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Literaturliste von Dr. Frank Asbrock

letzte Aktualisierung: 29.11.2024

Kauff, M., Lämmle, L., Kroll, E., Gehring, L., Soucek, R. & Asbrock, F. (2024). Should the city be for everyone? The relationship between worldviews, ideological attitudes, and the approval of hostile design. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(4), No. e2867.

Steinmetz, K. & Asbrock, F. (2024). Ideologische Einstellungen - Soziale Dominanzorientierung und Autoritarismus. In T. Rothmund & E. Walther (Hrsg.), Psychologie der Rechtsradikalisierung. Theorien, Perspektiven, Prävention (S. 169-179). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Bretschneider, M., Meyer, B. & Asbrock, F. (2023). The impact of bionic prostheses on users' self-perceptions: A qualitative study. Acta Psychologica, 241, No. 104085.

Buhl, S., Asbrock, F., Sibley, C. G. & Houkamau, C. (2023). Damned if she does: The subordinate male target hypothesis and discrimination of social dominant female minority members. British Journal of Social Psychology, 1-18.

Jugert, P. & Asbrock, F. (2023). Persönlichkeit und Sozialisation. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab & G. Sommer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Friedenspsychologie (S. o.A.). Marburg: Philipps-Universität.

Mandl, S., Brade, J., Bretschneider, M., Skripcak, A., Asbrock, F., Meyer, B., Jahn, G., Klimant, P. & Strobel, A. (2023). Social perception of Embodied Digital Technologies interacting with humans. In T. Ahram, W. Karwowski, P. De Bucchianico, R. Taiar, L. Casarotto & P. Costa (Eds.), Intelligent Human Systems Integration (IHSI 2023): Integrating People and Intelligent Systems, Volume 69 (pp. 186-196). New York: AHFE Open Access.

Mandl, S., Kobert, M., Bretschneider, M., Asbrock, F., Meyer, B., Strobel, A. & Süße, T. (2023). Exploring key categories of social perception and moral responsibility of AI-based agents at work. Findings from a case study in an industrial setting. In A. Schmidt, K. Väänänen, T. Goyal, P. O. Kristensson & A. Peters (Eds.), CHI EA'23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. No. 115). New York: Association for Computing Machinery.

Pollmanns, C. & Asbrock, F. (2023). If graffiti changed anything, it would be illegal. The influence of political graffiti on the perception of neighborhoods and intergroup attitudes. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, No. 1098105.

Pollmanns, C. & Asbrock, F. (2023). Reclaim the streets: The link between positive and negative direct intergroup contact and movement support against immigration via threat perceptions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1-15.

Rudolph, C., Brunnett, G., Bretschneider, M., Meyer, B. & Asbrock, F. (2023). TechnoSapiens: Merging humans with technology in augmented reality. The Visual Computer, 1-16.

Bretschneider, M., Mandl, S., Strobel, A., Asbrock, F. & Meyer, B. (2022). Social perception of embodied digital technologies-a closer look at bionics and social robotics. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie, 53(3), 343-358.

Friehs, M.-T., Kotzur, P. F., Böttcher, J., Zöller, A.- K.- C., Lüttmer, T., Wagner, U., Asbrock, F. & Van Zalk, M. H. W. (2022). Examining the structural validity of stereotype content scales - A preregistered re-analysis of published data and discussion of possible future directions. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), No. 1.

Gärtner, L., Asbrock, F., Euteneuer, F., Rief, W. & Salzmann, S. (2022). Self-stigma among people with mental health problems in terms of warmth and competence. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 877491.

Mandl, S., Bretschneider, M., Asbrock, F., Meyer, B. & Strobel, A. (2022). The Social Perception of Robots Scale (SPRS). Developing and Testing a Scale for Successful Interaction Between Humans and Robots. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, A. Ortiz, X. Boucher & A. L. Osório (Eds.), Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. 23rd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, September 19?21, 2022, Proceedings (pp. 321-334). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Mandl, S., Bretschneider, M., Meyer, S., Gesmann-Nuissl, D., Asbrock, F., Meyer, B. & Strobel, A. (2022). Embodied digital technologies: First insights in the social and legal perception of robots and users of prostheses. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, No. 787970.

Granow, M. & Asbrock, F. (2021). A framework for culturally diverse teams and the importance of agility: Findings from a qualitative study. International Studies of Management and Organization, 51(1), 47-68.

Asbrock, F. & Albrecht, M. (2020). "Die trägt ja als Deutsche ein Kopftuch" - Der Einfluss autoritärer Einstellungen auf die Wahrnehmung der Verletzung kultureller Normen. Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik, 4, 105-126.

Goreis, A., Asbrock, F., Nater, U. M. & Mewes, R. (2020). What mediates the relationship between ethnic discrimination and stress? Coping strategies and perceived social support of Russian immigrants in Germany. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, No. 557148.

