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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Ralph Hertwig

letzte Aktualisierung: 20.12.2024

Burton, J. W., Lopez-Lopez, E., Hechtlinger, S., Rahwan, Z., Aeschbach, S., Bakker, M. A., Becker, J. A., Berditchevskaia, A., Berger, J., Brinkmann, L., Flek, L., Herzog, S. M., Huang, S., Kapoor, S., Narayanan, A., Nussberger, A.-M., Yasseri, T., Nickl, P., Almaatouq, A., Hahn, U., Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Leavy, S., Rahwan, I., Siddarth, D., Siu, A., Woolley, A. W., Wulff, D. U. & Hertwig, R. (2024). How large language models can reshape collective intelligence. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 1643-1655.

Dallacker, M., Appelius, L., Brandmaier, A. M., Morais, A. S. & Hertwig, R. (2024). Opt-out defaults do not increase organ donation rates. Public Health, 236, 436-440.

Fulawka, K., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2024). COVID-19 vaccine refusal is driven by deliberate ignorance and cognitive distortions. npj Vaccines, 9(1), No. 167.

Geers, M., Swire-Thompson, B., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Herzog, S. M., Kozyreva, A. & Hertwig, R. (2024). The Online Misinformation Engagement Framework. Current Opinion in Psychology, 55, No. 101739.

Huang, Y., Luan, S., Wu, B., Li, Y., Wu, J., Chen, W. & Hertwig, R. (2024). Impulsivity is a stable, measurable, and predictive psychological trait. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(24), No. e2321758121.

Kozyreva, A., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Herzog, S. M., Ecker, U. K. H., Lewandowsky, S., Hertwig, R., Ali, A., Bak-Coleman, J., Barzilai, S., Basol, M., Berinsky, A. J., Betsch, C., Cook, J., Fazio, L. K., Geers, M., Guess, A. M., Huang, H., Larreguy, H., Maertens, R., Panizza, F., Pennycook, G., Rand, D. G., Rathje, S., Reifler, J., Schmid, P., Smith, M., Swire-Thompson, B., Szewach, P., van der Linden, S. & Wineburg, S. (2024). Toolbox of individual-level interventions against online misinformation. Nature Human Behaviour, 8, 1044-1052.

Lejarraga, T., Woike, J. K. & Hertwig, R. (2024). What makes depression babies different: Expectations or preferences? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 44, No. 100998.

Li, Y., Breithaupt, F., Hills, T., Lin, Z., Chen, Y., Siew, C. S. W. & Hertwig, R. (2024). How cognitive selection affects language change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(1), No. e2220898120.

Offer, K., Rahwan, Z. & Hertwig, R. (2024). Foucault's error: The power of not knowing. European Review of Social Psychology, 1-36.

Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Wagner, G. G. & Hertwig, R. (2024). How personal experiences shaped risk judgments during COVID-19. Journal of Risk Research, 27(3), 438-457.

Spiliopoulos, L. & Hertwig, R. (2024). Stochastic heuristics for decisions under risk and uncertainty. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, No. 1438581.

Willems, Y. E., deSteiguer, A., Tanksley, P. T., Vinnik, L., Fraemke, D., Okbay, A., Richter, D., Wagner, G.G., Hertwig, R., Koellinger, P., Tucker-Drob, E. M., Harden, K. P. & Raffington, L. (2024). Self-control is associated with health-relevant disparities in buccal DNA-methylation measures of biological aging in older adults. Clinical Epigenetics, 16, No. 22.

Dallacker, M., Knobl, V., Hertwig, R. & Mata, J. (2023). Effect of longer family meals on children's fruit and vegetable intake: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Network Open, 6(4), No. e236331.

Haux, L. M., Engelmann, J. M., Arslan, R. C., Hertwig, R. & Herrmann, E. (2023). Chimpanzee and human risk preferences show key similarities. Psychological Science, 34(3), 358-369.

Hertwig, R. (2023). The real cause of our complicity: The preoccupation with human weakness. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, No. e161.

Hertwig, R., Herzog, S. M. & Kozyreva, A. (2023). Blinding to circumvent human biases: Deliberate ignorance in humans, institutions, and machines. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1-11.

Koellinger, P. D., Okbay, A., Kweon, H., Schweinert, A., Linnér, R. K., Goebel, J., Richte, D., Reiber, L., Zweck, B. M., Belsky, D. W., Biroli, P., Mata, R., Tucker-Drob, E. M., Harden, K. P., Wagner, G. & Hertwig, R. (2023). Cohort profile: Genetic data in the German Socio-Economic Panel Innovation Sample (SOEP-G). PLoS ONE, 18(11), No. e0294896.

Kozyreva, A., Herzog, S. M., Lewandowsky, S., Hertwig, R., Lorenz-Spreen, P., Leiser, M. & Reifler, J. (2023). Resolving content moderation dilemmas between free speech and harmful misinformation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(7), No. e2210666120.

Lejarraga, T., Schnitzlein, D. D., Dahmann, S. C. & Hertwig, R. (2023). Birth-order effects on risk taking are limited to the family environment. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1531(1), 60-68.

Olschewski, S., Rieskamp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2023). The link between cognitive abilities and risk preference depends on measurement. Scientific Reports, 13, No. 21151.

Pedersen, M. K., Castaño Díaz, C. M., Wang, Q. J., Alba-Marrugo, M. A., Amidi, A., Basaiawmoit, R. V., Bergenholtz, C., Christiansen, M. H., Gajdacz, M., Hertwig, R., Ishkhanyan, B., Klyver, K., Ladegaard, N., Mathiasen, K., Parsons, C., Rafner, J., Villadsen, A. R., Wallentin, M., Zana, B. & Sherson, J. F. (2023). Measuring cognitive abilities in the wild: Validating a population-scale game-based cognitive assessment. Cognitive Science, 47(6), No. e13308.

