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Literaturliste von Dr. Michael Höfler

letzte Aktualisierung: 18.03.2024

Höfler, M., McDonald, B., Kanske, P. & Miller, R. (2023). Means to valuable exploration II: How to explore data to modify existing claims and create new ones. Meta-Psychology, 7, MP.2022.3270.

Bödicker, C., Reinckens, J., Höfler, M. & Hoyer, J. (2022). Is childhood maltreatment associated with body image disturbances in adulthood? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 15(3), 523-538.

Höfler, M., Scherbaum, S., Kanske, P., McDonald, B. & Miller, R. (2022). Means to valuable exploration: I. The blending of confirmation and exploration and how to resolve it. Meta-Psychology, 6, MP.2021.2837.

Jauk, E., Ulbrich, L., Jorschick, P., Höfler, M., Kaufman, S. B. & Kanske, P. (2022). The nonlinear association between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism: An individual data meta-analysis. Journal of Personality, 90(5), 703-726.

Höfler, M., Trautmann, S. & Kanske, P. (2021). Qualitative approximations to causality: Non-randomizable factors in clinical pychology. Clinical Psychology in Europe, 3(2), No. e3873.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M., Jacobi, F. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2020). Epidemiologische Beiträge zur Klinischen Psychologie. In J. Hoyer & S. Knappe (Hrsg.), Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie (S. 57-112). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.

Beiling, P., Schmidt, R., Höfler, M., Keller, A., Weidner, K. & Noack, R. (2020). Differentielle Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs von therapeutischer Beziehung und Therapieerfolg in einem tagesklinischen Versorgungssetting. PPmP - Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 70(7), 292-299.

Hoyer, J., Wieder, G., Höfler, M., Krause, L., Wittchen, H.-U. & Martini, J. (2020). Do lifetime anxiety disorders (anxiety liability) and pregnancy-related anxiety predict complications during pregnancy and delivery? Early Human Development, 144, No. 105022.

Hoyer, J., Hoefler, M. & Wuellhorst, V. (2020). Activity and subsequent depression levels: A causal analysis of behavioural activation group treatment with weekly assessments over 8 weeks. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 27(3), 330-336.

Kräplin, A., Höfler, M., Pooseh, S., Wolff, M., Krönke, K.-M., Goschke, T., Bühringer, G. & Smolka, M. N. (2020). Impulsive decision-making predicts the course of substance-related and addictive disorders. Psychopharmacology, 237, 2709-2724.

Gottschalk, M. G., Richter, J., Ziegler, C., Schiele, M. A., Mann, J., Geiger, M. J., Schartner, C., Homola, G. A., Alpers, G. W., Büchel, C., Fehm, L., Fydrich, T., Gerlach, A. L., Gloster, A. T., Helbig-Lang, S., Kalisch, R., Kircher, T., Lang, T., Lonsdorf, T. B., Pané-Farré, C. A., Ströhle, A., Weber, H., Zwanzger, P., Arolt, V., Romanos, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Hamm, A., Pauli, P., Reif, A., Deckert, J., Neufang, S., Höfler, M. & Domschke, K. (2019). Orexin in the anxiety spectrum: Association of a HCRTR1 polymorphism with panic disorder/agoraphobia, CBT treatment response and fear-related intermediate phenotypes. Translational Psychiatry, 9, No. 75.

Hoferichter, E., Schmidt, R., Höfler, M., Hoyer, J., Rottstädt, F., Weidner, K. & Noack, R. (2019). Symptombezogene Subgruppen von Patienten mit agoraphobischer Angst. Untersuchung mittels k-means Clusteranalyse. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 48(3), 130-141.

Höfler, M. & Trautmann, S. (2019). When does selection generate bias in clinical samples? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 116, 189-190.

Ridderbusch, I. C., Richter, J., Yang, Y., Hoefler, M., Weber, H., Reif, A., Hamm, A., Pané-Farré, C. A., Gerlach, A. L., Stroehle, A., Pfleiderer, B., Arolt, V., Wittchen, H.-U., Gloster, A., Lang, T., Helbig-Lang, S., Fehm, L., Pauli, P., Kircher, T., Lueken, U. & Straube, B. (2019). Association of rs7688285 allelic variation coding for GLRB with fear reactivity and exposure-based therapy in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 29(10), 1138-1151.

Seeger, F., Yang, Y., Straube, B., Kircher, T., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Ströhle, A., Wittmann, A., Gerlach, A. L., Pfleiderer, B., Arolt, V., Hamm, A., Lang, T., Alpers, G. W., Fydrich, T. & Lueken, U. (2019). Clinical and neurofunctional substrates of cognitive behavioral therapy on secondary social anxiety disorder in primary panic disorder: A longitudinal fMRI study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 88(1), 48-51.

Thomas, S., Höfler, M., Schäfer, I. & Trautmann, S. (2019). Childhood maltreatment and treatment outcome in psychotic disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 140(4), 295-312.

Trautmann, S., Richter, J., Muehlhan, M., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Domschke, K., Ströhle, A., Hamm, A. O., Weber, H., Kircher, T., Arolt, V., Gerlach, A. L., Alpers, G. W., Fydrich, T., Lang, T. & Reif, A. (2019). Does prior traumatization affect the treatment outcome of CBT for panic disorder? The potential role of the MAOA gene and depression symptoms. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 269(2), 161-170.

Höfler, M., Venz, J., Trautmann, S. & Miller, R. (2018). Writing a discussion section: How to integrate substantive and statistical expertise. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18, No. 34.

Neumann, M., Bühringer, G., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Hoch, E. (2018). Is cannabis use treatment also indicated for patients with low to moderate Polysubstance use? European Addiction Research, 24(2), 79-87.

Schäfer, J., Zvielli, A., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Bernstein, A. (2018). Trauma, attentional dysregulation, and the development of posttraumatic stress: An investigation of risk pathways. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 102, 60-66.

