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Literaturliste von Prof. Dr. Martin J. Tomasik

letzte Aktualisierung: 22.01.2024

Bez, S., Tomasik, M. J. & Merk, S. (2023). Data-based decision making in einer digitalen Welt: Data Literacy von Lehrpersonen als notwendige Voraussetzung. In K. Scheiter & I. Gogolin (Hrsg.), Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft (S. 339-362). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Debelak, R., Appelbaum, S., Debeer, D. & Tomasik, M. J. (2023). Detecting differential item functioning in 2PL multistage assessments. Psych, 5(2), 461-477.

Driver, C. C. & Tomasik, M. J. (2023). Formalizing developmental phenomena as continuous-time systems: Relations between mathematics and language development. Child Development, 1-18.

AuBuchon, A. M., Elliott, E. M., Morey, C. C., Jarrold, C., Cowan, N., Adams, E. J., Attwood, M., Bayram, B., Blakstvedt, T. Y., Büttner, G., Castelain, T., Cave, S., Crepaldi, D., Fredriksen, E., Glass, B. A., Guitard, D., Hoehl, S., Hosch, A., Jeanneret, S., Joseph, T. N., Koch, C., Lelonkiewicz, J. R., Meissner, G., Mendenhall, W., Moreau, D., Ostermann, T., Özdogru, A. A., Padovani, F., Poloczek, S., Röer, J. P., Schonberg, C., Tamnes, C. K., Tomasik, M. J., Valentini, B., Vergauwe, E., Vlach, H. & Voracek, M. (2022). Lexical access speed and the development of phonological recoding during immediate serial recall. Journal of Cognition and Development, 1-19.

Vogel, F., Vahle, N. M.M., Gertheiss, J. & Tomasik, M. J.J. (2022). Supervised learning for analysing movement patterns in a virtual reality experiment. Royal Society Open Science, 9(4), No. 211594.

Elliott, E. M., Morey, C. C., AuBuchon, A. M., Cowan, N., Jarrold, C., Adams, E. J., Attwood, M., Bayram, Bü^D, s., Beeler-Duden, S., Blakstvedt, T. Y., Büttner, G., Castelain, T., Cave, S., Crepaldi, D., Fredriksen, E., Glass, B. A., Graves, A. J., Guitard, D., Hoehl, S., Hosch, A., Jeanneret, S., Joseph, T. N., Koch, C., Lelonkiewicz, J. R., Lupyan, G., McDonald, A., Meissner, G., Mendenhall, W., Moreau, D., Ostermann, T., Özdo^D&gru, A. A., Padovani, F., Poloczek, S., Röer, J. P., Schonberg, C. C., Tamnes, C. K., Tomasik, M. J., Valentini, B., Vergauwe, E., Vlach, H. A. & Voracek, M. (2021). Multilab direct replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous verbal rehearsal in a memory task as a function of age. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS), 4(2), 1-20.

Freund, A. M. & Tomasik, M. J. (2021). Managing conflicting goals through prioritization? The role of age and relative goal importance. PLoS ONE, 16(2), No. e0247047.

Tomasik, M. J., Helbling, L. A. & Moser, U. (2021). Wirkungen frühkindlicher Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung auf Lernverläufe in Mathematik und Deutsch während der Pflichtschulzeit. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 67(5), 740-759.

Vahle, N. & Tomasik, M. J. (2021). The embodiment of an older avatar in a virtual reality setting impacts the social motivation of young adults. Experimental Aging Research, 1-13.

Tomasik, M. J., Helbling, L. A. & Moser, U. (2020). Educational gains of in-person vs. distance learning in primary and secondary schools: A natural experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic school closures in Switzerland. International Journal of Psychology, 1-10.

Tomasik, M. J., Lindner, N., Weiland, M., Schmidt, M., Moser, U. & Kieslich, M. (2020). Landesweite Normierung des Hessischen Kindersprachscreenings. Diagnostica, 66(3), 178-189.

Helbling, L. A., Tomasik, M. J. & Moser, U. (2019). Long-term trajectories of academic performance in the context of social disparities: Longitudinal findings from Switzerland. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(7), 1284-1299.

Maussner, N., Tomasik, M. J., Schuster, R. & Ostermann, T. (2019). On the preference for linear regression models in children: Results of a field study in elementary school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 178, 30-40.

Tomasik, M. J. & Moser, U. (2019). Den digitalen Wandel in der Pädagogischen Psychologie gestalten . Kommentar zu Richter, T. et al. (2019). Positionspapier zur Lage der Pädagogischen Psychologie in Forschung und Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 70(2), 133-134.

Tomasik, M. J., Napolitano, C. M. & Moser, U. (2019). Trajectories of academic performance across compulsory schooling and thriving in young adulthood. Child Development, 90(6), e745-e762.

Tomasik, M. & Moser, U. (2019). Mischverteilung der Verlaufsmuster von Schulleistungen über die obligatorische Schulzeit. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 22(4), 811-849.