Wegwarth, O., Mansmann, U., Zepp, F., Lühmann, D., Hertwig, R. & Scherer, M. (2023). Vaccination intention following receipt of vaccine information through interactive simulation vs text among COVID-19 vaccine-hesitant adults during the omicron wave in Germany. JAMA Network Open, 6(2), No. e2256208.

Woike, J. K., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (2023). Heterogeneity of rules in Bayesian reasoning: A toolbox analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 143, No. 101564.

Appelhoff, S., Hertwig, R. & Spitzer, B. (2022). Control over sampling boosts numerical evidence processing in human decisions from experience. Cerebral Cortex, No. bhac062.

Appelhoff, S., Hertwig, R. & Spitzer, B. (2022). EEG-representational geometries and psychometric distortions in approximate numerical judgment. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(12), No. e1010747.

Betsch, C., Schmid, P., Verger, P., Lewandowsky, S., Soveri, A., Hertwig, R., Fasce, A., Holford, D., De Raeve, P., Gagneur, A., Vuolanto, P., Correia, T., Tavoschi, L., Declich, S., Marceca, M., Linos, A., Karnaki, P., Karlsson, L. & Garrison, A. (2022). A call for immediate action to increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake to prepare for the third pandemic winter. Nature Communications, 13(1), No. 7511.

Hertwig, R. & Ellerbrock, D. (2022). Why people choose deliberate ignorance in times of societal transformation. Cognition, 229, No. 105247.

Hertwig, R. & Mazar, N. (2022). Toward a taxonomy and review of honesty interventions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 47, No. 101410.

Herzog, S. & Hertwig, R. (2022). Kompetenzen durch "Boosts" stärken. Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse jenseits von "Nudging". Report Psychologie, 47(4), 18-21.

Knobl, V., Dallacker, M., Hertwig, R. & Mata, J. (2022). Happy and healthy: How family mealtime routines relate to child nutritional health. Appetite, 171, No. 105939.

Kozyreva, A., Wineburg, S., Lewandowsky, S. & Hertwig, R. (2022). Critical ignoring as a core competence for digital citizens. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1-8.

Litvinova, A., Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Hertwig, R. & Herzog, S. M. (2022). How experts' own inconsistency relates to their confidence and between-expert disagreement. Scientific Reports, 12, No. 9273.

Lorenz-Spreen, P., Oswald, L., Lewandowsky, S. & Hertwig, R. (2022). A systematic review of worldwide causal and correlational evidence on digital media and democracy. Nature Human Behaviour, 7(1), 74-101.

Schulte, E., Spies, C., Denke, C., Meerpohl, J. J., Donner-Banzhoff, N., Petzke, F., Hertwig, R., Schäfer, M. & Wegwarth, O. (2022). Patients' self-reported physical and psychological effects of opioid use in chronic noncancer pain - A retrospective cross-sectional analysis. European Journal of Pain, 26(2), 417-427.

Schulze, C. & Hertwig, R. (2022). Experiencing statistical information improves children's and adults' inferences. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(6), 2302-2313.

Spiliopoulos, L. & Hertwig, R. (2022). Variance, skewness and multiple outcomes in described and experienced prospects: Can one descriptive model capture it all? Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 1-35.

Wegwarth, O., Ludwig, W.-D., Spies, C., Schulte, E. & Hertwig, R. (2022). The role of simulated-experience and descriptive formats on perceiving risks of strong opioids: A randomized controlled trial with chronic noncancer pain patients. Patient Education and Counseling, 105(6), 1571-1580.

Wegwarth, O., Spies, C., Ludwig, W.-D., Donner-Banzhoff, N., Jonitz, G. & Hertwig, R. (2022). Educating physicians on strong opioids by descriptive versus simulated-experience formats: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Medical Education, 22, No. 741.

Woike, J. K., Hafenbrädl, S., Kanngiesser, P. & Hertwig, R. (2022). The transmission game: Testing behavioral interventions in a pandemic-like simulation. Science Advances, 8(8), No. eabk0428.

Fleischhut, N., Artinger, F. M., Olschewski, S. & Hertwig, R. (2021). Not all uncertainty is treated equally: Information search under social and nonsocial uncertainty. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 1-14.

Frey, R., Richter, D., Schupp, J., Hertwig, R. & Mata, R. (2021). Identifying robust correlates of risk preference: A systematic approach using specification curve analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(2), 538-557.

Haux, L. M., Engelmann, J. M., Herrmann, E. & Hertwig, R. (2021). How chimpanzees decide in the face of social and nonsocial uncertainty. Animal Behaviour, 173, 177-189.

Hertwig, R., Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Spiliopoulos, L. & Pleskac, T. J. (2021). Studies in ecological rationality. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-25.

Hertwig, R., Woike, J. K. & Schupp, J. (2021). Age differences in deliberate ignorance. Psychology and Aging, 36(4), 407-414.

Hertwig, R. & Wulff, D. U. (2021). A description - Experience framework of the psychology of risk. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1-21.

Horn, S. S., Avrahami, J., Kareev, Y. & Hertwig, R. (2021). Age-related differences in strategic competition. Scientific Reports, 11, No. 15318.

Kozyreva, A. & Hertwig, R. (2021). The interpretation of uncertainty in ecological rationality. Synthese, 198(2), 1517-1547.

Lejarraga, T. & Hertwig, R. (2021). How experimental methods shaped views on human competence and rationality. Psychological Bulletin, 147(6), 535-564.

Lejarraga, T. & Hertwig, R. (2021). Three theories of choice and their psychology of losses. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1-12.

Leuker, C., Samartzidis, L. & Hertwig, R. (2021). What makes a market transaction morally repugnant? Cognition, 212, No. 104644.

Li, Y., Luan, S., Li, Y. & Hertwig, R. (2021). Changing emotions in the COVID-19 pandemic: A four-wave longitudinal study in the United States and China. Social Science & Medicine, 285, No. 114222.