Trautmann, S., Muehlhan, M., Kirschbaum, C., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Stalder, T. & Steudte-Schmiedgen, S. (2018). Biological stress indicators as risk markers for increased alcohol use following traumatic experiences. Addiction Biology, 23(1), 281-290.

Behrendt, S., Buehringer, G., Hoefler, M., Beesdo-Baum, K. & Lieb, R. (2017). Prediction of incidence and stability of alcohol use disorders by latent internalizing psychopathology risk profiles in adolescence and young adulthood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 32-41.

Trautmann, S., Goodwin, L., Höfler, M., Jacobi, F., Strehle, J., Zimmermann, P. & Wittchen, H.- .- U. (2017). Prevalence and severity of mental disorders in military personnel: A standardised comparison with civilians. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 26(2), 199-208.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.- .- U., Lieb, R., Höfler, M. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2016). Does low coping efficacy mediate the association between negative life events and incident psychopathology? A prospective-longitudinal community study among adolescents and young adults. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 25(2), 171-180.

Evens, R., Hoefler, M., Biber, K. & Lueken, U. (2016). The Iowa Gambling Task in Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis on effects of disease and medication. Neuropsychologia, 91, 163-172.

Nagl, M., Jacobi, C., Paul, M., Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2016). Prevalence, incidence, and natural course of anorexia and bulimia nervosa among adolescents and young adults. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 25(8), 903-918.

Perkonigg, A., Höfler, M., Cloitre, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Trautmann, S. & Maercker, A. (2016). Evidence for two different ICD-11 posttraumatic stress disorders in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.

Pfennig, A., Ritter, P. S., Höfler, M., Lieb, R., Bauer, M., Wittchen, H.- .- U. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2016). Symptom characteristics of depressive episodes prior to the onset of mania or hypomania. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 133(3), 196-204.

Schäfer, J., Bernstein, A., Zvielli, A., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Schönfeld, S. (2016). Attentional bias temporal dynamics predict posttraumatic stress symptoms: A prospective-longitudinal study among soldiers. Depression and Anxiety, 33(7), 630-639.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.- .- U., Hoefler, M., Beesdo-Baum, K. & Lieb, R. (2015). The role of behavioral inhibition and parenting for an unfavorable emotional trauma response and PTSD. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 131(4), 279-289.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.- .- U., Lieb, R., Höfler, M. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2015). Danger and loss events and the incidence of anxiety and depressive disorders: A prospective-longitudinal community study of adolescents and young adults. Psychological Medicine, 45(1), 153-163.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.-U., Lieb, R., Höfler, M. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2015). Does low coping effiacy mediate the association between negative life events and incident psychopathology? A prospective-longitudinal community study among adolescents and young adults. Epidemiologiy and Psychiatric Sciences, 1.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Knappe, S., Asselmann, E., Zimmermann, P., Brückl, T., Höfler, M., Behrendt, S., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). The 'Early developmental stages of psychopathology (EDSP) study': A 20-year review of methods and findings. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(6), 851-866.

Gloster, A. T., Gerlach, A. L., Hamm, A., Höfler, M., Alpers, G. W., Kircher, T., Ströhle, A., Lang, T., Wittchen, H.-U., Deckert, J. & Reif, A. (2015). 5HTT is associated with the phenotype psychological flexibility: Results from a randomized clinical trial. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 265(5), 399-406.

Jacobi, F., Hoefler, M., Strehle, J., Mack, S., Gerschler, A., Scholl, L., Busch, M. A., Hapke, U., Maske, U., Seiffert, I., Gaebel, W., Maier, W., Wagner, M., Zielasek, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Twelve-months prevalence of mental disorders in the German health interview and examination survey for adults - Mental Health Module (DEGS1-MH): A methodological addendum and correction. International j of methods in psychiatric research.

Mack, S., Jacobi, F., Beesdo-Baum, K., Gerschler, A., Strehle, J., Höfler, M., Busch, M. A., Maske, U., Hapke, U., Gaebel, W., Zielasek, J., Maier, W. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Functional disability and quality of life decrements in mental disorders: Results from the mental health module of the german health interview and examination survey for adults (DEGS1-MH. European Psychiatry.

Martini, J., Petzoldt, J., Einsle, F., Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Risk factors and course patterns of anxiety and depressive disorders during pregnancy and after delivery: A prospective-longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 175, 385-395.

Ritter, P. S., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Lieb, R., Bauer, M., Pfennig, A. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2015). Disturbed sleep as risk factor for the subsequent onset of bipolar disorder - Data from a 10-year prospective-longitudinal study among adolescents and young adults. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 68, 76-82.

Schäfer, J., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Heinrich, A., Zimmermann, P., Siegel, S. & Schönfeld, S. (2015). Is trait resilience characterized by specific patterns of attentional bias to emotional stimuli and attentional control? Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 48, 133-139.

Schmidt-Kraepelin, C., Zielasek, J., Jänner, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Jacobi, F., Höfler, M., Siegert, J., Mack, S., Gerschler, A., Scholl, L., Busch, M., Hapke, U., Maske, U. & Gaebel, W. (2015). Psychotic-like experiences: Preliminary results from the mental health module of the german health interview and examination survey for adults (DEGS1-MH). European Psychiatry, 30(Supplement 1), 28-31.

Trautmann, S., Schoenfeld, S., Behrendt, S., Heinrich, A., Hoefler, M., Wittchen, H.- .- U., Siegel, S. & Zimmermann, P. (2015). Predictors of changes in daily alcohol consumption in the aftermath of military deployment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 175-182.

Trautmann, S., Schönfeld, S., Behrendt, S., Schäfer, J., Höfler, M., Zimmermann, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Associations between lifetime PTSD symptoms and current substance use disorders using a five-factor model of PTSD. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 29, 93-100.

