letzte Aktualisierung: 14.01.2013
Kiko, S., Stevens, S., Mall, A. K., Steil, R., Bohus, M. & Hermann, C. (2012). Predicting post-event processing in social anxiety disorder following two prototypical social situations: State variables and dispositional determinants. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 50(10), 617-626.
Mall, A. K., Mehl, A., Kiko, S., Kleindienst, N., Salize, H.-J., Hermann, C., Hoffmann, T., Bohus, M. & Steil, R. (2011). Evaluation of a DVD-based self-help program in highly socially anxious individuals - Pilot study. Behavior Therapy, 42(3), 439-448.
Stevens, S., Hofmann, M., Kiko, S., Mall, A. K., Steil, R., Bohus, M. & Hermann, C. (2010). What determines observer-rated social performance in individuals with social anxiety disorders? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(8), 830-836.
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