! Empathizing with sad but not with angry individuals results in cardiovascular reactivity consistent with a challenge motivational state. Emotion, 19(6), 982-991.
Kesberg, R. & Keller, J. (2018). The relation between human values and perceived situation characteristics in everyday life. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 1676.
Dorow, M., Löbner, M., Stein, J., Kind, P., Markert, J., Keller, J., Weidauer, E. & Riedel-Heller, S. G. (2017). Die Nutzungsbereitschaft von Patienten mit Adipositas gegenüber neuen Medien in der Rehabilitationsnachsorge. Die Rehabilitation, 56(3), 167-172.
Keller, J. & Kesberg, R. (2017). Regulatory focus and human values. Psihologija, 50(2), 157-186.
Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2017). A motivational perspective on punishment in social dilemmas. European Review of Social Psychology, 28(1), 257-287.
Pfattheicher, S., Keller, J. & Knezevic, G. (2017). Sadism, the intuitive system, and antisocial punishment in the public goods game. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(3), 337-346.
Sassenrath, C., Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2017). I might ease your pain, but only if you're sad: The impact of the empathized emotion in the empathy-helping association. Motivation and Emotion, 41(1), 96-106.
Nürnberger, M., Nerb, J., Schmitz, F., Keller, J. & Sütterlin, S. (2016). Implicit gender stereotypes and essentialist beliefs predict preservice teachers' tracking recommendations. Journal of Experimental Education, 84(1), 152-174.
Sassenrath, C., Diefenbacher, S., Siegel, A. & Keller, J. (2016). A person-oriented approach to hand hygiene behaviour: Emotional empathy fosters hand hygiene practice. Psychology and Health, 31(2), 205-227.
Ulrich, M., Keller, J. & Grön, G. (2016). Dorsal raphe nucleus down-regulates medial prefrontal cortex during experience of flow. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (Online Journal), 10, No. 169.
Ulrich, M., Keller, J. & Grön, G. (2016). Neural signatures of experimentally induced flow experiences identified in a typical fMRI block design with BOLD imaging. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(3), 496-507.
Keller, J., Mayo, R., Greifeneder, R. & Pfattheicher, S. (2015). Regulatory focus and generalized trust: The impact of prevention-focused self-regulation on trusting others. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 254.
Leder, S., Florack, A. & Keller, J. (2015). Self-regulation and protective health behaviour: How regulatory focus and anticipated regret are related to vaccination decisions. Psychology and Health, 30(2), 165-188.
Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2015). The watching eyes phenomenon: The role of a sense of being seen and public self-awareness. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(5), 560-566.
Pollatos, O., Matthias, E. & Keller, J. (2015). When interoception helps to overcome negative feelings caused by social exclusion. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal).
Olderbak, S., Sassenrath, C., Keller, J. & Wilhelm, O. (2014). An emotion-differentiated perspective on empathy with the emotion specific empathy questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 653.
Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2014). Towards a Biopsychological Understanding of Costly Punishment: The Role of Basal Cortisol. PLoS ONE, 9(1).
Pfattheicher, S., Landhäußer, A. & Keller, J. (2014). Individual differences in antisocial punishment in public goods situations: The interplay of Cortisol with Testosterone and dominance. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(4), 340-348.
Ulrich, M., Groen, G., Keller, J., Hoenig, K. & Waller, C. (2014). Neural correlates of experimentally induced flow experiences. NeuroImage, 194-202.
Florack, A., Palcu, J. & Keller, J. (2013). Regulatory focus in economic contexts. Journal of Economic Psychology, 127-137.
Keller, J. & Pfattheicher, S. (2013). The compassion-hostility paradox: The interplay of vigilant, prevention-focused self-regulation, compassion, and hostility. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(11), 1518-1529.
Pfattheicher, S. & Keller, J. (2013). Vigilant self-regulation and costly punishment in public goods situations. European Journal of Personality, 27(4), 346-354.
Keller, J. (2012). Differential gender and ethnic differences in math performance. A self-regulatory perspective. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 220(3), 164-171.
Keller, J. & Landhäußer, A. (2012). The flow model revisited. In S. Engeser (Ed.), Advances in flow research (pp. 51-64). New York: Springer.
Landhäußer, A. & Keller, J. (2012). Flow and its affective, cognitive, and performance-related consequences. In S. Engeser (Ed.), Advances in flow research (pp. 65-85). New York: Springer.
Landhäußer, A. & Keller, J. (2012). Optimale Herausforderungen gesucht - wie sich das Erleben von Flow fördern lässt. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 19(3), 44-46.
Van Pachterbeke, M., Keller, J. & Saroglou, V. (2012). Flexibility in existential beliefs and worldviews. Introducing and measuring existential quest. Journal of Individual Differences, 33(1), 2-16.
