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Literaturliste von Dr. Michaela Rohr

letzte Aktualisierung: 22.01.2024

Folyi, T., Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2023). When emotions cannot be efficiently used to guide attention: Flexible, goal-relevant utilization of facial emotions is hindered by social anxiety. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 162, No. 104254.

Kiefer, M., Harpaintner, M., Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2023). Assessing subjective prime awareness on a trial-by-trial basis interferes with masked semantic priming effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49(2), 269-283.

Wentura, D., Gurbuz, E., Paulus, A. & Rohr, M. (2023). Emotional face expressions and group membership: Does affective mismatch induce conflict? Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 49(11), 1395-1406.

Rohr, M., Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2022). Emotion misattribution from complex scene pictures: Evidence for affective processing beyond valence. Emotion, 22(6), 1208-1223.

Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2022). How emotion relates to language and cognition, seen through the lens of evaluative priming paradigms. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, No. 911068.

Hahn, E., Rohr, M. & Usemann, P. (2021). "TherapeutInnen im goldenen Alter" . Eine empirische Perspektive auf Alter und Erfahrenheit aufseiten der PsychotherapeutIn. Psychotherapie im Alter, 18(2), 203-222.

Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2021). Degree and complexity of non-conscious emotional information processing - A review of masked priming studies. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, No. 689369.

Folyi, T., Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2020). When emotions guide your attention in line with a context-specific goal: Rapid utilization of visible and masked emotional faces for anticipatory attentional orienting. Emotion, 20(7), 1206-1224.

Rohr, M. & Wagner, A. (2020). How monitor characteristics affect human perception in visual computer experiments: CRT vs. LCD monitors in millisecond precise timing research. Scientific Reports, 10(1), No. 6962.

Wentura, D. & Rohr, M. (2019). The PC-AMP: Adding performance-control trials to the affect misattribution procedure as a potential way to minimize unwanted processing strategies. Social Cognition, 37(5), 443-467.

Rohr, M., Folyi, T. & Wentura, D. (2018). Emotional misattribution: Facial muscle responses partially mediate behavioral responses in the emotion misattribution procedure. Psychophysiology, 55(10), No. e13202.

Wentura, D. & Rohr, M. (2018). Emotion-specific priming effects with marginally perceptible facial expression primes: evidence from the "leave-one-out" paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology - Human Perception and Performance, 44(12), 1946-1969.

Rohr, M., Tröger, J., Michely, N., Uhde, A. & Wentura, D. (2017). Recognition memory for low- and high-frequency-filtered emotional faces: Low spatial frequencies drive emotional memory enhancement, whereas high spatial frequencies drive the emotion-induced recognition bias. Memory & Cognition, 45(5), 699-715.

Rohr, M., Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2015). The "emotion misattribution" procedure: Processing beyond good and bad under masked and unmasked presentation conditions. Cognition and Emotion, 29(2), 196-219.

Rohr, M., Kamm, F., Koenigstorfer, J., Groeppel-Klein, A. & Wentura, D. (2015). The color red supports avoidance reactions to unhealthy food. Experimental Psychology, 62(5), 335-345.

Rohr, M. (2014). Masked processing of emotional information beyond valence. Dissertation, Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Saarbrücken.

Rohr, M. & Wentura, D. (2014). Spatial frequency filtered images reveal differences between masked and unmasked processing of emotional information. Consciousness and Cognition, 29, 141-158.

Philipp-Wiegmann, F., Rohr, M., Wentura, D. & Rösler, M. (2012). Implizite Verfahren und ihre Anwendung im forensischen Kontext. In J. L. Müller, M. Rösler, P. Briken, P. Fromberger & K. Jordan (Hrsg.), EFPPP Jahrbuch 2012. Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (S. 61-69). Berlin: MWV Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

Rohr, M., Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2012). Masked emotional priming beyond global valence activations. Cognition and Emotion, 26(2), 224-244.

Röhr-Sendlmeier, U. M. & Mathes, E. (2012). Erziehung in der modernen Familie. Einleitung zum Themenheft. Bildung und Erziehung, 65(4), 371-375.

Röhr-Sendlmeier, U. M. (2010). Förderung von Begabungen. Vorwort zum Themenheft. Bildung und Erziehung, 63(1), 1-3.

Röhr-Sendlmeier, U. M. (1994). Sprachstandserhebung nach Röhr-Sendlmeier. In Staatsinstitut für Schulpädagogik und Bildungsforschung (Hrsg.), Diagnostik im Sonderpädagogischen Förderzentrum (S. 188-219). Donauwörth: Auer.

weitere Schriften:

Röhr-Sendlmeier, U. M., Eschmann, B. & Hoberg, V. (1991). Weiterbildung in modernen Fabrikbetrieben - Eine empirische Untersuchung in 39 Unternehmen. Forschungsbericht an die Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin/Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft der Universität Bonn.

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Katja Trillitzsch
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