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Literaturliste von Christian Eric Deuter

letzte Aktualisierung: 19.02.2024

Deuter, C. E., Kaczmarczyk, M., Hellmann-Regen, J., Kuehl, L. K., Wingenfeld, K. & Otte, C. (2024). The influence of pharmacological mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor blockade on the cortisol response to psychological stress. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 129, No. 110905.

Bode, S., Jiwa, M., Chum, C., Frost, L., Heekeren, H. R., Wingenfeld, K. & Deuter, C. E. (2023). Non-instrumental information seeking is resistant to acute stress. Scientific Reports, 13, No. 19505 .

Graumann, L., Cho, A. B., Kulakova, E., Deuter, C. E., Wolf, O. T., Roepke, S., Hellmann-Regen, J., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2023). Impact of social exclusion on empathy in women with borderline personality disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 273(4), 865-874.

Kulakova, E., Graumann, L., Cho, A. B., Deuter, C. E., Wolf, O. T., Roepke, S., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2023). Evidence of deviant parasympathetic response to social exclusion in women with borderline personality disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 274, 129-138.

Kaczmarczyk, M., Wingenfeld, K., Nowacki, J., Chae, W. R., Deuter, C. E., Piber, D. & Otte, C. (2022). No influence of mineralocorticoid and glutamatergic NMDA receptor stimulation on spatial learning and memory in individuals with major depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 152, 97-103.

Schulz, A., Deuter, C. E., Breden, I.-H., Vögele, C., Wingenfeld, K., Otte, C. & Kuehl, L. K. (2022). Noradrenergic activation induced by yohimbine decreases interoceptive accuracy in healthy individuals with childhood adversity. Development and Psychopathology, 34(3), 1013-1024.

Deuter, C. E., Duesenberg, M., Hellmann-Regen, J., Metz, S., Roepke, S., Wolf, O. T., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2021). Psychosocial stress increases testosterone in patients with borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and healthy participants. Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation, 8(1), No. 3.

Deuter, C. E., Otte, C., Wingenfeld, K. & Kuehl, L. K. (2021). Yohimbine-induced reactivity of heart rate variability in unmedicated depressed patients with and without adverse childhood experience. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, No. 734904.

Deuter, C. E., Smit, J., Kaczmarczyk, M., Wingenfeld, K., Otte, C. & Kuehl, L. K. (2021). Approach-avoidance tendencies in depression and childhood trauma: No effect of noradrenergic stimulation. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 8, No. 100077.

Kuehl, L. K., Deuter, C. E., Nowacki, J., Ueberrueck, L., Wingenfeld, K. & Otte, C. (2021). Attentional bias in individuals with depression and adverse childhood experiences: Influence of the noradrenergic system? Psychopharmacology, 238, 359-3531.

Metz, S., Chae, W. R., Deuter, C. E., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2021). Effects of hydrocortisone and yohimbine on selective attention to emotional cues. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1-4.

Nowacki, J., Wingenfeld, K., Kaczmarczyk, M., Chae, W. R., Salchow, P., Deuter, C. E., Piber, D. & Otte, C. (2021). Selective attention to emotional stimuli and emotion recognition in patients with major depression: The role of mineralocorticoid and glutamatergic NMDA receptors. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 35(8), 1017-1023.

Deuter, C. E., Wingenfeld, K., Otte, C., Bustami, J., Kaczmarczyk, M. & Kuehl, L. K. (2020). Noradrenergic system and cognitive flexibility: Disentangling the effects of depression and childhood trauma. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 125, 136-143.

Kaczmarczyk, M., Spitzer, C., Wingenfeld, K., Wiedemann, K., Kuehl, L. K., Schultebraucks, K., Deuter, C. E. & Otte, C. (2020). No association between major depression with and without childhood adversity and the stress hormone copeptin. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), No. 1837511.

Kuehl, L. K., Deuter, C. E., Hellmann-Regen, J., Kaczmarczyk, M., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2020). Enhanced noradrenergic activity by yohimbine and differential fear conditioning in patients with major depression with and without adverse childhood experiences. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 96, No. 109751.

Kuehl, L. K., Schultebraucks, K., Deuter, C. E., May, A., Spitzer, C., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2020). Stress effects on cognitive function in patients with major depressive disorder: Does childhood trauma play a role? Development and Psychopathology, 32(3), 1007-1016.

