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Literaturliste von Dr. phil. Anna Elena Kornadt

letzte Aktualisierung: 13.09.2023

Kornadt, A. E., Weiss, D., de Paula Couto, M. C. & Rothermund, K. (2023). Internalization or dissociation? Negative age stereotypes make you feel younger now but make you feel older later. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 78(8), 1341-1348.

Wettstein, M., Kornadt, A., Heyl, V. & Wahl, H.-W. (2023). Self-reported hearing and awareness of age-related change: A domain-specific perspective. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 1-7.

Albert, I. & Kornadt, A. E. (2022). The Corona pandemic and its implications for the mental health and mental healthcare of older adults. GeroPsych, 35(1), 1-3.

Hoffmann, C. & Kornadt, A. E. (2022). A chip off the old block? The relationship of family factors and young adults' views on aging. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 808386.

Kornadt, A. E., de Paula Couto, C. & Rothermund, K. (2022). Views on aging - Current trends and future directions for cross-cultural research. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 6(2), No. 5.

Kornadt, A. E., Pauly, T., Schilling, O. K., Kunzmann, U., Katzorreck, M., Lücke, A. J., Hoppmann, C. A., Gerstorf, D. & Wahl, H.-W. (2022). Momentary subjective age is associated with perceived and physiological stress in the daily lives of old and very old adults. Psychology and Aging, 37(8), 863-875.

Park, J., Hess, T. M., Fung, H. H., Kornadt, A. & Rothermund, K. (2022). A longitudinal study of the effects of well-being and perceived control on preparations for old age: Moderation effects of contexts. European Journal of Ageing, 19(4), 1429-1440.

Stephan, Y., Sutin, A. R., Kornadt, A., Canada, B. & Terracciano, A. (2022). Personality and subjective age: Evidence from six samples. Psychology and Aging, 37(3), 401-412.

Tingvold, M., Albert, I., Hoffmann, M., Murdock, E., Nell, J. & Kornadt, A. E. (2022). Subjective age, worry and risk-related perceptions in older adults in times of a pandemic. PLoS ONE, 17(9), No. e0274293.

Wahl, H.-W. & Kornadt, A. E. (2022). Experimental studies on subjective views of aging: Overview, challenges, and future directions. In Y. Palgi, A. Shrira & M. Diehl (Eds.), Subjective views of aging. Theory, research, and practice (pp. 249-266). Cham: Springer Nature.

Wettstein, M., Kornadt, A. E. & Wahl, H.-W. (2022). Awareness of age-related changes among middle-aged and older adults: Longitudinal trajectories and the role of age stereotypes and personality traits. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, No. 902909.

Barbier, M., Schulte, C., Kornadt, A., Federspiel, C., Steinmetz, J.-P. & Vögele, C. (2021). Using social marketing for the promotion of cognitive health: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open, 11(10), No. e049947.

Brothers, A., Kornadt, A. E., Nehrkorn-Bailey, A., Wahl, H.-W. & Diehl, M. (2021). The effects of age stereotypes on physical and mental health are mediated by self-perceptions of aging. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 76(5), 845-857.

Kornadt, A. E., Albert, I., Hoffmann, M., Murdock, E. & Nell, J. (2021). Ageism and older people's health and well-being during the Covid-19-pandemic: The moderating role of subjective aging. European Journal of Ageing, 18, 173-184.

Kornadt, A. E., Albert, I., Hoffmann, M., Murdock, E. & Nell, J. (2021). Perceived ageism during the Covid-19-crisis is longitudinally related to subjective perceptions of aging. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, No. 679711.

Kornadt, A. E., Weiss, D., Gerstorf, D., Kunzmann, U., Lücke, A. J., Schilling, O. K., Katzorreck, M., Siebert, J. S. & Wahl, H.-W. (2021). "I felt so old this morning." Short-term variations in subjective age and the role of trait subjective age: Evidence from the ILSE/EMIL ecological momentary assessment data. Psychology and Aging, 36(3), 373-382.

Wettstein, M., Wahl, H.-W. & Kornadt, A. E. (2021). Longitudinal associations between perceived stress and views on aging: Evidence for reciprocal relations. Psychology and Aging, 36(6), 752-766.