Trautmann, S., Schönfeld, S., Behrendt, S., Heinrich, A., Höfler, M., Siegel, S., Zimmermann, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2015). Stress exposure and the risk for the onset of alcohol use disorders and nicotine dependence in deployed military personnel: The role of prior internalizing disorders. Addictive Behaviors, 43, 89-96.

Winkel, S., Einsle, F., Pieper, L., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Martini, J. (2015). Associations of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and body weight with hypertension during pregnancy. Archives of Women's Mental Health.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.-U., Hoefler, M., Beesdo-Baum, K. & Lieb, R. (2014). Associations of fearful spells and panic attacks with incident anxiety, depressive, and substance use disorders: A 10-year prospectivelongitudinal community study of adolescents and young adults. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 8-14.

Asselmann, E., Wittchen, H.-U., Lieb, R., Höfler, M. & Beesdo-Baum, K. (2014). Does help-seeking alter the risk for incident psychopathology in adolescents and young adults with and without fearful spells or panic attacks? Findings from a 10-year prospective-longitudinal community study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 169, 221-227.

Höfler, M. & Hoyer, J. (2014). Population size matters: Bias in conventional meta-analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 17(6), 585-597.

Jacobi, F., Höfler, M., Strehle, J., Mack, S., Gerschler, A., Scholl, L., Busch, M. A., Maske, U., Hapke, U., Gaebel, W., Maier, W., Wagner, M., Zielasek, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2014). Psychische Störungen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung. Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland und ihr Zusatzmodul Psychische Gesundheit (DEGS1-MH). Der Nervenarzt, 85(1), 77-87.

Jacobi, F., Höfler, M., Siegert, J., Mack, S., Gerschler, A., Scholl, L., Busch, M. A., Hapke, U., Maske, U., Seiffert, I., Gaebel, W., Maier, W., Wagner, M., Zielasek, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2014). Twelve-month prevalence, comorbidity and correlates of mental disorders in Germany: The mental health module of the German health interview and examination survey for adults (DEGS1-MH). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 23(3), 304-319.

Mack, S., Jacobi, F., Gerschler, A., Strehle, J., Hoefler, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Busch, M. A., Maske, U. E., Hapke, U., Seiffert, I., Gaebel, W., Zielasek, J. & Maier, W. (2014). Self-reported utilization of mental health services in the adult German population - evidence for unmet needs? Results of the DEGS1-MentalHealthModule (DEGS1-MH). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 23(3), 289-303.

Petzoldt, J., Wittchen, H.-U., Wittich, J., Einsle, F., Hoefler, M. & Martini, J. (2014). Maternal anxiety disorders predict excessive infant crying: a prospective longitudinal study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 99(9), 800-806.

Reif, A., Richter, J., Straube, B., Höfler, M., Lueken, U., Gloster, A. T., Weber, H., Domschke, K., Fehm, L., Ströhle, A., Jansen, A., Gerlach, A., Pyka, M., Reinhardt, I., Konrad, C., Wittmann, A., Pfleiderer, B., Alpers, G. W., Pauli, P., Lang, T., Arolt, V., Wittchen, H.-U., Hamm, A., Kirchler, T. & Deckert, J. (2014). MAOA and mechanisms of panic disorder revisited: From bench to molecular psychotherapy. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(1), 122-128.

Trautmann, S., Schönfeld, S., Behrendt, S., Höfler, M., Zimmermann, P. & Wittchen, H. U. (2014). Substance use and substance use disorders in recently deployed and never deployed soldiers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 134, 128-135.

Zimmermann, P., Höfler, M., Schönfeld, S., Trautmann, S., Hauffa, R., Kowalski, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2014). Einsatzerlebnisse und einsatzbedingte psychische Erkrankungen deutscher Soldaten - empirische Struktur und prädiktive Wertigkeit traumatischer Stressoren. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 43(3), 180-191.

Gloster, A. T., Hauke, C., Höfler, M., Einsle, F., Fydrich, T., Hamm, A., Sthröhle, A. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2013). Long-term stability of cognitive behavioral therapy effects for panic disorder with agoraphobia: A two-year follow-up study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 51(12), 830-839.

Goodwin, R. D., Perkonigg, A., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H. U. (2013). Mental disorders and smoking trajectories: A 10-year prospective study among adolescents and young adults in the community. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 130(1-3), 201-207.

Jacobi, F., Mack, S., Gerschler, A., Scholl, L., Höfler, M., Siegert, J., Bürkner, A., Preiss, S., Spitzer, K., Busch, M., Hapke, U., Gabel, W., Maier, W., Wagner, M., Zielasek, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2013). The design and methods of the mental health module in the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1-MH). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 22(2), 83-99.

Martini, J., Wittich, J., Petzoldt, J., Winkel, S., Einsle, F., Siegert, J., Höfler, M., Beesdo-Baum, K. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2013). Maternal anxiety disorders prior to conception, psychopathology during pregnancy and early infants' development: A prospective-longitudinal study. Archives of Women's Mental Health, 16(6), 549-560.

Trautmann, S., Schönfeld, S., Höfler, M., Heinrich, A., Hauffa, R., Zimmermann, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2013). Posttraumatische Belastungsstörungen nach Auslandseinsätzen deutscher Soldaten - Steigt das Risiko mit der Einsatzdauer? Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz, 56, 930-940.

Wittchen, H.-U., Schönfeld, S., Kirschbaum, C., Trautmann, S., Thurau, C., Siegert, J., Höfler, M., Hauffa, R. & Zimmermann, P. (2013). Rates of mental disorders among German soldiers deployed to Afghanistan: Increased risk of PTSD or of mental disorders in general? Depression and Anxiety, 2(1), 1-7.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Knappe, S., Fehm, L., Höfler, M., Lieb, R., Hofmann, S. G. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2012). The natural course of social anxiety disorder among adolescents and young adults. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 126(6), 411-425.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Jenjahn, E., Höfler, M., Lueken, U., Becker, E. S. & Hoyer, J. (2012). Avoidance, safety behavior, and reassurance seeking in generalized anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 29(11), 948-957.