Li, Y., Luan, S., Li, Y., Wu, J., Li, W. & Hertwig, R. (2021). Does risk perception motivate preventive behavior during a pandemic? A longitudinal study in the United States and China. American Psychologist, 1-14.

Pleskac, T. J., Conradt, L., Leuker, C. & Hertwig, R. (2021). The ecology of competition: A theory of risk-reward environments in adaptive decision making. Psychological Review, 128(2), 315-335.

Schulze, C. & Hertwig, R. (2021). A description-experience gap in statistical intuitions: Of smart babies, risk-savvy chimps, intuitive statisticians, and stupid grown-ups. Cognition, 210, No. 104580.

Schulze, C., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2021). Who you know is what you know: Modeling boundedly rational social sampling. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 150(2), 221-241.

Siegrist, V., Mata, R., Langewitz, W., Gerger, H., Furger, S., Hertwig, R. & Bingisser, R. (2021). Does information structuring improve recall of discharge information? A cluster randomized clinical trial. PLoS ONE, 16(10), No. e0257656.

Arslan, R. C., Brümmer, M., Dohmen, T., Drewelies, J., Hertwig, R. & Wagner, G. G. (2020). How people know their risk preference. Scientific Reports, 10, No. 15365.

Fleischhut, N., Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2020). Weather literacy in times of climate change. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12(3), 435-452.

Hertwig, R. & Ryall, M. D. (2020). Nudge versus boost: Agency dynamics under libertarian paternalism. The Economic Journal, 130(629), 1384-1415.

Kozyreva, A., Lewandowsky, S. & Hertwig, R. (2020). Citizens versus the Internet: Confronting digital challenges with cognitive tools. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 21(3), 103-156.

Leuker, C., Samartzidis, L., Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2020). When money talks: Judging risk and coercion in high-paying clinical trials. PLoS ONE, 15(1), No. e0227898.

Li, Y., Hills, T. & Hertwig, R. (2020). A brief history of risk. Cognition, 203, No. 104344.

Lorenz-Spreen, P., Lewandowsky, S., Sunstein, C. R. & Hertwig, R. (2020). How behavioural sciences can promote truth, autonomy and democratic discourse online. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(11), 1102-1109.

Spiliopoulos, L. & Hertwig, R. (2020). A map of ecologically rational heuristics for uncertain strategic worlds. Psychological Review, 127(2), 245-280.

Tisdall, L., Frey, R., Horn, A., Ostwald, D., Horvath, L., Pedroni, A., Rieskamp, J., Blankenburg, F., Hertwig, R. & Mata, R. (2020). Brain-behavior associations for risk taking depend on the measures used to capture individual differences. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 14, No. 587152.

Wegwarth, O., Spies, C., Schulte, E., Meerpohl, J. J., Schmucker, C., Nury, E., Brockmann, D., Donner-Banzhoff, N., Wind, S., Goebel, E., Ludwig, W.-D. & Hertwig, R. (2020). Experiencing the risk of overutilising opioids among patients with chronic non-cancer pain in ambulatory care (ERONA): The protocol of an exploratory, randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 10(9), No. e037642.

Zilker, V., Hertwig, R. & Pachur, T. (2020). Age differences in risk attitude are shaped by option complexity. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 149(9), 1644-1683.

Dai, J., Pachur, T., Pleskac, T. J. & Hertwig, R. (2019). What the future holds and when: A description-experience gap in intertemporal choice. Psychological Science, 30(8), 1218-1233 .

Dallacker, M., Hertwig, R. & Mata, J. (2019). Quality matters: A meta-analysis on components of healthy family meals. Psychology and Health, 38(12), 1137-1149.

Dallacker, M., Mata, J. & Hertwig, R. (2019). Toward simple eating rules for the land of plenty. In R. Hertwig, Timothy J. |f ED Pleskac & T. Pachur (Eds.), Taming uncertainty (pp. 111-127).

El Zein, M., Bahrami, B. & Hertwig, R. (2019). Shared responsibility in collective decisions. Nature Human Behaviour, 3(6), 554-559.

Gerlach, P., Teodorescu, K. & Hertwig, R. (2019). The truth about lies: A meta-analysis on dishonest behavior. Psychological Bulletin, 145(1), 1-44.

Hertwig, R., Wulff, D. U. & Mata, R. (2019). Three gaps and what they may mean for risk preference. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society - Series B, 374(1766), No. 20180140.

Kurvers, R. H. J. M., Herzog, S. M., Hertwig, R., Krause, J., Moussaid, M., Argenziano, G., Zalaudek, I., Carney, P. A. & Wolf, M. (2019). How to detect high-performing individuals and groups: Decision similarity predicts accuracy. Science Advances, 5(11), No. eaaw9011.

Lejarraga, T., Frey, R., Schnitzleind, D. D. & Hertwig, R. (2019). No effect of birth order on adult risk taking. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(13), 6019-6024.

Lejarraga, T., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2019). The attention-aversion gap: How allocation of attention relates to loss aversion. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(5), 457-469.

Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2019). Too good to be true? Psychological responses to uncommon options in risk-reward environments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(3), 346-358.

Schurz, G. & Hertwig, R. (2019). Cognitive success: A consequentialist account of rationality in cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science, 11(1), 7-36.

Spiliopoulos, L. & Hertwig, R. (2019). Nonlinear decision weights or moment-based preferences? A model competition involving described and experienced skewness. Cognition, 183, 99-123.

Dallacker, M., Hertwig, R. & Mata, J. (2018). Parents' considerable underestimation of sugar and their child's risk of overweight. International Journal of Obesity, 42(5), 1097-1100.

de Bellis, E., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Brucks, W., Herrmann, A. & Hertwig, R. (2018). Blind haste: As light decreases, speeding increases. PLoS ONE, 13(1), No. e0188951.