Nowacki, J., Wingenfeld, K., Kaczmarczyk, M., Chae, W. R., Abu-Tir, I., Deuter, C. E., Piber, D., Hellmann-Regen, J. & Otte, C. (2020). Cognitive and emotional empathy after stimulation of brain mineralocorticoid and NMDA receptors in patients with major depression and healthy controls. Neuropsychopharmacology, 45, 2155-2161.

Deuter, C. E., Wingenfeld, K., Schultebraucks, K., Otte, C. & Kuehl, L. K. (2019). Influence of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation on task switching. Hormones and Behavior, 109, 18-24.

Nowacki, J., Duesenberg, M., Deuter, C. E., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2019). Delayed effects of psychosocial stress on risk taking. Stress, 22(4), 446-454.

Nowacki, J., Heekeren, H. R., Deuter, C. E., Joerißen, J. D., Schröder, A., Otte, C. & Wingenfeld, K. (2019). Decision making in response to physiological and combined physiological and psychosocial stress. Behavioral Neuroscience, 133(1), 59-67.

de Punder, K., Entringer, S., Heim, C., Deuter, C. E., Otte, C., Wingenfeld, K. & Kuehl, L. K. (2018). Inflammatory measures in depressed patients with and without a history of adverse childhood experiences. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, No. 610.

Deuter, C. E., Nowacki, J., Wingenfeld, K., Kuehl, L. K., Finke, J. B., Dziobek, I. & Otte, C. (2018). The role of physiological arousal for self-reported emotional empathy. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 214, 9-14.

Deuter, C. E., Wingenfeld, K., Schultebraucks, K., Hellmann-Regen, J., Piber, D. & Otte, C. (2017). Effects of mineralocorticoid-receptor stimulation on risk taking behavior in young healthy men and women. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 75, 132-140.

Finke, J. B., Deuter, C. E., Hengesch, X. & Schächinger, H. (2017). The time course of pupil dilation evoked by visual sexual stimuli: Exploring the underlying ANS mechanisms. Psychophysiology, 54(10), 1444-1458.

Deuter, C. E., Schächinger, H., Best, D. & Neumann, R. (2016). Effects of two dominance manipulations on the stress response: Cognitive and embodied influences. Biological Psychology, 119, 184-189.

Piber, D., Schultebraucks, K., Mueller, S. C., Deuter, C. E., Wingenfeld, K. & Otte, C. (2016). Mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation effects on spatial memory in healthy young adults: A study using the virtual Morris Water Maze. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 136, 139-146.

Kuehl, L. K., Deuter, C. E., Richter, S., Schulz, A., Rüddel, H. & Schächinger, H. (2015). Two separable mechanisms are responsible for mental stress effects on high frequency heart rate variability: An intra-individual approach in a healthy and a diabetic sample. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 95(3), 299-303.

Deuter, C. E., Best, D., Kuehl, L. K., Neumann, R. & Schächinger, H. (2014). Effects of approach-avoidance related motor behaviour on the startle response during emotional picture processing. Biological Psychology, 103, 292-296.

Schilling, T. M., Larra, M. F., Deuter, C. E., Blumenthal, T. D. & Schächinger, H. (2014). Rapid cortisol enhancement of psychomotor and startle reactions to side-congruent stimuli in a focused cross-modal choice reaction time paradigm. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24(11), 1828-1835.

Deuter, C. E., Schilling, T. M., Kuehl, L. K., Blumenthal, T. D. & Schachinger, H. (2013). Startle effects on saccadic responses to emotional target stimuli. Psychophysiology, 50(10), 1056-1063.

Deuter, C. E. (2013). The startle response in psychophysiological research: Modulating effects of contextual parameters. Dissertation, Universität, Fachbereich I - Psycholobiologie, Trier.

Deuter, C. E., Schulz, A., Schachinger, H., Kuehl, L. K., Blumenthal, T. D. & Oitzl, M. S. (2012). Effects of Cold Pressor Stress on the Human Startle Response. PLoS ONE, 7(11).

Lass-Hennemann, J., Deuter, C. E., Kuehl, L. K., Schulz, A., Blumenthal, T. D. & Schachinger, H. (2011). Effect of Facial Self-Resemblance on the Startle Response and Subjective Ratings of Erotic Stimuli in Heterosexual Men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(5), 1007-1014.

Lass-Hennemann, J., Deuter, C. E., Kuehl, L. K., Schulz, A., Blumenthal, T. D. & Schachinger, H. (2010). Effects of stress on human mating preferences: Stressed individuals prefer dissimilar mates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - B, 277(1691), 2175-2183.

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