letzte Aktualisierung: 20.06.2019
Aschwanden, D., Schumacher, V., Zimmermann, K., Werner, C., Allemand, M., Zimprich, D. & Martin, M. (2019). Do professors better maintain cognitive functioning in older age? GeroPsych, 32(1), 5-17.
Schumacher, V. & Martin, M. (2014). Gedächtnis und Lernen im Alter. In T. Bartsch & P. Falkai (Hrsg.), Gedächtnisstörungen: Diagnostik und Rehabilitation (S. 31-39). Berlin: Springer.
Zöllig, J., Martin, M. & Schumacher, V. (2014). Cognitive development in ageing. In N. A. Pachana & K. Laidlaw (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Geropsychology: International Perspectives (pp. 125-143). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Martin, M., Theill, N. & Schumacher, V. (2013). Gerontopsychology: Ageing is all in your head. In K. Komp & M. Aartsen (Eds.), Old Age in Europe: A Textbook of Gerontology (pp. 29-43). New York: Springer.
Schumacher, V. & Martin, M. (2013). Lernen und Gedächtnis im Alter. In T. Bartsch & P. Falkai (Hrsg.), Gedächtnisstörungen. Diagnostik und Rehabilitation (S. 31-39). Berlin: Springer.
Theill, N., Schumacher, V., Adelsberger, R., Martin, M. & Jäncke, L. (2013). Effects of simultaneously performed cognitive and physical training in older adults. BMC Neuroscience (Online Journal), 14, No. 103.
Schaefer, S. & Schumacher, V. (2011). The interplay between cognitive and motor functioning in healthy older adults: Findings from dual-task studies and suggestions for intervention. Gerontology, 57(3), 239-246.
Schumacher, V. (2011). Factors affecting cognitive development and plasticity in old age. Dissertation, Universität, Philosophische Fakultät, Zürich.
Theill, N., Martin, M., Schumacher, V., Bridenbaugh, S. A. & Kressig, R. W. (2011). Simultaneously measuring gait and cognitive performance in cognitively healthy and cognitively impaired older adults: The Basel motor-cognition dual-task paradigm. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59(6), 1012-1018.
Schumacher, V. & Martin, M. (2010). Psychologie der Hochaltrigkeit: Kognitive Entwicklung im hohen Alter. In H. G. Petzold, E. Horn & L. Müller (Hrsg.), Hochaltrigkeit. Herausforderung für persönliche Lebensführung und biopsychosoziale Arbeit (S. 127-146). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Schumacher, V. & Martin, M. (2009). Comparing Age Effects in Normally and Extremely Highly Educated and Intellectually Engaged 65 - 80 Year-olds: Potential Protection from Deficit through Educational and Intellectual Activities Across the Lifespan. Current Aging Science, 2(3), 200-204.
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