Frey, R., Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2018). Deciding on behalf of others: A population survey on procedural preferences for surrogate decision-making. BMJ Open, 8(7), No. e022289.

Hadar, L., Danziger, S. & Hertwig, R. (2018). The attraction effect in experience-based decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 31(3), 461-468.

Hertwig, R., Hogarth, R. M. & Lejarraga, T. (2018). Experience and description: Exploring two paths to knowledge. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(2), 123-128.

Leuker, C., Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2018). Exploiting risk-reward structures in decision making under uncertainty. Cognition, 175, 186-200.

Mata, J., Dallacker, M., Vogel, T. & Hertwig, R. (2018). The role of attitudes in diet, eating and body weight. In D. Albarracín & B. T. Johnson (Eds.), The handbook of attitudes. Volume 2: Applications (pp. 67-91).

Mata, J., Richter, D., Schneider, T. & Hertwig, R. (2018). How cohabitation, marriage, separation, and divorce influence BMI: A prospective panel study. Health Psychology, 37(10), 948-958.

Mata, R., Frey, R., Richter, D., Schupp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2018). Risk preference: A view from psychology. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 32(2), 155-172.

Pachur, T., Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Murphy, R. O. & Hertwig, R. (2018). Prospect theory reflects selective allocation of attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 147(2), 147-169.

Siegrist, V., Eken, C., Nickel, C. H., Mata, R., Hertwig, R. & Bingisser, R. (2018). End-of-life decisions in emergency patients: Prevalence, outcome and physician effect. QJM, 111(8), 549-554.

Wulff, D. U., Mergenthaler-Canseco, M. & Hertwig, R. (2018). A meta-analytic review of two modes of learning and the description-experience gap. Psychological Bulletin, 144(2), 140-176.

Ackermann, S., Mata, R., Ghanim, L., Heierle, A., Bingisser, R., Hertwig, R. & Langewitz, W. (2017). Information structuring improves recall of emergency discharge information: a randomized clinical trial. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(6), 646-662.

Frey, R., Pedroni, A., Mata, R., Rieskamp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2017). Risk preference shares the psychometric structure of major psychological traits. Science Advances, 3(10), No. e1701381.

Hertwig, R. & Grüne-Yanoff, T. (2017). Nudging and boosting: Steering or empowering good decisions. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(6), 973-986.

Hilbrand, S., Coall, D. A., Gerstorf, D. & Hertwig, R. (2017). Caregiving within and beyond the family is associated with lower mortality for the caregiver: A prospective study. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38(3), 397-403.

Hilbrand, S., Coall, D. A., Meyer, A. H., Gerstorf, D. & Hertwig, R. (2017). A prospective study of associations among helping, health, and longevity. Social Science & Medicine, 187, 109-117.

Lejarraga, T. & Hertwig, R. (2017). How the threat of losses makes people explore more than the promise of gains. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24(3), 708-720.

Mata, J., Dallacker, M. & Hertwig, R. (2017). Social nature of eating could explain missing link between food insecurity and childhood obesity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, No. e122.

Mata, R. & Hertwig, R. (2017). Towards an ecological perspective on age-performance relations. European Psychologist, 22(3), 151-158.

Ackermann, S., Heierle, A., Bingisser, M.-B., Hertwig, R., Padiyath, R., Nickel, C. H., Langewitz, W. & Bingisser, R. (2016). Discharge communication in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain: Defining the ideal content. Health Communication, 31(5), 557-565.

Dallacker, M., Hertwig, R., Peters, E. & Mata, J. (2016). Lower parental numeracy is associated with children being under- and overweight. Social Science & Medicine, 161, 126-133.

Hertwig, R. & Engel, C. (2016). Homo ignorans: Deliberately choosing not to know. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(3), 359-372.

Josef, A. K., Richter, D., Samanez-Larkin, G. R., Wagner, G. G., Hertwig, R. & Mata, R. (2016). Stability and change in risk-taking propensity across the adult life span. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(3), 430-450.

Kellen, D., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2016). How (in)variant are subjective representations of described and experienced risk and rewards? Cognition, 157, 126-138.

Lejarraga, T., Pachur, T., Frey, R. & Hertwig, R. (2016). Decisions from Experience: From Monetary to Medical Gambles. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(1), 67-77.

Lejarraga, T., Woike, J. K. & Hertwig, R. (2016). Description and experience: How experimental investors learn about booms and busts affects their financial risk taking. Cognition, 157, 365-383.

Suter, R. S., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2016). How affect shapes risky choice: Distorted probability weighting versus probability neglect. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(4), 437-449.

Volz, K. G. & Hertwig, R. (2016). Emotions and decisions: Beyond conceptual vagueness and the rationality muddle. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(1), 101-116.

Frey, R., Mata, R. & Hertwig, R. (2015). The role of cognitive abilities in decisions from experience: Age differences emerge as a function of choice set size. Cognition, 60-80.

Frey, R., Rieskamp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2015). Sell in May and go away? Learning and risk taking in nonmonotonic decision problems. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41(1), 193-208.

Hertwig, R. & Frey, R. (2015). The challenge of the description-experience gap to the communication of risks. In H. Cho, T. Reimer & K. A. McComas (Eds.), The Sage handbook of risk communication (pp. 24-40). Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Hintze, A., Phillips, N. & Hertwig, R. (2015). The Janus face of Darwinian competition. Scientific Reports (Online Journal), 5, No. 13662.

Langewitz, W., Ackermann, S., Heierle, A., Hertwig, R., Ghanim, L. & Bingisser, R. (2015). Improving patient recall of information: Harnessing the power of structure. Patient Education and Counseling, 98(6), 716-721.

Mata, J., Hertwig, R. & Frank, R. (2015). Higher body mass index, less exercise, but healthier eating in married adults: Nine representative surveys across Europe. Social Science & Medicine, 119-127.

Ostwald, D., Starke, L. & Hertwig, R. (2015). A normative inference approach for optimal sample sizes in decisions from experience. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 6, No. 1342.