Moser, U., Bayer, N. & Tomasik, M. J. (2018). Language skill transfer effects: Moving from heritage language to school language in kindergarten. In R. Berthele & A. Lambelet (Eds.), Heritage and school language literacy development in migrant children. Interdependence or independence? (pp. 119-140). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Nidegger, C., Verner, M., Tomasik, M., Erzinger, A. B., Hauser, M., Brühwiler, C., Crotta, F., Fenaroli, S., Salvisberg, M. & Roos, E. (2018). PISA 2015: Schülerinnen und Schüler der Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich. Bern, Genf: SBFI/EDK und Konsortium

Tomasik, M. J., Berger, S. & Moser, U. (2018). On the development of a computer-based tool for formative student assessment: Epistemological, methodological, and practical issues. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2245.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2018). Engagement with and disengagement from demands of social change. In I. Schoon & R. K. Silbereisen (Eds.), Pathways to adulthood. Educational opportunities, motivation and attainment in times of social change (pp. 222-239). London: IOE Press.

Moser, U., Oostlander, J. & Tomasik, M. J. (2017). Soziale Ungleichheiten im Leistungszuwachs und bei Bildungsübergängen. In M. Neuenschwander & C. Nägele (Hrsg.), Bildungsverläufe von der Einschulung bis in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Befunde und Beispiele (S. 59-77). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Tomasik, M. J., Knecht, M. & Freund, A. M. (2017). Some evidence for the usefulness of an optimal foraging theory perspective on goal conflict and goal facilitation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(6), 962-980.

Lechner, C. M., Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2016). Preparing for uncertain careers: How youth deal with growing occupational uncertainties before the education-to-work transition. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95, 90-101.

Tomasik, M. J. (2016). Orchestrating multiple goals across adulthood: From solo to tutti. Research in Human Development, 13(4), 273-279.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2016). Demands of social change across multiple domains of life and across time at the advent of the global financial crisis. Research in Human Development, 13(4), 312-327.

Weichold, K., Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. K. & Spaeth, M. (2016). The effectiveness of the life skills program IPSY for the prevention of adolescent tobacco use: The mediating role of yielding to peer pressure. Journal of Early Adolescence, 36(7), 881-908.

Lechner, C. M., Silbereisen, R. K., Tomasik, M. J. & Wasilewski, J. (2015). Getting going and letting go: Religiosity fosters opportunity-congruent coping with work-related uncertainties. International Journal of Psychology, 50(3), 205-214.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2015). Social and economic change: Psychological challenges for individuals. In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (pp. 147-155). Oxford: Elsevier.

Tomasik, M. J. & Freund, A. M. (2015). You cannot spend the same dollar twice: A series of studies on resolving goal conflicts. The European Health Psychologist, 17(2), 85-88.

Lechner, C. M., Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. K. & Wasilewski, J. (2014). Religiosity reduces family-related uncertainties but exacerbates their association with distress. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 24(3), 185-200.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2014). Political context and social change. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research (pp. 4868-4874). Dodrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2014). Negotiating the demands of active ageing: longitudinal findings from Germany. Ageing and Society, 34(5), 790-819.

Lechner, C. M., Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. K. & Wasilewski, J. (2013). Exploring the stress-guffering effects of religiousness in relation to social and economic change: Evidence from Poland. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 5(3), 145-156.

Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. R., Lechner, C. M. & Wasilewski, J. (2013). Negotiating demands of social change in young and middle-aged adults from Poland. International Journal of Stress Management, 20(3), 222-253.

Silbereisen, R. K., Tomasik, M. J. & Reitzle, M. (2012). Sozialer Wandel und subjektives Wohlbefinden: Die Rolle von Anforderungen, Bewältigung, Ressourcen und Kontexten. In H. Best & E. Holtmann (Hrsg.), Aufbruch der entsicherten Gesellschaft. Deutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung (S. 305-327). Frankfurt a. M.: Campus.

Tomasik, M. J., Pavlova, M. K., Lechner, C. M., Blumenthal, A. & Körner, A. (2012). Changing contexts of youth development: An overview of recent social trends and a theoretical model. New Directions of Youth Development, 135, 27-38.

Tomasik, M. J. & Salmela-Aro, K. (2012). Knowing when to let go at the entrance to university: Beneficial effects of compensaty secondary control after failure. Motivation and Emotion, 36, 170-179.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2012). Social change and adolescent developmental tasks: The case of post-communist Europe. Child Development Perspectives, 6, 326-334.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2012). Beneficial effects of disengagement from futile struggles with occupational planning: A contextualist-motivational approach. Developmental Psychology, 48(6), 1785-1796.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2011). Mapping demands of social change (LLAKES Research Paper No. 21). London: Institute of Education.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2011). Psychosocial functioning in the context of social, economic, and political change. In X. Chen & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), Socioemotional development in cultural context (pp. 305-331). New York: Guilford Press.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2011). Globalization and adolescence. In B.B. Brown & M. Prinstein (Eds.), Encyclopedia of adolescence (Vol. 2) (pp. 109-118). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Schindler, I. & Tomasik, M. J. (2010). Life choices well made: How selective control strategies relate to career and partner decision processes. Motivation and Emotion, 34(2), 168-183.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2010). Development as action in changing contexts: Perspectives from six countries. Historical Social Research, 35, 57-75.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2010). Human behaviour in response to social change: A guide to the special section. European Psychologist, 15, 243-245.