Haase, A., Asbrock, F. & Rohmann, A. (2020). Right-wing authoritarianism and majority members' preferences for minority acculturation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(4), 827-838.

Kauff, M., Asbrock, F. & Schmid, K. (2020). Pro-diversity beliefs and intergroup relations. European Review of Social Psychology, 1-37.

Zill, A., Asbrock, F. & Knoll, M. (2020). Vorurteile gegenüber Migranten. In L.-E. Petersen & B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung. Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (S. 162-172). Weinheim: Beltz.

Janda, C., Asbrock, F., Herget, M., Kues, J. N. & Weise, C. (2019). Changing the perception of premenstrual dysphoric disorder - An online-experiment using the Stereotype Content Model. Women & Health, 1-18.

Kotzur, P. F., Friehs, M.-T., Asbrock, F. & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2019). Stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(7), 1344-1358.

Pollmanns, C., Corlett, D. & Asbrock, F. (2019). Lokale und globale soziale Ungleichheit. Ein Rückblick auf die 30. Jahrestagung des Forums Friedenspsychologie. Tagungsbericht. Politische Psychologie, 7(2), 270-274.

Meyer, B. & Asbrock, F. (2018). Disabled or cyborg? How bionics affect stereotypes toward people with physical disabilities. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, No. 2251.

Van Assche, J., Asbrock, F., Dhont, K. & Roets, A. (2018). The diversity challenge for high and low authoritarians: Multilevel and longitudinal effects through intergroup contact and threat. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(8), 1163-1179.

Van Assche, J., Asbrock, F., Roets, A. & Kauff, M. (2018). Positive neighborhood norms buffer ethnic diversity effects on neighborhood dissatisfaction, perceived neighborhood disadvantage, and moving intentions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(5), 700-716.

Asbrock, F. & Fritsche, I. (2017). Reaktionen auf terroristische Bedrohung und das Bedürfnis nach Sicherheit. In A. Yendell, G. Pickel & K. Dörner (Hrsg.), Innere Sicherheit in Sachsen. Beiträge zu einer kontroversen Debatte (S. 66-74). Leipzig: Edition Leipzig.

Asbrock, F. & Van Hiel, A. (2017). An insiders' outside perspective on the flemish-walloon conflict: The role of identification and disidentification for the German-speaking minority. Psychologica Belgica, 57(3), 115-131.

Durante, F., Crippa, F., Suttora, C., Fiske, S. T., Gelfand, M. J., Stillwell, A., Asbrock, F., Aycan, Z., Bye, H. H., Carlsson, R., Bjorklund, F., Dagher, M., Geller, A., Larsen, C. A., Latif, A.H.- A., Mahonen, T. A., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I. & Teymoori, A. (2017). Ambivalent stereotypes link to peace, conflict, and inequality across 38 nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(4), 669-674.

Kauff, M., Asbrock, F., Wagner, U., Pettigrew, T. F., Hewstone, M., Schaefer, S. J. & Christ, O. (2017). (Bad) Feelings about meeting them? Episodic and chronic intergroup emotions associated with positive and negative intergroup contact as predictors of intergroup behavior. Frontiers in Psychology (Online Journal), 8, No. 1449.

Brune, A., Asbrock, F. & Sibley, C. G. (2016). Meet Your Neighbours. Authoritarians Engage in Intergroup Contact When They have the Opportunity. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 26(6), 567-580.

Asbrock, F. & Kauff, M. (2015). Authoritarian Disbeliefs in Diversity. Journal of Social Psychology, 155(6), 553-558.

Kauff, M., Asbrock, F., Issmer, C., Thörner, S. & Wagner, U. (2015). When immigrant groups "misbehave": The influence of perceived deviant behavior on increased threat and discriminatory intentions and the moderating role of right-wing authoritarianism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(5), 641-652.

Kauff, M., Asbrock, F., Issmer, C., Thörner, S. & Wagner, U. (2015). When minority groups 'misbehave: The influence of perceived deviant behavior on increased threat and discriminatory intentions and the moderating role of right-wing authoritarianism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 45(5), 641-652.

Mewes, R., Laskawi, J. & Asbrock, F. (2015). Perceived discrimination and impaired mental health in Turkish immigrants and their descendents in Germany. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 42-50.

Retelsdorf, J., Schwartz, K. & Asbrock, F. (2015). "Michael can't read!" Teachers' gender stereotypes and boys' reading self-concept. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(1), 186-194.

Asbrock, F., Lemmer, G., Becker, J. C., Koller, J. & Wagner, U. (2014). "Who are these foreigners anyway?" - The content of the term foreigner and its impact on prejudice. SAGE Open, 4, 1-8.

Beierlein, C., Asbrock, F., Kauff, M. & Schmidt, P. (2014). KSA-3 - Kurzskala Autoritarismus. Tests Info.

Asbrock, F., Gutenbrunner, L. & Wagner, U. (2013). Unwilling, but not unaffected - Imagined contact effects for aitarians and social dominators. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 404-412.