Hufer, A., Kornadt, A. E., Kandler, C. & Riemann, R. (2020). Genetic and environmental variation in political orientation in adolescence and early adulthood: A nuclear twin family analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(4), 762-776.

Kornadt, A. E., Hess, T. M. & Rothermund, K. (2020). Domain-specific views on aging and preparation for age-related changes - development and validation of three brief scales. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 75(2), 303-307.

Kornadt, A. E., Kessler, E.-M., Wurm, S., Bowen, C. E., Gabrian, M. & Klusmann, V. (2020). Views on ageing: A lifespan perspective. European Journal of Ageing, 17, 387-401.

Spuling, S. M., Klusmann, V., Kornadt, A. E. & Kessler, E.-M. (2020). The uniqueness of subjective ageing: Convergent and discriminant validity. European Journal of Ageing, 17, 445-455.

Bowen, C. E., Spuling, S. M., Kornadt, A. E. & Wiest, M. (2019). Young people feel wise and older people feel energetic: Comparing age stereotypes and self-evaluations across adulthood. European Journal of Ageing, 1-10.

Kornadt, A. E., Siebert, J. S. & Wahl, H.-W. (2019). The interplay of personality and attitudes toward own aging across two decades of later life. PLoS ONE, 14(10), No. e0223622.

Kornadt, A. E., Voss, P., Fung, H. H., Hess, T. M. & Rothermund, K. (2019). Preparation for old age: The role of cultural context and future perceptions. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 74(4), 609-619.

Stephan, Y., Sutin, A. R., Kornadt, A. & Terracciano, A. (2019). Polygenic scores for education, health, and personality as predictors of subjective age among older individuals of European ancestry: Evidence from the health and retirement study. Psychology and Aging, 34(1), 139-144.

Kornadt, A. E., Hagemeyer, B., Neyer, F. J. & Kandler, C. (2018). Sound body, sound mind? The interrelation between health change and personality change in old age. European Journal of Personality, 32, 30-45.

Kornadt, A. E., Hess, T. M., Voss, P. & Rothermund, K. (2018). Subjective age across the life span: A differentiated, longitudinal approach. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 73(5), 767-777.

Kornadt, A. E., Hufer, A., Kandler, C. & Riemann, R. (2018). On the genetic and environmental sources of social and political participation in adolescence and early adulthood. PLoS ONE, 13(8), No. e0202518.

Kornadt, A. E., Voss, P. & Rothermund, K. (2018). Subjective remaining lifetime and concreteness of the future as differential predictors of preparation for age-related changes. European Journal of Ageing, 15(1), 67-76.

Stephan, Y., Sutin, A. R., Kornadt, A., Caudroit, J. & Terracciano, A. (2018). Higher IQ in adolescence is related to a younger subjective age in later life: Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Intelligence, 69, 195-199.

Voss, P., Kornadt, A. E., Hess, T. M., Fung, H. H. & Rothermund, K. (2018). A world of difference? Domain-specific views on aging in China, the US, and Germany. Psychology and Aging, 33(4), 595-606.

Weiss, D. & Kornadt, A. E. (2018). Age-stereotype internalization and dissociation: Contradictory processes or two sides of the same coin? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(6), 477-483.

Hess, T. M., O'Brien, E. L., Voss, P., Kornadt, A. E., Rothermund, K., Fung, H. H. & Popham, L. E. (2017). Context influences on the relationship between views of aging and subjective age: The moderating role of culture and domain of functioning. Psychology and Aging, 32(5), 419-431.

Kornadt, A. E. & Kandler, C. (2017). Genetic and environmental sources of individual differences in views on aging. Psychology and Aging, 32(4), 388-399.

Kornadt, A. E., Voss, P. & Rothermund, K. (2017). Age stereotypes and self-views revisited: Patterns of internalization and projection processes across the life span. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72(4), 582-592.

Kuhlmann, B. G., Kornadt, A. E., Bayen, U. J., Meuser, K. & Wulff, L. (2017). Multidimensionality of younger and older adults' age stereotypes: The interaction of life domain and adjective dimension. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72(3), 436-440.