Gaillard, M., Desmette, D. & Keller, J. (2011). Regulatory focus moderates the influence of age-related stereotypic expectancies on older adults' test performance and threat-based concerns. European Review of Applied Psychology, 61(1), 23-29.
Keller, J., Bless, H., Blomann, F. & Kleinböhl, D. (2011). Physiological aspects of flow experiences: Skills-demand-compatibility effects on heart rate variability and salivary cortisol. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(4), 849-852.
Keller, J. & Landhäußer, A. (2011). Im Flow sein: Experimentelle Analysen des Zustands optimaler Beanspruchung. Psychologische Rundschau, 62(4), 213-220.
Keller, J., Ringelhan, S. & Blomann, F. (2011). Does skills-demands compatibility result in intrinsic motivation? Experimental test of a basic notion proposed in the theory of flow-experiences. Journal of Positive Psychology, 6(5), 408-417.
Rangel, U. & Keller, J. (2011). Essentialism goes social: Belief in social determinism as a component of psychological essentialism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(6), 1056-1078.
Bless, H., Keller, J. & Igou, E. R. (2009). Metacognition. In F. Strack & J. Förster (Eds.), Social cognition. The basis of human interaction (pp. 157-177). New York: Psychology Press.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2009). Predicting future affective states: How ease of retrieval and faith in intuition moderate the impact of activated content. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(3), 467-476.
Keller, J. (2008). On the development of regulatory focus: The role of parenting styles. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38(2), 354-364.
Keller, J. (2008). Stereotype als Bedrohung. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 88-96). Weinheim: Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2008). Flow and regulatory compatibility: An experimental approach to the flow model of intrinsic motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34(2), 196-209.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2008). The interplay of stereotype threat and regulatory focus. In Y. Kashima, K. Fiedler & P. Freytag (Eds.), Stereotype dynamics. Language-based approaches to the formation, maintenance, and transformation of stereotypes (pp. 367-389). New York: Erlbaum.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2008). When positive and negative expectancies disrupt performance: Regulatory focus as a catalyst. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38(2), 187-212.
Keller, J. & Blomann, F. (2008). Locus of control and the flow experience: An experimental analysis. European Journal of Personality, 22(7), 589-607.
Keller, J., Hurst, M. & Uskul, A. (2008). Prevention-focused self-regulation and aggressiveness. Journal of Research in Personality, 42(4), 800-820.
Keller, J. & Molix, L. (2008). When women can't do math: The interplay of self-construal, group identification, and stereotypic performance standards. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(2), 437-444.
Uskul, A. K., Keller, J. & Oyserman, D. (2008). Regulatory fit and health behavior. Psychology and Health, 23(3), 327-346.
Keller, J. (2007). Stereotype threat in classroom settings: The interactive effect of domain identification, task difficulty and stereotype threat on female students' maths performance. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(2), 323-338.
Keller, J. (2007). When negative stereotypic expectancies turn into challenge or threat: The moderating role of regulatory focus. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 66(3), 163-168.
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Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2006). Regulatory fit and cognitive performance: The interactive effect of chronic and situationally induced self-regulatory mechanisms on test performance. European Journal of Social Psychology, 36(3), 393-405.
Keller, J. (2005). In genes we trust: The biological component of psychological essentialism and its relationship to mechanisms of motivated social cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(4), 686-702.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2005). When negative expectancies turn into negative performance: The role of ease of retrieval. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 41(5), 535-541.
Keller, J. (2004). BGDS - Belief in Genetic Determinism Skala [BGD Scale]. Kurznachweis. Mannheim: Universität, Lehrstuhl für Mikrosoziologie und Sozialpsychologie.
Keller, J. (2004). Expectancy effects in performance situations. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim.
Keller, J. & Bless, H. (2004). Evolutionary thought and psychological essentialism: The belief in genetic predispositions and its relation to basic processes of social cognition. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 2(1-2), 123-141.
Keller, J. & Dauenheimer, D. (2003). Stereotype threat in the classroom: Dejection mediates the disrupting threat effect on women's math performance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29(3), 371-381.
Keller, J. (2002). Blatant stereotype threat and women's math performance: Self-handicapping as a strategic means to cope with obtrusive negative performance expectations. Sex Roles, 47(3-4), 193-198.
Keller, J., Bohner, G. & Erb, H.-P. (2000). REI - Rational-Experiential Inventory - deutsche Fassung. Kurznachweis. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 31(2), 87-101.
Keller, J., Bohner, G. & Erb, H.-P. (2000). Intuitive und heuristische Urteilsbildung - verschiedene Prozesse? Präsentation einer deutschen Fassung des "Rational-Experiential Inventory" sowie neuer Selbstberichtskalen zur Heuristiknutzung. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 31(2), 87-101.
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