Behrendt, S., Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Bühringer, G., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2012). The relevance of age at first alcohol and nicotine use for initiation of cannabis use and progression to cannabis use disorders. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123(1-3), 48-56.

Emmrich, A., Beesdo-Baum, K., Gloster, A. T., Knappe, S., Höfler, M., Arolt, V., Deckert, J., Gerlach, A. L., Hamm, A., Kircher, T., Lang, T., Richter, J., Ströhle, A., Zwanzger, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2012). Depression does not affect the treatment outcome of CBT for panic and agoraphobia: Results from a multicenter randomized trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 81(3), 161-172.

Hoch, E., Noack, R., Henker, J., Pixa, A., Hoefler, M., Behrendt, S., Buehringer, G. & Wittchen, H.- .- U. (2012). Efficacy of a targeted cognitive-behavioral treatment program for cannabis use disorders (CANDIS). European Neuropsychopharmacology, 22(4), 267-280.

Lang, T., Helbig-Lang, S., Gloster, A. T., Richter, J., Hamm, A. O., Fehm, L., Fydrich, T., Gerlach, A. L., Ströhle, A., Alpers, G. W., Gauggel, S., Kircher, T., Deckert, J., Höfler, M., Arolt, V. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2012). Effekte therapeutenbegleiteter versus patientengeleiteter Exposition bei Panikstörung mit Agoraphobie. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 41(2), 114-124.

Wittchen, H.-U., Schoenfeld, S., Thurau, C., Trautmann, S., Galle, M., Mark, K., Schaefer, J., Siegert, J., Hoefler, M., Hauffa, R., Zimmermann, P., Steudte, S. & Kirschbaum, C. (2012). Prevalence, incidence and determinants of PTSD and other mental disorders: design and methods of the PID-PTSD+3 study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 21(2), 98-116.

Wittchen, H.-U., Schönfeld, S., Kirschbaum, C., Thurau, C., Trautmann, S., Steudte, S., Klotsche, J., Höfler, M., Hauffa, R. & Zimmermann, P. (2012). Traumatic experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder in soldiers following deployment abroad. How big is the hidden problem? Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 109(35-36), 559-568.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Winkel, S., Pine, D. S., Hoyer, J., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2011). The diagnostic threshold of generalized anxiety disorder in the community: A developmental perspective. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(7), 962-972.

Behrendt, S., Beesdo-Baum, K., Zimmermann, P., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Bühringer, G., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2011). The role of mental disorders in the risk and speed of transition to alcohol use disorders among community youth. Psychological Medicine, 41(5), 1073-1085.

Gloster, A. T., Wittchen, H.-U., Einsle, F., Lang, T., Helbig-Lang, S., Fydrich, T., Fehm, L., Hamm, A. O., Richter, J., Alpers, G. W., Gerlach, A. L., Ströhle, A., Kircher, T., Deckert, J., Zwanzger, P., Höfler, M. & Arolt, V. (2011). Psychological treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia: A randomized controlled trial to examine the role of therapist-guided exposure in situ in CBT. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(3), 406-420.

Kuepper, R., van Os, J., Lieb, R., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M. & Henquet, C. (2011). Continued cannabis use and risk of incidence and persistence of psychotic symptoms: 10 year follow-up cohort study. BMJ (British Medical Journal).

Kuzenko, N., Sareen, J., Beesdo-Baum, K., Perkonigg, A., Höfler, M., Simm, J., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.- .- U. (2011). Associations between use of cocaine, amphetamines, or psychedelics and psychotic symptoms in a community sample. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 123(6), 466-474.

Noack, R., Höfler, M. & Lueken, U. (2011). Cannabis use patterns and their association with DSM-IV cannabis dependence and gender. European Addiction Research, 17(6), 321-328.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Gloster, A. T., Craske, M. G. & Beesdo, K. (2011). Options and dilemmas of dimensional measures for DSM-V: Which types of measures fare best in predicting course and outcome? In E. A. K. D. A. Regier, W. E. Narrow & D. J. Kupfer (Eds.), The Conceptual Evolution of DSM-5. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Beesdo, K., Jacobi, F., Hoyer, J., Low, N. C. P., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2010). Pain associated with specific anxiety and depressive disorders in a nationally representative population sample. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(1), 89-104.

Höfler, M., Gloster, A. T. & Hoyer, J. (2010). Causal effects in psychotherapy: Counterfactuals counteract overgeneralization. Psychotherapy Research, 20(6), 668-679.

Beesdo, K., Höfler, M., Leibenluft, E., Lieb, R., Bauer, M. & Pfennig, A. (2009). Mood episodes and mood disorders: Patterns of incidence and conversion in the first three decades of life. Bipolar Disorders, 11(6), 637-649.

Beesdo, K., Hoyer, J., Jacobi, F., Low, N. C. P., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2009). Association between generalized anxiety levels and pain in a community sample: Evidence for diagnostic specificity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(5), 684-693.

Beesdo-Baum, K., Höfler, M., Gloster, A. T., Klotsche, J., Lieb, R., Beauducel, A., Bühner, M., Kessler, R. C. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2009). The structure of common mental disorders: A replication study in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 18(4), 204-220.

Behrendt, S., Wittchen, H.- .- U., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Beesdo, K. (2009). Transitions from first substance use to substance use disorders in adolescence: Is early onset associated with a rapid escalation? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 99(1-3), 68-78.

Gloster, A. T., Wittchen, H. U., Einsle, F., Höfler, M., Lang, T., Helbig-Lang, S., Fydrich, T., Fehm, L., Hamm, A. O., Richter, J., Alpers, G. W., Gerlach, A. L., Ströhle, A., Kircher, T., Deckert, J., Zwanzger, P. & Arolt, V. (2009). Mechanism of action in CBT (MAC): Methods of a multi-center randomized controlled trial in 369 patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 30(259), 155-166.