Wulff, D. U., Hills, T. T. & Hertwig, R. (2015). How short- and long-run aspirations impact search and choice in decisions from experience. Cognition, 144, 29-37.

Wulff, D. U., Hills, T. T. & Hertwig, R. (2015). Online product reviews and the description-experience gap. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28(3), 214-223.

Coall, D. A., Hilbrand, S. & Hertwig, R. (2014). Predictors of Grandparental Investment Decisions in Contemporary Europe: Biological Relatedness and Beyond. PLoS ONE, 9(1).

Frey, R., Hertwig, R. & Herzog, S. M. (2014). Surrogate decision making: Do we have to trade off accuracy and procedural satisfaction? Medical Decision Making, 34(2), 258-269.

Frey, R., Hertwig, R. & Rieskamp, J. (2014). Fear shapes information acquisition in decisions from experience. Cognition, 132(1), 90-99.

Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2014). Think twice and then: Combining or choosing in dialectical bootstrapping? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(1), 218-232.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Wolkewitz, R. (2014). The affect gap in risky choice: Affect-rich outcomes attenuate attention to probability information. Decision, 1(1), 64-78.

Phillips, N. D., Hertwig, R., Kareev, Y. & Avrahami, J. (2014). Rivals in the dark: How competition influences search in decisions under uncertainty. Cognition, 133(1), 104-119.

Pleskac, T. J. & Hertwig, R. (2014). Ecologically Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 143(5), 2000-2019.

Gaissmaier, W., Hertwig, R., Buchan, H., Davis, D. A., Härter, M., Kolpatzik, K., Légaré, F., Schmacke, N. & Wormer, H. (2013). Wie werden Gesundheitsfachkräfte und Patienten im Jahr 2020 zusammenarbeiten? Ein Manifest für den Wandel. In G. Gigerenzer & J. A. M. Gray (Hrsg.), Bessere Ärzte, bessere Patienten, bessere Medizin. Aufbruch in ein transparentes Gesundheitswesen (S. 325-347). Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (Eds.). (2013). Simple heuristics in a social world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hertwig, R., Fischbacher, U. & Bruhin, A. (2013). Simple heuristics in a social game. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 39-65). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2013). Simple heuristics: The foundations of adaptive social behavior. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 3-36). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2013). The ecological validity of fluency. In C. Unkelbach & R. Greifeneder (Eds.), The experience of thinking. How the fluency of mental processes influences cognition and behavior (pp. 190-219). London: Psychology Press.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R., Gigerenzer, G. & Brandstaetter, E. (2013). Testing process predictions of models of risky choice: a quantitative model comparison approach. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 4, No. 646.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Rieskamp, J. (2013). Intuitive judgments of social statistics: How exhaustive does sampling need to be? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(6), 1059-1077.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Rieskamp, J. (2013). The mind as an intuitive pollster: Frugal search in social spaces. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 261-291). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reimer, T., Hertwig, R. & Sipek, S. (2013). Probabilistic persuasion: A Brunswikian theory of argumentation. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),R. Hertwig & U. Hoffrage (Eds.), Simple heuristics in a social world (pp. 103-134). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schulte-Mecklenbeck, M., Sohn, M., de Bellis, E., Martin, N. & Hertwig, R. (2013). A lack of appetite for information and computation. Simple heuristics in food choice. Appetite, 71, 242-251.

Suter, R., Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2013). How does prospect theory reflect heuristics' probability sensitivity in risky choice? In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1408-1413). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Ackermann, S., Bingisser, M.-B., Heierle, A., Langewitz, W., Hertwig, R. & Bingisser, R. (2012). Discharge communication in the emergency department: Physicians underestimate the time needed. Swiss Medical Weekly, 142, No. w13588.

Ettlin, F. & Hertwig, R. (2012). Back or to the future? Preferences of time travelers. Judgment and Decision Making (Online Journal), 7(4), 373-382.

Hertwig, R. (2012). Tapping into the wisdom of the crow - With confidence. Science, 336(6079), 303-304.

Hertwig, R. (2012). The psychology and rationality of decisions from experience. Synthese, 187(1), 269-292.

Hertwig, R., Hoffrage, U. & Sparr, R. (2012). How estimation can benefit from an imbalanced world. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),P. M. Todd & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Ecological rationality. Intelligence in the world (pp. 379-406). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hills, T.T. & Hertwig, R. (2012). Two distinct exploratory behaviors in decisions from experience: Comment on Gonzalez and Dutt (2011). Psychological Review, 119(4), 888-892.

Hoffrage, U. & Hertwig, R. (2012). Simple heuristics in a complex social world. In J. I. Krueger (Ed.), Social judgment and decision making (pp. 135-149). New York: Psychology Press.

Lejarraga, T., Hertwig, R. & Gonzalez, C. (2012). How choice ecology influences search in decisions from experience. Cognition, 124(3), 334-342.

Mata, R., Hau, R., Papassotiropoulos, A. & Hertwig, R. (2012). DAT1 polymorphism is associated with risk taking in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART). PLoS ONE, 7(6), No. e39135.

Mata, R., Pachur, T., von Helversen, B., Hertwig, R., Rieskamp, J. & Schooler, L. (2012). Ecological rationality: A framework for understanding and aiding the aging decision maker. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6:19.

Pachur, T., Hertwig, R. & Steinmann, F. (2012). How Do People Judge Risks: Availability Heuristic, Affect Heuristic, or Both? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 18(3), 314-330.

Schooler, L. J., Hertwig, R. & Herzog, S. M. (2012). How smart forgetting helps heuristic inference. In ABC Research Group (Ed.),P. M. Todd & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Ecological rationality. Intelligence in the world (pp. 144-166). New York: Oxford University Press.