Wurm, S., Diehl, M., Kornadt, A. E., Westerhof, G. J. & Wahl, H.-W. (2017). How do views on aging affect health outcomes in adulthood and late life? Explanations for an established connection. Developmental Review, 46, 27-43.

Hahn, E., Gottschling, J., Bleidorn, W., Kandler, C., Spengler, M., Kornadt, A. E., Schulz, W., Schunck, R., Baier, T., Krell, K., Lang, V., Lenau, F., Peters, A.-L., Diewald, M., Riemann, R. & Spinath, F. M. (2016). What drives the development of social inequality over the life course? The German twin life study. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 19(6), 659-672.

Kornadt, A. E. (2016). Do age stereotypes as social role expectations for older adults influence personality development? Journal of Research in Personality, 60, 51-55.

Kornadt, A. E., Meissner, F. & Rothermund, K. (2016). Implicit and explicit age stereotypes for specific life domains across the life span: Distinct patterns and age group differences. Experimental Aging Research, 42(6), 195-211.

Kotter-Grühn, D., Kornadt, A. E. & Stephan, Y. (2016). Looking beyond chronological age: Current knowledge and future directions in the study of subjective age. Gerontology, 62(1), 86-93.

Kuhlmann, B. G., Bayen, U. J., Meuser, K. & Kornadt, A. E. (2016). The impact of age stereotypes on source monitoring in younger and older adults. Psychology and Aging, 31(8), 875-889.

Kandler, C., Kornadt, A. E., Hagemeyer, B. & Neyer, F. J. (2015). Patterns and Sources of Personality Development in Old Age. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(1), 175-191.

Kornadt, A. E., Voss, P. & Rothermund, K. (2015). Hope for the best, prepare for the worst? Future self-views and preparation for age-related changes. Psychology and Aging, 30(4), 967-976.

Bowen, C. E., Kornadt, A. E. & Kessler, E.-M. (2014). Die Bedeutung von Altersbildern im Lebenslauf. In H.-W. Wahl & A. Kruse (Hrsg.), Lebensläufe im Wandel. Entwicklung über die Lebensspanne aus Sicht verschiedener Disziplinen (S. 287-298). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Gottschling, J., Hahn, E., Kornadt, A. E. & Riemann, R. (2014). Entwicklung bei Zwillingen - Worauf ist in der Erziehung und Bildung besonders zu achten? Pädiatrische Praxis, 83, 211-226.

Kornadt, A. E. & Rothermund, K. (2014). Preparation for old age in different life domains dimensions and age differences. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(3), 228-238.

Kornadt, A. E., Voss, P. & Rothermund, K. (2013). Multiple standards of aging: Gender-specific age stereotypes in different life domains. European Journal of Ageing, 10(4), 335-344.

Schmidt, E., Witthöft, M., Kornadt, A., Rist, F. & Bailer, J. (2013). Negative automatic evaluation and better recognition of bodily symptom words in college students with elevated health anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 1027-1040.

Kornadt, A. E. & Rothermund, K. (2012). Internalization of age stereotypes into the self-concept via future self-views: A general model and domain-specific differences. Psychology and Aging, 27(1), 164-172.

Kornadt, A. E. (2012). Views on aging in different life domains and their role in developmental regulation across the adult life span. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften, Jena.

Kornadt, A. E. & Rothermund, K. (2011). Dimensionen und Deutungsmuster des Alterns. Vorstellungen vom Altern, Altsein und der Lebensgestaltung im Alter. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 44(5), 291-296.

Kornadt, A. E. & Rothermund, K. (2011). Contexts of aging: Assessing evaluative age stereotypes in different life domains. Journal of Gerontology. Series B: Psychological Sciences, 66(5), 547-556.

Kornadt, A. E. & Rothermund, K. (2011). Die Vielfältigkeit und Relevanz von Altersstereotypen. In-Mind Magazine, 2(2).

Kornadt, A. E., Witthöft, M., Rist, F. & Bailer, J. (2009). Affekt-modulierte Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse unter Arbeitsgedächtnisbelastung bei Krankheitsangst. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 38(3), 194-202.

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