letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2024
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2024). Inhibition during task switching is affected by the number of competing tasks. Memory & Cognition, 52(1), 211-224.
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2023). Effects of a dynamically changing response set overlap on n - 2 repetition costs. Psychological Research, 87(7), 2275-2282.
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2022). No-go trials in task switching: Effects on the task-set and task-space level. Psychological Research, 86(4), 1097-1107.
Kleinsorge, T. (2021). Cognitive capacity, representation, and instruction. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 701687.
Foerster, A., Schmidts, C., Kleinsorge, T. & Kunde, W. (2020). Affective distraction along the flexibility-stability continuum. Cognition and Emotion, 34(3), 438-449.
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2020). Further investigating effects of task repetition proportion on n-2 repetition costs: Task shielding as a potential modulating factor? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(10), 1629-1639.
Schmidts, C., Foerster, A., Kleinsorge, T. & Kunde, W. (2020). Proactive control of affective distraction: Experience-based but not expectancy-based. Cognition, 194, No. 104072.
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2019). Effects of global and local task repetition proportion on n-2 repetition costs. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(3), 579-588.
Gombert, L., Rivkin, W. & Kleinsorge, T. (2018). A diary-study on work-related smartphone use and employees' well-being: The moderating role of basic need satisfaction. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 72(2), 111-119.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2018). Further evidence for functional differences between guessing versus choosing an upcoming task. Acta Psychologica, 183, 1-9.
Maydych, V., Claus, M., Watzl, C. & Kleinsorge, T. (2018). Attention to emotional information is associated with cytokine responses to psychological stress. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, No. 687.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2017). Integration of advance information about a forthcoming task switch evidence - From eye blink rates. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 8, No. 290.
Maydych, V., Claus, M., Dychus, N., Ebel, M., Damaschke, J., Diestel, S., Wolf, O. T., Kleinsorge, T. & Watzl, C. (2017). Impact of chronic and acute academic stress on lymphocyte subsets and monocyte function. PLoS ONE, 12(11), No. e0188108.
Claus, M., Dychus, N., Ebel, M., Damaschke, J., Maydych, V., Kleinsorge, T., Watzl, C. & Wolf, O. T. (2016). Measuring the immune system: a comprehensive approach for the analysis of immune functions in humans. Archives of Toxicology, 90(10), 2481-2495.
Gombert, L., Rivkin, W., Kleinsorge, T. & Schmidt, K.-H. (2016). Selbstkontrollanforderungen bei der Arbeit: Kann Abschalten am Abend schützen? Personal quarterly, 68(3), 20-24.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2016). Guessing versus choosing an upcoming task. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 7, No. 396.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2015). Effects of reducing the number of candidate tasks in voluntary task switching. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 5, No. 1555.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2015). Incorrect predictions reduce switch costs. Acta Psychologica, 159, 52-60.
Kleinsorge, T. & Scheil, J. (2015). Task switching among two or four tasks: effects of a short-term variation of the number of candidate tasks. Psychological Research, 79(1), 163-173.
Augst, S., Kunde, W. & Kleinsorge, T. (2014). Can we shield ourselves from task disturbance by emotion-laden stimulation? Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 14(3), 1009-1025.
Kleinsorge, T., Diestel, S., Scheil, J. & Niven, K. (2014). Burnout and the fine-tuning of cognitive resources. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 28(2), 274-278.
Scheil, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2014). N - 2 repetition costs depend on preparation in trials n - 1 and n - 2. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(3), 865-872.
Kleinsorge, T. (2012). Task switching with a 2:1 cue-to-task mapping: separating cue disambiguation from task-rule retrieval. Psychological Research, 76(3), 329-335.
Kleinsorge, T. & Apitzsch, N. (2012). Task preparation based on precues versus memory: Precues lead to superior performance with two tasks but not with four tasks. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24(2), 140-156.
Kleinsorge, T. (2012). Effects of deviant trials on precue-based versus memory-based switching among two or four tasks. Acta Psychologica, 141(2), 214-221.
Kleinsorge, T. & Rinkenauer, G. (2012). Effects of monetary incentives on task switching. Experimental Psychology, 59(4), 216-226.
Kunde, W., Augst, S. & Kleinsorge, T. (2012). Adaptation to (non)valent task disturbance. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(4), 644-660.
Kleinsorge, T. (2011). Switching among two-component tasks. In M. E. Weinstein (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychology research. Volume 1 (pp. 1147-1156). Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
Gajewski, P. D., Kleinsorge, T. & Falkenstein, M. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of residual switch costs. Cortex, 46(9), 1138-1148.
Kleinsorge, T. (2009). Anticipation selectively enhances interference exerted by pictures of negative valence. Experimental Psychology, 56(4), 228-235.
Kleinsorge, T. (2009). Stimulus-Response compatibility based on affective arousal. Cognition and Emotion, 23(4), 663-674.
Kleinsorge, T. & Gajewski, P. D. (2008). Task switching based on externally presented versus internally generated information. Psychological Research, 72(5), 501-514.
Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T. & Klein, W. (2007). The configuration and relaxation of motor task sets. Psychological Research, 71(5), 503-515.
Kleinsorge, T. (2007). Anticipatory modulation of interference induced by unpleasant pictures. Cognition and Emotion, 21(2), 404-421.
Kleinsorge, T. & Gajewski, P. D. (2007). Transformation of task components into an integrated representation during task switching. Acta Psychologica, 125(3), 334-345.
Kleinsorge, T. & Gajewski, P. D. (2006). Pending intentions: Effects of prospective task encoding on the performance of another task. Psychological Research, 70(3), 157-169.
