letzte Aktualisierung: 02.12.2024
Asbury, K., Roloff, J., Carstensen, B., Guill, K. & Klusmann, U. (2023). Investigating preservice teachers' field-specific ability beliefs: Do they believe innate talent is essential for success in their subject? Teaching and Teacher Education, 136, No. 104367.
Benckwitz, L., Kohl, K., Roloff, J., Lüdtke, O. & Guill, K. (2023). Reciprocal relationships between parental and scholastic homework assistance and students' academic functioning at elementary school. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, No. 1106362.
Hawrot, A., Peters, A. K., Roloff-Bruchmann, J. & Guill, K. (2023). The structure and predictors of instructional quality in private tutoring: A study among German private tutors. Educational Review, 1-19.
Hilz, A., Guill, K., Roloff, J., Aldrup, K. & Köller, O. (2023). The relationship between individual characteristics and practice behaviour within an adaptive arithmetic learning program. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 1-14.
Hilz, A., Guill, K., Roloff, J., Sommerhoff, D. & Aldrup, K. (2023). How to continue? New approaches to investigating the effects of adaptive math learning programs on students' performance, self-concept, and anxiety. Journal of Intelligence, 11(6), No. 108.
Klusmann, U., Aldrup, K., Roloff-Bruchmann, J., Carstensen, B., Wartenberg, G., Hansen, J. & Hanewinkel, R. (2023). Teachers' emotional exhaustion during the COVID-19 pandemic: Levels, changes, and relations to pandemic-specific demands. Teaching and Teacher Education, 121, No. 103908.
Benckwitz, L., Guill, K., Roloff, J., Ömerogullars, M. & Köller, O. (2022). Investigating the relationship between private tutoring, tutors' use of an individual frame of reference, reasons for private tutoring, and students' motivational-affective outcomes. Learning and Individual Differences, 95, No. 102137.
Roloff, J., Kirstges, J., Grund, S. & Klusmann, U. (2022). How strongly is personality associated with burnout among teachers? A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 34(3), 1613-1650.
Klusmann, U., Aldrup, K., Roloff, J., Lüdtke, O. & Hamre, B. K. (2021). Does instructional quality mediate the link between teachers' emotional exhaustion and student outcomes? A large-scale study using teacher and student reports. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1-20.
Fauth, B., Wagner, W., Bertram, C., Göllner, R., Roloff, J., Lüdtke, O., Polikoff, M. S., Klusmann, U. & Trautwein, U. (2020). Don't blame the teacher? The need to account for classroom characteristics in evaluations of teaching quality. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(6), 1284-1302.
Roloff, J. (2020). Persönlichkeitsmerkmale. In C. Cramer, J. König, M. Rothland & S. Blömeke (Hrsg.), Handbuch Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (S. 779-784). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
Roloff, J., Klusmann, U., Lüdtke, O. & Trautwein, U. (2020). The predictive validity of teachers' personality, cognitive and academic abilities at the end of high school on instructional quality in Germany: A longitudinal study. AERA Open, 6(1), 1-17.
Roloff, J., Klusmann, U., Lüdtke, O. & Trautwein, U. (2017). Können Persönlichkeitsmerkmale das Wohlbefinden von Lehrkräften in Studium und Beruf vorhersagen? - Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie. In J. Retelsdorf, F. Zimmermann, A. Südkamp & O. Köller (Hrsg.), Im Blickpunkt pädagogisch-psychologischer Forschung. Selbstbezogene Kognitionen, sprachliche Kompetenzen und Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften. Festschrift für Jens Möller (S. 271-288). Münster: Waxmann.
Roloff-Bruchmann, J. (2017). Was macht eine gute Lehrkraft aus? IPN Journal, 1, 20-23.
Roloff Henoch, J., Klusmann, U., Lüdtke, O. & Trautwein, U. (2016). Berufliche Selbstregulation im Hochschulstudium: Der Zusammenhang mit Persönlichkeit und subjektivem Wohlbefinden. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 44(1), 25-39.
Roloff Henoch, J., Klusmann, U., Lüdtke, O. & Trautwein, U. (2015). Die Entwicklung beruflicher Selbstregulation: Ein Vergleich zwischen angehenden Lehrkräften und anderen Studierenden. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 29(3-4), 151-162.
Roloff Henoch, J., Klusmann, U., Lüdtke, O. & Trautwein, U. (2015). Who becomes a teacher? Challenging the "negative selection" hypothesis. Learning and Instruction, 36, 46-56.
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