Woike, J., Hoffrage, U. & Hertwig, R. (2012). Estimating quantities: Comparing simple heuristics and machine learning algorithms. In A. E. P. Villa, W. Duch, P. Érdi, F. Masulli & G. Palm (Eds.), Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2012 - 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-14, 2012, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 483-490). Lausanne, Switzerland: Springer.

Coall, D. A. & Hertwig, R. (2011). Grandparental investment: A relic of the past or a resource for the future? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(2), 93-98.

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Hertwig, R., Buchan, H., Davis, D. A., Gaissmaier, W., Härter, M., Kolpatzik, K., Légaré, F., Schmacke, N. & Wormer, H. (2011). How will health care professionals and patients work together in 2020? A manifesto for change. In G. Gigerenzer & J. A. M. Gray (Eds.), Better doctors, better patients, better decisions. Envisioning health care 2020 (pp. 317-337). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Hertwig, R. & Gigerener, G. (2011). Behavioral inconsistencies do not imply inconsistent strategies. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 2(292).

Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2011). The wisdom of ignorant crowds: Predicting sport outcomes by mere recognition. Judgment and Decision Making (Online Journal), 6(1), 58-72.

Hills, T. & Hertwig, R. (2011). Why aren't we smarter already: Evolutionary trade-offs and cognitive enhancements. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(6), 373-377.

Mata, R. & Hertwig, R. (2011). How to model age-related motivational reorientations in risky choice. Commentary on Depping and Freund. Human Development, 54, 368-375.

Mata, R., Josef, A. K., Samanez-Larkin, G. R. & Hertwig, R. (2011). Age differences in risky choice: A meta-analysis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1235, 18-29.

Suter, R. S. & Hertwig, R. (2011). Time and moral judgment. Cognition, 119(3), 454-458.

Brandstätter, E., Hertwig, R. & Gußmack, M. (2010). Entscheiden unter Risiko: Von Bernoulli zu kognitiven Heuristiken. In J. Behnke, T. Bräuninger & S. Shikano (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie. Band 6: Schwerpunkt Neuere Entwicklungen des Konzepts der Rationalität und ihre Anwendungen (S. 101-123). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Erev, I., Ert, E., Roth, A. E., Haruvy, E., Herzog, S. M., Hau, R., Hertwig, R., Stewart, T., West, R. & Lebiere, C. (2010). A Choice Prediction Competition: Choices from Experience and from Description. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23(1), 15-47.

Hau, R., Pleskac, T. J. & Hertwig, R. (2010). Decisions From Experience and Statistical Probabilities: Why They Trigger Different Choices Than a Priori Probabilities. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23(1), 48-68.

Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2010). Decisions from experience: Why small samples? Cognition, 115(2), 225-237.

Hills, T. T. & Hertwig, R. (2010). Information search in decisions from experience: Do our patterns of sampling foreshadow our decisions? Psychological Science, 21(12), 1787-1792.

Katsikopoulos, K. V., Schooler, L. J. & Hertwig, R. (2010). The robust beauty of ordinary information. Psychological Review, 117(4), 1259-1266.

Coall, D. A., Meier, M., Hertwig, R., Wänke, M. & Höpflinger, F. (2009). Grandparental investment: The influence of reproductive timing and family size. American Journal of Human Biology, 21(4), 455-463.

Fasolo, B., Hertwig, R., Huber, M. & Ludwig, M. (2009). Size, entropy, and density: What is the difference that makes the difference between small and large real-world assortments? Psychology & Marketing, 26(3), 254-279.

Hertwig, R., Davis, J. N. & Sulloway, F. J. (2009). Parental investment: How an equity motive can produce inequality. In D. K. Tscheulin & H. Schüpbach (Eds.), Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Grundlagen in ökonomischen Systemen (pp. 96-137). Berlin: BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag.

Hertwig, R. & Erev, I. (2009). The description-experience gap in risky choice. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(12), 517-523.

Hertwig, R. & Herzog, S. M. (2009). Fast and frugal heuristics: Tools of social rationality. Social Cognition, 27(5), 661-698.

Herzog, S. M. & Hertwig, R. (2009). The wisdom of many in one mind: Improving individual judgments with dialectical bootstrapping. Psychological Science, 20(2), 231-237.

Rydval, O., Ortmann, A., Prokosheva, S. & Hertwig, R. (2009). How certain is the uncertainty effect? Experimental Economics, 12(4), 473-487.

Brandstätter, E., Gigerenzer, G. & Hertwig, R. (2008). Postscript: Rejoinder to Johnson et al. (2008) and Birnbaum (2008). Psychological Review, 115(1), 289-290.

Brandstätter, E., Gigerenzer, G. & Hertwig, R. (2008). Risky choice with heuristics: Reply to Birnbaum (2008), Johnson, Schulte-Mecklenbeck, and Willemsen (2008), and Rieger and Wang (2008). Psychological Review, 115(1), 281-290.

Erev, I., Glozman, I. & Hertwig, R. (2008). What impacts the impact of rare events. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 36, 153-177.

Erev, I., Shimonowitch, D., Schurr, A. & Hertwig, R. (2008). Base rates. How to make the intuitive mind appreciate or neglect them. In H. Plessner, C. Betsch & T. Betsch (Eds.), Intuition in judgment and decision making (pp. 135-148). New York: Erlbaum.

Gigerenzer, G., Hertwig, R., Hoffrage, U. & Sedlmeier, P. (2008). Cognitive illusions reconsidered. In C. R. Plott & V. L. Smith (Eds.), Handbook of experimental economic results. Volume 1 (pp. 1018-1034). Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Hau, R., Hertwig, R., Pleskac, T. J. & Kiefer, J. (2008). The description-experience gap in risky choice: The role of sample size and experienced probabilities. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21(5), 493-518.

Hertwig, R., Benz, B. & Krauss, S. (2008). The conjunction fallacy and the many meanings of and. Cognition, 108(3), 740-753.