Hoyer, J., Beesdo, K., Gloster, A. T., Runge, J., Höfler, M. & Becker, E. S. (2009). Worry exposure versus applied relaxation in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78(2), 106-115.

Knappe, S., Beesdo, K., Fehm, L., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2009). Do parental psychopathology and unfavorable family environment predict the persistence of social phobia? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 23(7), 986-994.

Noack, R., Höfler, M., Gründler, R., Becker, A., Schulz, R. & Paul, K. (2009). Konsummuster als Kovariablen von DSM-IV Cannabisabhängigkeit. Sucht, 55(3), 137-147.

Wittchen, H.-U., Beesdo-Baum, K., Gloster, A. T., Höfler, M., Klotsche, J., Lieb, R., Beauducel, A., Bühner, M. & Kessler, R. C. (2009). The structure of mental disorders re-examined: Is it developmentally stable and robust against additions? International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 18(4), 189-203.

Wittchen, H.-U., Behrendt, S., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Rehm, J., Lieb, R. & Beesdo, K. (2009). A typology of cannabis-related problems among individuals with repeated illegal drug use in the first three decades of life: Evidence for heterogeneity and different treatment needs. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 102(1-3), 151-157.

Behrendt, S., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Lieb, R., Low, N. C. P., Rehm, J. & Beesdo, K. (2008). Risk and speed of transitions to first alcohol dependence symptoms in adolescents: a 10-year longitudinal community study in Germany. Addiction, 103(10), 1638-1647.

Höfler, M. (2008). Translocation relative to range. A standardized index for effect intensity. Methodology, 4(3), 132-138.

Rohrbacher, H., Hoyer, J., Beesdo, K., Höfler, M., Bittner, A., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2008). Psychometric properties of the Retrospective Self Report of Inhibition (RSRI) in a representative German sample. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 17(2), 80-88.

Schreier, A., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M. & Lieb, R. (2008). Anxiety disorders in mothers and their children: Prospective longitudinal community study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 192(4), 308-309.

Wittchen, H.-U., Behrendt, S., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Lieb, R., Bühringer, G. & Beesdo, K. (2008). What are the high risk periods for incident substance use and transitions to abuse and dependence? Implications for early intervention and prevention. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 17(Suppl. 1), S16-S29.

Wittchen, H.-U., Nocon, A., Beesdo, K., Pine, D. S., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Gloster, A. T. (2008). Agoraphobia and panic. Prospective-longitudinal relations suggest a rethinking of diagnostic concepts. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77(3), 147-157.

Beesdo, K., Bittner, A., Pine, D. S., Stein, M. B., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2007). Incidence of social anxiety disorder and the consistent risk for secondary depression in the first three decades of life. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(8), 903-912.

Bramlage, P., Pittrow, D., Lehnert, H., Höfler, M., Kirch, W., Ritz, E. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2007). Frequency of albuminuria in primary care: a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 14(1), 107-113.

Brückl, T. M., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Schneider, S. & Lieb, R. (2007). Childhood separation anxiety and the risk of subsequent psychopathology: Results from a community study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 76(1), 47-56.

Härter, M., Baumeister, H., Reuter, K., Jacobi, F., Höfler, M., Bengel, J. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2007). Increased 12-month prevalence rates of mental disorders in patients with chronic somatic diseases. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 76(6), 354-360.

Höfler, M. (2007). Kausalität und Bias in epidemiologischen Studien. Dissertation, Universität, Fakultät für Psychologie, Basel.

Höfler, M., Brückl, T., Bittner, A. & Lieb, R. (2007). Visualizing multivariate dependencies with association chain graphs. Methodology, 3(1), 24-34.

Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2007). Estimating causal effects from observational data with a model for multiple bias. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 16(2), 77-87.

Ströhle, A., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Müller, A.-G., Hoyer, J., Wittchen, H.-U. & Lieb, R. (2007). Physical activity and prevalence and incidence of mental disorders in adolescents and young adults. Psychological Medicine, 37(11), 1657-1666.

Brunner, J., Bronisch, T., Pfister, H., Jacobi, F., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2006). High cholesterol, triglycerides, and body-mass index in suicide attempters. Archives of Suicide Research, 10(1), 1-9.

Hoch, E., Höfler, M., Sonntag, H., Franke, A., Mühlig, S. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2006). Are smokers in primary health care motivated to change? Sucht, 52(3), 175-186.

Lieb, R., Bronisch, T., Höfler, M., Schreier, A. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2006). Suizidalität von Müttern und das Risiko für Suizidalität der Kinder: Ergebnisse einer Allgemeinbevölkerungsstudie. Suizidprophylaxe, 33(3), 111-121.

Perkonigg, A., Pfister, H., Höfler, M., Fröhlich, C., Zimmermann, P., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2006). Substance use and substance use disorders in a community sample of adolescents and young adults: Incidence, age effects and patterns of use. European Addiction Research, 12(4), 187-196.

Perkonigg, A., Settele, A., Pfister, H., Höfler, M., Fröhlich, C., Zimmermann, P., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2006). Where have they been? Service use of regular substance users with and without abuse and dependence. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 41(6), 470-479.

Schreier, A., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Lieb, R. (2006). Clinical characteristics of major depressive disorder run in families - A community study of 933 mothers and their children. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 40(4), 283-292.

Bronisch, T., Schwender, L., Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U. & Lieb, R. (2005). Mania, hypomania, and suicidality: Findings from a prospective community study. Archives of Suicide Research, 9(3), 267-278.

Höfler, M. (2005). The effect of misclassification on the estimation of association: a review. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 14(2), 92-101.

Höfler, M., Brückl, T., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2005). Calculating control variables with age at onset data to adjust for conditions prior to exposure. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40(9), 731-736.

Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2005). The use of weights to account for non-response and drop-out. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 40(4), 291-299.