Kleinsorge, T., Gajewski, P. D. & Heuer, H. (2005). Task sets under reconstruction: Effects of partially incorrect precues. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology - A, 58(3), 521-546.
Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T., Klein, W. & Kohlisch, O. (2004). Total sleep deprivation increases the costs of shifting between simple cognitive tasks. Acta Psychologica, 117, 29-64.
Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T., Spijkers, W. & Steglich, C. (2004). Intermanual cross-talk effects in unimanual choice reactions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology - A, 57(6), 993-1018.
Kleinsorge, T. (2004). Hierarchical switching with two types of judgment and two stimulus dimensions. Experimental Psychology, 51(2), 145-149.
Kleinsorge, T. (2004). Kognitive und motivationale Aspekte von Aufgaben- und Strategiewechseln. In J. Wegge & K.-H. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Förderung von Arbeitsmotivation und Gesundheit in Organisationen (S. 53-64). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Kleinsorge, T. & Gajewski, P. D. (2004). Preparation for a forthcoming task is sufficient to produce subsequent shift costs. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11(2), 302-306.
Kleinsorge, T., Heuer, H. & Schmidtke, V. (2004). Assembling a task space: global determination of local shift costs. Psychological Research, 68, 31-40.
Falkenstein, M., Hoormann, J., Hohnsbein, J. & Kleinsorge, T. (2003). Short-term mobilization of processing resources is revealed in the event-related potential. Psychophysiology, 40, 914-923.
Kleinsorge, T. (2003). Globale Determinanten lokaler Kosten bei Aufgabenwechseln. Psychologische Rundschau, 54(4), 217-224.
Kleinsorge, T., Schmidtke, V., Gajewski, P. D. & Heuer, H. (2003). The futility of explicit knowledge of a sequence of tasks. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 15(3), 455-469.
Heuer, H., Spijkers, W., Steglich, C. & Kleinsorge, T. (2002). Parametric coupling and generalized decoupling revealed by concurrent and successive isometric contractions of distal muscles. Acta Psychologica, 111, 205-242.
Kleinsorge, T., Heuer, H. & Schmidtke, V. (2002). Processes of task-set reconfiguration: switching operations and implementation operations. Acta Psychologica, 111, 1-28.
Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T., Spijkers, W. & Steglich, C. (2001). Static and phasic cross-talk effects in discrete bimanual reversal movements. Journal of Motor Behavior, 33(1), 67-85.
Heuer, H., Schmidtke, V. & Kleinsorge, T. (2001). Implicit learning of sequences of tasks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 27(4), 967-983.
Kleinsorge, T. (2001). The time course of effort mobilization and strategic adjustments of response criteria. Psychological Research, 65(3), 216-223.
Kleinsorge, T., Heuer, H. & Schmidtke, V. (2001). Hierarchical switching in a multi-dimensional task space is not induced by specific task cues. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 209(2), 105-117.
Kleinsorge, T., Heuer, H. & Schmidtke, V. (2001). Task-set reconfiguration with binary and three-valued task dimensions. Psychological Research, 65(3), 192-201.
Spijkers, W., Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T. & van der Loo, H. (2001). Die Überwindung intermanueller Abhängigkeiten durch Übung gleichzeitiger Umkehrbewegungen unterschiedlicher Weiten. Psychologische Beiträge, 43(5), 753-770.
Heuer, H., Spijkers, W., Kleinsorge, T. & Steglich, C. (2000). Parametrische Kopplung bei Folgen beidhändiger Umkehrbewegungen mit gleichen und unterschiedlichen Weiten. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 47(1), 34-49.
Kleinsorge, T. (2000). Explorations in the structure of task spaces. Psychologica Belgica, 40(4), 247-257.
Spijkers, W., Steglich, C., Heuer, H. & Kleinsorge, T. (2000). Specification of movement amplitudes for the left and right hands: Evidence for transient parametric coupling from overlapping-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 26(3), 1091-1105.
van Thriel, C., Kleinsorge, T., Zupanic, M. & Seeber, A. (2000). Switching attention - Additional aspects for the analysis. NeuroToxicology, 21(5), 795-804.
Kleinsorge, T. (1999). Die Kodierungsabhängigkeit orthogonaler Reiz-Reaktions-Kompatibilität. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 46(4), 249-264.
Kleinsorge, T. (1999). Response repetition benefits and costs. Acta Psychologica, 103(3), 295-310.
Kleinsorge, T. & Heuer, H. (1999). Hierarchical switching in a multi-dimensional task space. Psychological Research, 62(4), 300-312.
Steglich, C., Heuer, H., Spijkers, W. & Kleinsorge, T. (1999). Bimanual coupling during the specification of isometric forces. Experimental Brain Research, 129(2), 302-316.
Heuer, H., Spijkers, W., Kleinsorge, T. & van der Loo, H. (1998). Period duration of physical and imaginary movement sequences affects contralateral amplitude modulation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology - A, 755-779.
Heuer, H., Spijkers, W., Kleinsorge, T., van der Loo, H. & Steglich, C. (1998). The time course of cross-talk during the simultaneous specification of bimanual movement amplitudes. Experimental Brain Research, 381-392.
Kleinsorge, T. (1997). Die Kodierungsspezifität von Reiz-Reaktions-Kompatibilität. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie, Bochum.
Spijkers, W., Heuer, H., Kleinsorge, T. & van der Loo, H. (1997). Preparation of bimanual movements with same and different amplitudes: specification interference as revealed by reaction time. Acta Psychologica, 207-227.
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