Asbrock, F. & Fritsche, I. (2013). Authoritarian reactions to terrorist threat: Who is being threatened, the Me or the We? International Journal of Psychology, 48(1), 35-49.

Christ, O., Asbrock, F., Dhont, K., Pettigrew, T. F. & Wagner, U. (2013). The effects of intergroup climate on immigrants' acculturation preferences. Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, 221(4), 252-257.

Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Contreras, J. M., Kervyn, N., Leyens, J.-P., Cuddy, A. J. C., Akande, A., Adetoun, B. E., Adewuyi, M. F., Tserere, M. M., Al Ramiah, A., Mastor, K. A., Barlow, F. K., Bonn, G., Tafarodi, R. W., Bosak, J., Cairns, E., Doherty, C., Capozza, D., Chryssochoou, X., Iatridis, T., Costa-Lopes, R., Gonzalez, R., Lewis, J. I., Tushabe, G., Mayorga, R., Rouhana, N. N., Smith Castro, V., Perez, R., Rodriguez-Bailon, R., Moya, M., Morales Marente, E., Palacios Galvez, M., Sibley, C. G., Asbrock, F. & Storari, C. C. (2013). Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How societies mind the gap. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52(4), 726-746.

Kauff, M., Asbrock, F., Thörner, S. & Wagner, U. (2013). Side effects of multiculturalism: The interaction effect of a multicultural ideology and authoritarianism on prejudice and diversity beliefs. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(3), 305-320.

Sibley, C. G., Duckitt, J., Bergh, R., Osborne, D., Perry, R., Asbrock, F., Robertson, A., Armstrong, G., Wilson, M. S. & Barlow, F. K. (2013). A dual process model of attitudes towards immigration: Person x residential area effects in a national sample. Political Psychology, 34(4), 553-572.

Asbrock, F., Christ, O., Duckitt, J. & Sibley, C. G. (2012). Differential effects of intergroup contact for authoritarians and social dominators: A dual process model perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(4), 477-490.

Asbrock, F., Kauff, M., Issmer, C., Christ, O., Pettigrew, T. F. & Wagner, U. (2012). Kontakt hilft - auch wenn die Politik es nicht immer leicht macht. In W. Heitmeyer (Hrsg.), Deutsche Zustände. Folge 10 (S. 199-219). Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.

Becker, J. C. & Asbrock, F. (2012). What triggers helping versus harming of ambivalent groups? Effects of the relative salience of warmth versus competence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(1), 19-27.

Cohrs, J. C., Asbrock, F. & Sibley, C. G. (2012). Friend or foe, champ or chump? Social conformity and superiority goals activate warmth-versus competence-based social categorization schemas. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 3(4), 471-478.

Asbrock, F., Nieuwoudt, C., Duckitt, J. & Sibley, C. G. (2011). Societal stereotypes and the legitimation of intergroup behavior in Germany and New Zealand. Analysis of Social Issues and Public Policy, 11(1), 154-179.

Sibley, C. G., Stewart, K., Houkamau, C., Manuela, S., Perry, R., Wootton, L. W., Harding, J. F., Zhang, Y., Sengupta, N., Robertson, A., Hoverd, W. J., West-Newman, T. & Asbrock, F. (2011). Ethnic group stereotypes in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 25-36.

Asbrock, F. (2010). Stereotypes of social groups in Germany in terms of warmth and competence. Social Psychology, 41(2), 76-81.

Asbrock, F., Sibley, C. G. & Duckitt, J. (2010). Right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation and the dimensions of generalized prejudice: A longitudinal test. European Journal of Personality, 24(4), 324-340.

Sibley, C. G., Harding, J. F., Perry, R., Asbrock, F. & Duckitt, J. (2010). Personality and prejudice: Extension to the HEXACO personality model. European Journal of Personality, 24(6), 515-534.

Asbrock, F., Lemmer, G., Wagner, U., Becker, J. & Koller, J. (2009). Das Gefühl macht den Unterschied. Emotionen gegenüber "Ausländern" in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In W. Heitmeyer (Hrsg.), Deutsche Zustände. Folge 7 (S. 152-167). Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp.

Cohrs, J. C. & Asbrock, F. (2009). Right-wing aitarianism, social dominance orientation, and ethnic prejudice against threatening and competitive groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39, 270-289.

Cohrs, J. C. & Asbrock, F. (2009). Right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation and prejudice against threatening and competitive ethnic groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 39(2), 270-289.

Asbrock, F. (2008). Die Systematik diskriminierenden Verhaltens gegenüber unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft, Bielefeld.

Asbrock, F., Christ, O. & Wagner, U. (2007). The road to negative behavior: Discriminatory intentions in the German population. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 1(1), 4-18.

Asbrock, F., Wagner, U. & Christ, O. (2006). Diskriminierung. Folgen der Feindseligkeit. In W. Heitmeyer (Hrsg.), Deutsche Zustände, Folge 4 (S. 146-175). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.

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