Silbereisen, R. K., Pinquart, M. & Tomasik, M. J. (2010). Demands of social change and psychosocial adjustment: Results from the Jena study. In R. K. Silbereisen & X. Chen (Eds.), Social change and human development. Concept and results (pp. 125-147). Los Angeles: Sage.

Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. K. & Pinquart, M. (2010). Individuals negotiating demands of social and economic change: A control theoretical approach. European Psychologist, 15, 246-259.

Tomasik, M. J., Silbereisen, R. K. & Heckhausen, J. (2010). Is it adaptive to disengage from demands of social change? Adjustment to developmental barriers in opportunity-deprived regions. Motivation and Emotion, 34(4), 384-398.

Wurm, S., Tomasik, M. J. & Tesch-Römer, C. (2010). On the importance of a positive view on ageing for physical exercise among middle-aged and older adults: Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings. Psychology and Health, 25(1), 25-42.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2009). The political and economic changes in Germany as a laboratory for lifespan psychology - The CADS in Jena. ISSBD Bulletin, 55, 24-27.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2009). Demands of social change as a function of the political context, institutional filters, and psychosocial resources. Social Indicators Research, 94, 13-28.

Tomasik, M. J., Hardy, S., Haase, C. M. & Heckhausen, J. (2009). Adaptive adjustment of vocational aspirations among German youths during the transition from school to work. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74(1), 38-46.

Haase, C. M., Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2008). Premature behavioral autonomy. Correlates in late adolescence and young adulthood. European Psychologist, 13(4), 255-266.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Tomasik, M. J. (2008). Berlin - Warsaw - Jena: A journey with Glen H. Elder through sites of social change. Research in Human Development, 5, 244-258.

Silbereisen, R. K., Tomasik, M. J. & Grümer, S. (2008). Soziodemografische und psychologische Korrelate des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements Anfang 2000 in Deutschland. In R. K. Silbereisen & M. Pinquart (Hrsg.), Individuum und sozialer Wandel. Eine Studie zu Anforderungen, psychosozialen Ressourcen und individueller Bewältigung (S. 197-227). Weinheim: Juventa.

Tesch-Römer, C., Motel-Klingebiel, A. & Tomasik, M. J. (2008). Gender differences in subjective well-being: Comparing societies with respect to gender equality. Social Indicators Research, 85, 329-349.

Tomasik, M. J. (2008). Developmental barriers and the benefits of disengagement. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Sozial- und Verhaltenswissenschaften, Jena.

Tomasik, M. J. & Pinquart, M. (2008). Adaptiver Umgang mit Anforderungen des sozialen Wandels. In R. K. Silbereisen & M. Pinquart (Hrsg.), Individuum und sozialer Wandel. Eine Studie zu Anforderungen, psychosozialen Ressourcen und individueller Bewältigung (S. 99-125). Weinheim: Juventa.

Tomasik, M. J. & Silbereisen, R. K. (2008). Anforderungen des sozialen Wandels: Verteilung, Kumulation und psychosoziale Effekte. In R. K. Silbereisen & M. Pinquart (Hrsg.), Individuum und sozialer Wandel. Eine Studie zu Anforderungen, psychosozialen Ressourcen und individueller Bewältigung (S. 55-98). Weinheim: Juventa.

Wurm, S., Tomasik, M. J. & Tesch-Römer, C. (2008). Serious health events and their impact on changes in subjective health: The role of age and a positive view on aging. European Journal of Ageing, 5, 117-127.

Wurm, S., Tesch-Römer, C. & Tomasik, M. J. (2007). Longitudinal findings on aging-related cognitions, control beliefs, and health in later life. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 62(3), P156-P164.

Silbereisen, R. K., Pinquart, M., Reitzle, M., Tomasik, M. J., Fabel, K. & Grümer, S. (2006). Psychosocial resources and coping with social change. Jena: Universität, Sonderforschungsbereich 580 Gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen nach dem Systemumbruch. Diskontinuität, Tradition und Strukturbildung.

Tomasik, M. J. & Heckhausen, J. (2006). Sozialprestige von Ausbildungsberufen aus der Sicht von Realschüler/-innen. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 37(4), 259-273.

Lüdtke, O., Tomasik, M. J. & Lang, F. R. (2003). Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit und Stichprobenselektivität in altersvergleichenden Erhebungen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 35(3), 171-180.

Heckhausen, J. & Tomasik, M. J. (2002). Get an apprenticeship before school is out: How German adolescents adjust vocational aspirations when getting close to a developmental deadline. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 60, 199-219.

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