Lehnert, H., Wittchen, H.-U., Pittrow, D., Bramlage, P., Kirch, W., Böhler, S., Höfler, M. & Ritz, E. (2005). Prävalenz und Pharmakotherapie des Diabetes mellitus in der primärärztlichen Versorgung. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, 130(7), 323-328.

Lieb, R., Bronich, T., Höfler, M., Schreier, A. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2005). Maternal suicidality and risk of suicidality in offspring: Findings from a community study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(9), 1665-1671.

Perkonigg, A., Pfister, H., Stein, M. B., Höfler, M., Lieb, R., Maercker, A. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2005). Longitudinal course of posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(7), 1320-1327.

Zimmermann, P., Wittchen, H.-U., Waszak, F., Nocon, A., Höfler, M. & Lieb, R. (2005). Pathways into ecstasy use: The role of prior cannabis use and ecstasy availability. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 79(3), 331-341.

Baumeister, H., Höfler, M., Jacobi, F., Wittchen, H.-U., Bengel, J. & Härter, M. (2004). Psychische Störungen bei Patienten mit muskuloskelettalen und kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung. Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 33(1), 33-41.

Bittner, A., Goodwin, R. D., Wittchen, H.-U., Beesdo, K., Höfler, M. & Lieb, R. (2004). What characteristics of primary anxiety disorders predict subsequent major depressive disorder? Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(5), 618-626.

Bramlage, P., Wittchen, H.-U., Pittrow, D., Kirch, W., Krause, P., Lehnert, H., Unger, T., Höfler, M., Küpper, B., Dahm, S., Böhler, S. & Sharma, A. M. (2004). Recognition and management of overweight and obesity in primary care in Germany. International Journal of Obesity, 28(10), 1299-1308.

Bramlage, P., Pittrow, D., Wittchen, H.-U., Kirch, W., Boehler, S., Lehnert, H., Hoefler, M., Unger, T. & Sharma, A. M. (2004). Hypertension in overweight and obese primary care patients is highly prevalent and poorly controlled. American Journal of Hypertension, 17(10), 904-910.

Goodwin, R. D., Lieb, R., Hoefler, M., Pfister, H., Bittner, A., Beesdo, K. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2004). Panic attack as a risk factor for severe psychopathology. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(12), 2207-2214.

Hoch, E., Muehlig, S., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2004). How prevalent is smoking and nicotine dependence in primary care in Germany? Addiction, 99(12), 1586-1598.

Hoch, E., Mühlig, S., Höfler, M., Sonntag, H., Pittrow, D. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2004). Raucherentwöhnung in der primärärztlichen Versorgung: Ziele, Design und Methoden der "Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SINICAS)"-Studie. Suchtmedizin in Forschung und Praxis, 6(1), 32-46.

Höfler, M. (2004). Statistik in der Epidemiologie psychischer Störungen. Berlin: Springer.

Jacobi, F., Wittchen, H.-U., Hölting, C., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Müller, N. & Lieb, R. (2004). Prevalence, co-morbidity and correlates of mental disorders in the general population: results from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (GHS). Psychological Medicine, 34, 597-611.

Pittrow, D., Kirch, W., Bramlage, P., Lehnert, H., Höfler, M., Unger, T., Sharma, A. M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2004). Patterns of antihypertensive drug utilization in primary care. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60, 135-142.

Sharma, A. M., Wittchen, H.-U., Kirch, W., Pittrow, D., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Tschöpe, D., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Bramlage, P. & Unger, T. (2004). High prevalence and poor control of hypertension in primary care: cross-sectional study. Journal of Hypertension, 22, 479-486.

Steckelings, U. M., Stoppelhaar, M., Sharma, A. M., Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Küpper, B., Kirch, W., Pittrow, D., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Tschöpe, D., Höfler, M., Pfister, H. & Unger, T. (2004). HYDRA: Possible determinants of unsatisfactory hypertension control in German primary care patients. Blood Pressure, 13, 80-88.

Wagner, N., Pittrow, D., Kirch, W., Küpper, B., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Bramlage, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2004). Leitlinienorientierung deutscher Hausärzte bei der Diagnostik und Therapie der arteriellen Hypertonie und des Diabetes mellitus. Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, 49, 261-268.

Höfler, M., Wittchen, H.-U., Lieb, R., Hoyer, J. & Friis, R. H. (2003). Association chain graphs: modelling etiological pathways. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 12(2), 77-84.

Isensee, B., Wittchen, H.-U., Stein, M. B., Höfler, M. & Lieb, R. (2003). Smoking increases the risk of panic. Findings from a prospective community study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(7), 692-700.

Korali, Z., Wittchen, H. U., Pfister, H., Höfler, M., Oefelein, W. & Stalla, G. K. (2003). Are patients with pituitary adenomas at an increased risk of mental disorders? Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107, 60-68.

Krause, P., Wittchen, H.-U., Küpper, B., Pittrow, D., Unger, T., Sharma, A. M., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Tschöpe, D., Kirch, W., Pfister, H., Bramlage, P. & Höfler, M. (2003). Wie beurteilen Ärzte ihre Versorgungspraxis bei Diabetes mellitus und arterieller Hypertonie? Die "Hypertension and Diabetes Risk Screening and Awareness-(HYDRA)"-Vorstudie. Fortschritte der Medizin, 121(Sonderheft 1), 12-18.

Muehlig, S., Hoch, E., Hoefler, M., Pittrow, D. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Aims, design and methods of the Smoking and Nicotine Dependence Awareness and Screening (SNICAS) study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 12(4), 208-228.

Mühlig, S., Hagenau, K., Hoch, E., Sonntag, H., Hacker, J., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Raucherentwöhnung in der primärärztlichen Praxis. Einstellungen, Therapieerfahrungen und therapeutische Präferenzen von Hausärzten. Suchttherapie, 1, 18-25.