Hertwig, R., Herzog, S. M., Schooler, L. J. & Reimer, T. (2008). Fluency heuristic: A model of how the mind exploits a by-product of information retrieval. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34(5), 1191-1206.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2008). Deception in experiments: Revisiting the arguments in its defense. Ethics & Behavior, 18(1), 59-92.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2008). Deception in social psychological experiments: Two misconceptions and a research agenda. Social Psychology Quarterly, 71(3), 222-227.

Hertwig, R. & Pleskac, T. J. (2008). The game of life: How small samples render choice simpler. In N. Chater & M. Oaksford (Eds.), The probabilistic mind: Prospects for Bayesian cognitive science (pp. 209-235). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hertwig, R., Zangerl, M. A., Biedert, E. & Margraf, J. (2008). The public's probabilistic numeracy: How tasks, education and exposure to games of chance shape it. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21(4), 457-470.

Hertwig, R. (2007). Efficient social engineering and realistic cognitive modeling: A psychologist's thoughts. In B. S. Frey & A. Stutzer (Eds.), Economics and psychology. A promising new cross-disciplinary field (pp. 243-269). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Brandstätter, E., Gigerenzer, G. & Hertwig, R. (2006). The priority heuristic: Making choices without trade-offs. Psychological Review, 113(2), 409-432.

Goldstein, D. G., Arkes, H. R., Beckenkamp, M., Cooter, R., Ellickson, R. C., Engel, C., Guthrie, C., Hertwig, R., Kurzenhäuser, S. & Weber, E. U. (2006). Group ç: How do heuristics mediate the impact of law on behavior? In C. Engel & G. Gigerenzer (Eds.), Heuristics and the law. 2005. Dahlem Workshop Report 94 (pp. 439-465). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Goldstein, D. G., Arkes, H. R., Beckenkamp, M., Cooter, R., Ellickson, R. C., Engel, C., Guthrie, C., Hertwig, R., Kurzenhäuser, S. & Weber, E. U. (2006). Group report: How do heuristics mediate the impact of law on behavior? In G. Gigerenzer & C. Engel (Eds.), Heuristics and the law (pp. 439-465). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Hertwig, R. (2006). Strategien und Heuristiken. In J. Funke & P. A. Frensch (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie - Kognition (S. 461-469). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Hertwig, R. (2006). Do legal rules rule behavior? In G. Gigerenzer & C. Engel (Eds.), Heuristics and the law. Report of the 94th Dahlem Workshop, Berlin, June 6-11, 2004 (pp. 391-410). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Hertwig, R., Barron, G., Weber, E. U. & Erev, I. (2006). The role of information sampling in risky choice. In K. Fiedler & P. Juslin (Eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition (pp. 72-91). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hoffrage, U. & Hertwig, R. (2006). Which world should be represented in representative design? In K. Fiedler & P. Juslin (Eds.), Information sampling and adaptive cognition (pp. 381-408). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kurzenhäuser, S. & Hertwig, R. (2006). How to foster citizens' statistical reasoning: Implications for genetic counseling. Community Genetics, 9(3), 197-203.

Pachur, T. & Hertwig, R. (2006). On the psychology of the recognition heuristic: Retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 32(5), 983-1002.

Rieskamp, J., Hertwig, R. & Todd, P. M. (2006). Bounded rationality. Two interpretations from psychology. In M. Altman (Ed.), Handbook of contemporary behavioral economics. Foundations and developments (pp. 218-236). Armonk: Sharpe.

Gigerenzer, G., Hertwig, R., van den Broek, E., Fasolo, B. & Katsikopoulos, K. V. (2005). "A 30% chance of rain tomorrow": How does the public understand probabilistic weather forecasts? Risk Analysis, 25(3), 623-629.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2005). The cognitive illusion controversy: A methodological debate in disguise that matters to economists. In R. Zwick & A. Rapoport (Eds.), Experimental business research. Volume III (pp. 113-130). Dordrecht: Springer.

Hertwig, R., Pachur, T. & Kurzenhäuser, S. (2005). Judgments of risk frequencies: Tests of possible cognitive mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31(4), 621-642.

Hoffrage, U., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (2005). Die ökologische Rationalität einfacher Entscheidungs- und Urteilsheuristiken. In H. Siegenthaler (Hrsg.), Rationalität im Prozess kultureller Evolution. Rationalitätsunterstellungen als eine Bedingung der Möglichkeit substantieller Rationalität des Handelns (S. 65-89). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

Pachur, T., Rieskamp, J. & Hertwig, R. (2005). The social circle heuristic: Fast and frugal decisions based on small samples. In K. Forbus, D. Gentner & T. Regier (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2004, August 4-7, Chicago, Illinois (pp. 1077-1082). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Schooler, L. J. & Hertwig, R. (2005). How forgetting aids heuristic inference. Psychological Review, 112(3), 610-628.

Todd, P. M., Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2005). Evolutionary cognitive psychology. In D. M. Buss (Ed.), The handbook of evolutionary psychology (pp. 776-802). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Dhami, M. K., Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2004). The role of representative design in an ecological approach to cognition. Psychological Bulletin, 130(6), 959-988.

Hertwig, R., Barron, G., Weber, E. U. & Erev, I. (2004). Decisions from experience and the effect of rare events in risky choice. Psychological Science, 15(8), 534-539.

Hertwig, R. & Wallin, A. (2004). Out of the theoretical cul-de-sac. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 27(03), 342-343.

Hertwig, R., Fanselow, C. & Hoffrage, U. (2003). Hindsight bias: How knowledge and heuristics affect our reconstruction of the past. Memory, 11(4-5), 357-377.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2003). Economists' and psychologists' experimental practices: How they differ, why they differ, and how they could converge. In I. Brocas & J. D. Carrillo (Eds.), The psychology of economic decisions. Vol. I: Rationality and well-being (pp. 253-272). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hertwig, R. & Todd, P. M. (2003). More is not always better: The benefits of cognitive limits. In D. Hardman & L. Macchi (Eds.), Thinking. Psychological perspectives on reasoning, judgment and decision making (pp. 213-231). Chichester: Wiley.