Pittrow, D., Krause, P., Bramlage, P., Küpper, B., Höfler, M., Kirch, W. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Prävalenz und Schweregrad von arterieller Hypertonie und Diabetes mellitus in der hausärztlichen Praxis. ein unterschätztes Problem. Journal für Hypertonie, 7(4), 7-11.

Schulte, B., Schäfer, I., Reimer, J., Ulmer, A., Reymann, G., Mühlig, S., Hagenau, K., Hoch, E., Sonntag, H., Hacker, J., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Themenschwerpunkt: Suchtmedizinische Grundversorgung. (Mit 4 Einzelbeiträgen). Suchttherapie, 4(Supplement 1), S3-S25.

van Niekerk, C., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Schütz, C. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Dissozialität bei Ecstasykonsumenten. Sucht, 49(5), 280-291.

Wagner, N., Pittrow, D., Kirch, W., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Krause, P., Küpper, B., Höfler, M., Unger, T., Tschoepe, D., Sharma, A., Bramlage, P. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2003). Der kardiovaskuläre Hochrisikopatient in der primär-ärztlichen Versorgung. die HYDRA-Studie. Journal für Kardiologie, 10(7-8), 311-313.

Wagner, N., Maywald, U., Pittrow, D., Wittchen, H.-U., Küpper, B., Höfler, M., Krause, P., Bramlage, P. & Kirch, W. (2003). Der Arzneimittelgebrauch und die Compliance von Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus in der Allgemeinarztpraxis nach Arztangaben. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitswissenschaften, 11(4), 337-347.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Küpper, B., Pittrow, D., Bramlage, P., Unger, T., Sharma, A. M., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Tschöpe, D. & Kirch, W. (2003). Ziel, Design und Methodik der "Hypertension and Diabetes Risk Screening and Awareness"-(HYDRA)-Studie. Fortschritte der Medizin, 121(Sonderheft 1), 2-11.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Tschöpe, D., Kirch, W., Pittrow, D., Sharma, A. M., Bramlage, P., Küpper, B. & Unger, T. (2003). Arterielle Hypertonie, Diabetes mellitus und assoziierte Erkrankungen in der Allgemeinarztpraxis. Größenordnung und Indikatoren der Belastung und der Versorgungsqualität. Fortschritte der Medizin, 121(Sonderheft 1), 19-27.

Wittchen, H.-U., Ritz, E., Göke, B., Lehnert, H., Kirch, W., Pittrow, D., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Unger, T., Bramlage, P., Tschöpe, D. & Sharma, A. (2003). Diabetiker mit erhöhtem Blutdruck in der Hausarztpraxis. 38 % haben bereits eine Mikroalbuminurie! Fortschritte der Medizin, 145(5), 43-45.

Zimmermann, P., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Kessler, R. C. & Lieb, R. (2003). Primary anxiety disorders and the development of subsequent alcohol use disorders: a 4-year community study of adolescents and young adults. Psychological Medicine, 33, 1211-1222.

Jacobi, F., Höfler, M., Meister, W. & Wittchen, H. U. (2002). Prävalenz, Erkennens- und Verschreibungsverhalten bei depressiven Syndromen. Eine bundesdeutsche Hausarztstudie. Der Nervenarzt, 73(7), 651-658.

Jacobi, F., Wittchen, H.-U., Hölting, C., Sommer, S., Lieb, R., Höfler, M. & Pfister, H. (2002). Estimating the prevalence of mental and somatic disorders in the community: aims and methods of the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 11(1), 1-18.

Lieb, R., Merikangas, K. R., Höfler, M., Pfister, H., Isensee, B. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). Parental alcohol use disorders and alcohol use and disorders in offspring: a community study. Psychological Medicine, 32, 63-78.

Lieb, R., Isensee, B., Höfler, M., Pfister, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). Parental major depression and the risk of depression and other mental disorders in offspring. A prospective-longitudinal community study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59, 365-374.

Lieb, R., Isensee, B., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). Parental depression and depression in offspring: evidence for familial characteristics and subtypes? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 36, 237-246.

Lieb, R., Zimmermann, P., Friis, R. H., Höfler, M., Tholen, S. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). The natural course of DSM-IV somatoform disorders and syndromes among adolescents and young adults: a prospective-longitudinal community study. European Psychiatry, 17, 321-331.

Stein, M. B., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Lieb, R., Pfister, H., Maercker, A. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). Patterns of incidence and psychiatric risk factors for traumatic events. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 11(4), 143-153.

von Sydow, K., Lieb, R., Pfister, H., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). Use, abuse and dependence of ecstasy and related drugs in adolescents and young adults - a transient phenomenon? Results from a longitudinal community study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 66, 147-159.

von Sydow, K., Lieb, R., Pfister, H., Höfler, M. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2002). What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 68, 49-64.

Wittchen, H.-U., Kessler, R. C., Beesdo, K., Krause, P., Höfler, M. & Hoyer, J. (2002). Generalized anxiety and depression in primary care: Prevalence, recognition, and management. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 63, 24-34.

Hoyer, J., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Beesdo, K. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2001). Wann und wie gut erkennt der Hausarzt Generalisierte Angststörungen und Depressionen? Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(Supplement 1), 26-35.

Krause, P., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Winter, S., Spiegel, B. & Pfister, H. (2001). Generalisierte Angst und Depression in der Allgemeinarztpraxis (GAD-P): Studiendesign und Methodik. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(Sonderheft 1), 5-12.

Lieb, R., Isensee, B., Höfler, M., Pfister, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2001). Elterliche Alkoholbelastung und die Entwicklung von Suchtproblemen bei ihren Kindern - Ergebnisse der prospektiv-longitudinalen EDSP-Studie. Suchttherapie, 2(3), 125-136.

Stein, M. B., Fuetsch, M., Müller, N., Höfler, M., Lieb, R. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2001). Social anxiety disorder and the risk of depression. A prospective community study of adolescents and young adults. Archives of General Psychiatry, 58(3), 251-256.

von Sydow, K., Lieb, R., Pfister, H., Höfler, M., Sonntag, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2001). The natural course of cannabis use, abuse and dependence over four years: a longitudinal community study of adolescents and young adults. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 64, 347-361.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M. & Meister, W. (2001). Prevalence and recognition of depressive syndromes in German primary care settings: poorly recognized and treated? International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 16, 121-135.

Wittchen, H.-U., Hoyer, J., Höfler, M. & Krause, P. (2001). Hausärztliche Interventionen und Verschreibungsverhalten. Ergebnisse der GAD-P-Studie. Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(Supplement 1), 36-41.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Pittrow, D., Winter, S., Spiegel, B., Hajak, G., Riemann, D., Steiger, A. & Pfister, H. (2001). Fehldiagnose bei jedem zweiten Patienten? Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift-Fortschritte der Medizin, 143(5), 43-44.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Pittrow, D., Winter, S., Spiegel, B., Hajak, G., Riemann, D., Steiger, A. & Pfister, H. (2001). NISAS-2000: Die "Nationwide Insomia Screening and Awareness Study". Prävalenz und Verschreibungsverhalten in der allgemeinärztlichen Versorgung. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(1), 9-19.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Winter, S., Spiegel, B., Hajak, G., Riemann, D., Pittrow, D., Steiger, A. & Pfister, H. (2001). NISAS-2000 - die "Nationwide Insomnia Screening and Awareness Study". Insomnien und Schlafstörungen in der allgemeinärztlichen Versorgung. Nervenheilkunde, 20(1), 4-16.

Wittchen, H.-U., Krause, P., Hoyer, J., Beesdo, K., Jacobi, F., Höfler, M. & Winter, S. (2001). Prävalenz und Korrelate Generalisierter Angststörungen in der Allgemeinarztpraxis. Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(Supplement 1), 17-25.

Wittchen, H.-U., Linden, M., Schwarzer, W., Riemann, D., Boerner, R. J., Bandelow, B., Krause, P., Höfler, M., Winter, S., Spiegel, B., Pfister, H., Beesdo, K., Hoyer, J. & Jacobi, F. (2001). Themenschwerpunkt: GAD-P-Studie. Bundesweite Studie "Generalisierte Angst und Depression im primärärztlichen Bereich". (Mit 7 Einzelbeiträgen). Fortschritte der Medizin, 119(Sonderheft 1), 1-49.

Lieb, R., Schuster, P., Pfister, H., Fuetsch, M., Höfler, M., Isensee, B., Müller, N., Sonntag, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (2000). Epidemiologie des Konsums, Missbrauchs und der Abhängigkeit von legalen und illegalen Drogen bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen: Die prospektiv-longitudinale Verlaufsstudie EDSP. Sucht, 46(1), 18-31.

Lieb, R., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Fuetsch, M., Stein, M. B. & Merikangas, K. R. (2000). Parental psychopathology, parenting styles, and the risk of social phobia in offspring. A prospective-longitudinal community study. Archives of General Psychiatry, 57(9), 859-866.

Sonntag, H., Wittchen, H. U., Höfler, M., Kessler, R. C. & Stein, M. B. (2000). Are social fears and DSM-IV social anxiety disorder associated with smoking and nicotine dependence in adolescents and young adults? European Psychiatry, 15(1), 67-74.

Winter, S., Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Spiegel, B., Ormel, H., Müller, N. & Pfister, H. (2000). Design und Methoden der Studie "Depression 2000". Charakteristik der teilnehmenden Ärzte und Patienten. Fortschritte der Medizin, 118(Supplement 1), 11-21.

Wittchen, H.-U., Winter, S., Höfler, M., Spiegel, B., Ormel, H., Müller, N. & Pfister, H. (2000). Häufigkeit und Erkennungsrate von Depressionen in der hausärztlichen Praxis. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin, 22-30.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M. & Meister, W. (2000). Depressionen in der Allgemeinarztpraxis. Die bundesweite Depressionsstudie. Stuttgart: Schattauer.

Höfler, M., Lieb, R., Perkonigg, A., Schuster, P., Sonntag, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (1999). Covariates of cannabis use progression in a representative population sample of adolescents: a prospective examination of vulnerability and risk factors. Addiction, 94(11), 1679-1694.

Perkonigg, A., Lieb, R., Höfler, M., Schuster, P., Sonntag, H. & Wittchen, H.-U. (1999). Patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence over time: incidence, progression and stability in a sample of 1228 adolescents. Addiction, 94(11), 1663-1678.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Gander, F., Pfister, H., Storz, S., Üstün, B., Müller, N. & Kessler, R. C. (1999). Screening for mental disorders: Performance of the Composite International Diagnostic-Screener (CID-S) in a community sample. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 8(2), 59-70.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M. & Merikangas, K. (1999). Toward the identification of core psychopathological processes? Archives of General Psychiatry, 56(10), 929-931.

Lieb, R., Schuster, P., Pfister, H., Wunderlich, U., Holly, A., Mastaler, M., Sonntag, H., Gander, F., Höfler, M., Lachner, G., Perkonigg, A., Garczynski, E., Türk, D. & Wittchen, H.-U. (1998). Projects 2 and 3: Vulnerability and protective factors in early developmental stages of substance use disorders. European Addiction Research, 206-207.

Wittchen, H.-U., Höfler, M., Perkonigg, A., Sonntag, H. & Lieb, R. (1998). Wie stabil sind Drogenkonsum und das Auftreten klinisch-diagnostisch relevanter Missbrauchs- und Abhängigkeitsstadien bei Jugendlichen? Eine epidemiologische Studie am Beispiel von Cannnabis. Kindheit und Entwicklung, 7(4), 188-198.

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Katja Trillitzsch
Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID)
Universitätsring 15,
54296 Trier
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