Hoffrage, U., Hertwig, R., Weber, A. & Chase, V. M. (2003). How to keep children safe in traffic: Find the daredevils early. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied, 9(4), 249-260.

Lindsey, S., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (2003). Communicating statistical DNA evidence. Jurimetrics, 43(2), 147-163.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2002). Economists and psychologists experimental practices: How they differ, why they differ and how they could converge. In I. Brocas & J. D. Carillo (Eds.), The psychology of economic decisions (pp. 253-272). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hertwig, R. & Todd, P. M. (2002). Heuristics. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the human brain (pp. 449-460). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Hertwig, R., Davis, J. N. & Sulloway, F. J. (2002). Parental investment: How an equity motive can produce inequality. Psychological Bulletin, 128(5), 728-745.

Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2002). Technology needs psychology: How natural frequencies foster insight in medical and legal experts. In P. Sedlmeier & T. Betsch (Eds.), Etc. Frequency processing and cognition (pp. 285-302). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ortmann, A. & Hertwig, R. (2002). The costs of deception: Evidence from psychology. Experimental Economics, 5(2), 111-131.

Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2001). Eingeschränkte und ökologische Rationalität: Ein Forschungsprogramm. Psychologische Rundschau, 52(1), 11-19.

Hertwig, R. & Hoffrage, U. (2001). Empirische Evidenz für einfache Heuristiken. Eine Antwort auf Bröder. Psychologische Rundschau, 52(3), 162-165.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2001). Experimental practices in economics: A methodological challenge for psychologists? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(3), 383-451.

Hertwig, R. & Ortmann, A. (2001). Money, lies, and replicability: On the need for empirically grounded experimental practices and interdisciplinary discourse. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24(03), 433-451.

Kurz, E. M. & Hertwig, R. (2001). Demonstrations for perception psychologists. In K. R. Hammond & T. R. Stewart (Eds.), The Essential Brunswik: Beginnings, explications, applications (pp. 180-191). New York: Oxford University Press.

Kurz, E. M. & Hertwig, R. (2001). Thing constancy as measured by correlation coefficients (1940). Comment: To know an experimenter. In K. R. Hammond & T. R. Stewart (Eds.), The essential Brunswik: Beginnings, explications, applications (pp. 180-191). New York: Oxford University Press.

Mellers, B. A., Erev, I., Fessler, D. M. T., Hemelrijk, C. K., Hertwig, R., Laland, K. N., Scherer, K. R., Seeley, T. D. & Selten, R. (2001). What is the effect of emotion and other noncognitive factors in bounded rationality? In G. Gigerenzer & R. Selten (Eds.), Bounded rationality: The adaptive toolbox Dahlem Workshop report. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Mellers, B. A., Erev, I., Fessler, D. M. T., Hemelrijk, C. K., Hertwig, R., Laland, K. N., Scherer, K. R., Seeley, T. D., Selten, R. & Tetlock, P. E. (2001). Group report: Effects of emotions and social processes on bounded rationality. In G. Gigerenzer & R. Selten (Eds.), Bounded rationality. The adaptive toolbox. Report of the 84th Dahlem Workshop, Berlin, March 14-19, 1999 (pp. 263-280). Cambridge: MIT Press.

Mellers, B., Hertwig, R. & Kahneman, D. (2001). Do frequency representations eliminate conjunction effects? An exercise in adversarial collaboration. Psychological Science, 12(4), 269-275.

Hertwig, R. (2000). The questionable utility of "cognitive ability" in explaining cognitive illusions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23(5), 678-679.

Hertwig, R. & Todd, P. M. (2000). Biases to the left, fallacies to the right: Stuck in the middle with null hypothesis significance testing. Commentary on Krueger on social-bias. Psycoloquy, 11(28), No. 20.

Hoffrage, U., Lindsey, S., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (2000). Communicating statistical information. Science, 290, 2261-2262.

Hoffrage, U., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (2000). Hindsight bias: A by-product of knowledge updating? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26(3), 566-581.

Krauss, S. & Hertwig, R. (2000). Diskussion. Muss DNA-Evidenz schwer verständlich sein? Der Ausweg aus einem Kommunikationsproblem. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 3, 155-162.

Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (1999). The "conjunction fallacy" revisited: How intelligent inferences look like reasoning errors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 12, 275-305.

Hertwig, R., Hoffrage, U. & Martignon, L. (1999). Quick estimation. Letting the environment do the work. In G. Gigerenzer & P. M. Todd (Eds.), Simple heuristics that make us smart. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hoffrage, U. & Hertwig, R. (1999). Hindsight bias. A price worth paying for fast and frugal memory. In G. Gigerenzer & P. M. Todd (Eds.), Simple heuristics that make us smart. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Wang, X. T. & Hertwig, R. (1999). How is maternal survival related to reproductive success? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22(2), 236-237.

Chase, V. M., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (1998). Visions of rationality. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(6), 206-214.

Hertwig, R. (1998). Psychologie, experimentelle Ökonomie und die Frage, was gutes Experimentieren ist. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 45(1), 2-19.

Hertwig, R. & Chase, V. M. (1998). Many reasons or just one: How response mode affects reasoning in the conjunction problem. Thinking and Reasoning, 4(4), 319-352.

Ortmann, A. & Hertwig, R. (1998). The question remains: Is deception acceptable? American Psychologist, 53, 806-807.

Sedlmeier, P., Hertwig, R. & Gigerenzer, G. (1998). Are judgments of the positional frequencies of letters systematically biased due to availability? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 24(3), 754-770.

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Mussgay, L. & Hertwig, R. (1990). Signal detection indices in schizophrenics on a visual, auditory, and bimodal continuous performance test. Schizophrenia Research, 303-310.

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